Ch 5: EAH Overblot Students!

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Night Raven College.

It been a few days since Riddle Overblot and things been peaceful.

However several students from Ever After High went overblot only for them to be stop by Arawn.

Flashback 1:

The first to overblot was Blondie Lockes who snap at everyone when she feel jealous over Vil having more followers than her.


Her Overblot appearance is a monstreous fusion of goldylockes with bear features and wearing a broken crown.

Despite her transformation she was easily taken down by Arawn.

Arawn: "Geez are you Ever After High students ain't used to your magic?" He said then leave while Blondie is taken care by her friends.

End of Flashback 1.

Flashback 2:

The second to Overblot is Duchess Swann who suffer because of Milton saying your destiny would follow you whenever you like it or not.

Thus when she was in the garden she snap when A few students of EAH comment on Destiny.

Duchess Swann: "Oh yes, right! “you don’t have to worry about your future” you say, “the horrible stuff will not happen” you say! OF COURSE YOU WOULD SAY THAT IT SO EASY FOR YOU TO SAY IT! You get to live your lives totally carefree being happy and all that jazz! Trying to preach me like you know how I feel! WELL FLASH NEWS YOU DON’T! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO GROW UP KNOWING YOU’RE DESTINED TO DIE OR TO BE CURSED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE CONSTENTLY SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE WHO BRAG ABOUT THEIR OH SO AMAZING AND HAPPY DESTINY WHEN YOUR IS NOTHING BUT PAIN AND LONELINESS! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO FEEL LIKE THE WORLD IS TRYING TO DO EVERYTHING IT CAN TO CONSTENTLY REMIND YOU YOU’RE DESTINED TO BE MISERABLE AND ALONE LIKE HAVING THE ONE PERSON WHO YOU THINK WAS YOUR FRIEND CUT YOU OUT AND ABANDONING YOU! AND YOU CERTAINLY DON’T KNOW WHAT IT LIKE THAT EVEN AFTER THINGS SEEMED TO HAD CHANGED YOU’RE STILL AFRAID THAT WHAT YOU WERE DESTINED TO STILL HAPPEN, THROWING YOU IN A ENDLESS CYCLE OF FEAR! Well if I’m really destined to be alone in the end I rather anticipate it and spend the rest of my existence in this lake all alone rather than having it happen to me by surprise! So now do me a favor and leave me alone! You hear me? GET LOST!” she said.

Her overblot appearance is a horrific version of the Swann Princess with her feathers being black instead of white.

Yet despite her transformation she lose to Arawn who was sun tanning above the Garden.

Arawn: "Good Grief. You EAH students got a lot of negativity" he said then leave.

End of Flashback 2.

Flashback 3:

The third to Overblot is Briar Beauty who afraid of losing her friends but what really shock her is that she is a descendant to The Thorn Fairy aka Maleficent.

An: don't ask me how.

True she isn't horrified or afraid of faes but in her mind she is nervous and scared. When she got sorted into Diasomnia she try hiding her panic by smiling and being polite.

However as she stood in front of the Thorn Fairy statue she broke down into tears.

Briar Beauty: "I'm nothing but a disgrace! Who would be friends with me that will sleep for 100 years!" She said.

Her overblot appearance is a eldrich fusion of the Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent.

It actually took Arawn a few hits to knock her out which impressed him.

Arawn: "Yara Yara Daze. Despite you being a descendants of both you sure can be powerful" he said then leave as Briar friends rush her to the nurse office.

End of Flashback 3.

Flashback 4:

The fourth to overblot is Daring Charming who was questioning his destiny.

See he believes he is Apple White prince since they grow up together but when he transfers to NRC he begin to question his reality.

Plus the fact he was powerless and terrified against Overblot Apple makes him realize that being a prince is much more difficult than what he was taught.

So when he was sorted into SavanaClaw he was shocked to learn that he have a beast form.

Thus for the next few days he begin to question his life and destiny then realized that he is the beast in Beauty and the Beast which cause him to panic.

Daring Charming: "I am supposed to be the king! But now I am curse to forever be a beast!" He said then roar like a bear.

His overblot appearance is a shattered version of a beast wearing royalty clothes.

Same to what happened to Briar Beauty it took a few shots of Arawn using his magic to take Daring down.

Arawn: "Geez it took me a bit longer but thankfully you EAH students don't have a lot of magic manifest compared to us NRC students" he said then leave.

End of Flashback 4.

An: many Overblots above were created by SayuriFanficWorld on AO3 so check out the writer story.

Final Flashback:

Finally is Hunter Huntsman who is worried about his relationship with Ashlynn Ella since many guys been checking her out.

So when one of the SavanaClaw student ask her out he snap and got in front of Ella.

Hunter: "She is mine girlfriend! So stay away from her!" He said.

His Overblot appearance is a horrifying fusion of a huntsman and lumberjack with a dark crossbow.

This time it took a few seconds for Arawn to stop this overblot.

Arawn: "At least no one was harm" he said referring to the fact that a range Overblot was created.

Thus he leave while Ella and Hunter friends take Hunter to the nurse office.

Final Flashback end.

Sadly Arawn day is not great as he is in Dire office as he have six black stones on the desk.

Dire Crowley: "This is bad. Five students from Ever After High have Overblot under my watch! How can I be such a terrible headmage" he said.

Arawn: "Well be glad that I took care of the messes otherwise those five including Apple would die" he said which Dire Crowley sigh.

Dire Crowley: "True but now we got a bigger problem. These Blot stones are much bigger than the normal Blot stones that are normally drop" he said.

Arawn: "Probably because their dimension is raw with magic? Only a theory since I noticed that magic is different from there" he said.

Dire Crowley: "Maybe. Also are you resting and eating well? After all two weeks of nonstop magic against overblot isn't healthy especially since you're a demon" he said which Arawn chuckle.

Arawn: "I'm fine after all I only been using a small amount of magic unlike Malleus who goes overboard" he said which Dire Crowley chuckle nervously.

Dire Crowley: "True but even you can see why I'm worried. Unlike Malleus you have more emotions than any demon in history especially since your the next Black God" he said.

Arawn: "True. Welp see you later headmage" he said then leave while Dire Crowley send the Blot Stones to Styx.

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