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Ever After High.

Male Narrator: "Here we are Ever After High home to fairy tale children" the male narrator said.

Female Narrator: "Indeed and it here we see Raven Queen future Evil Queen walking in the forest. In the morning?" the female narrator said as both her voice and her husband voice went quiet.

Currently in the Enchanted Forest is Raven Queen who is wiping her tears due to the fact she been treated as a outcast almost by everyone. All because she refuses to be the evil queen like her mother was.

Thus when she woke up she ran out of her dorm before anyone else and ran into the forest crying.

It wasn't long until she discovered that she is deep in the forest which frighten her slightly since she lost her way back to campus.

Raven Queen: "I hope my friends ain't worried about me" she said.

???: "Oh I bet they are since you're skipping school" a male voice spoke surprising Raven as she look around.

Then she look up only to gasp when she sees a handsome man with devilish wings and horns.

Raven: "Who are you?" She said a bit afraid since demons ain't common around Ever After High.

Arawn: "Called me Arawn, Arawn Black and I must since your negative emotions sure is toxic which is a surprise as you could Overblot" he said confusing her.

Raven: "What do you mean?" She said surprising him.

Arawn: "Didn't your Headmaster tell you? Overblot is when you overuse your magic and let their negative emotion overwhelm you" he said shocking her.

Raven: "You're lying" she said which Arawn growl and flew down to the ground which make Raven realize how big and tall Arawn is against her.

Arawn: "I am many things but a liar I am not. In fact why don't I show you a place that will make you question your so call reality" he said then show a mirror.

Suddenly darkness surround both of them shocking Raven as the mirror pull Raven in.

Raven: "Where are we going?!" She said while Arawn smirk.

Arawn: "Twisted Wonderland" he said then both himself and Raven vanish into the mirror that soon vanish too.

Mirror Chamber.

Inside the Mirror Chamber there is many coffins when suddenly the mirror glow then both Arawn and Raven came out of the mirror.

Although Arawn landed perfectly Raven face ground into the floor which Arawn wince a bit.

Raven: "Ow that hurts!" She said getting up and glaring at Arawn who smirk.

Arawn: "You'll heal anyway welcome to the Mirror Chamber" he said confusing Raven until she notices her surroundings.

Raven: "What the hex! This ain't Ever After High!" She said completely baffled.

Suddenly the door slam open which Arawn sigh while Raven look at the door in confusion.

Arawn: "Ah Headmage! I'm surprised you're up at this time" he said looking at the person who enter the room.

Headmage: "Arawn! How many times do I have to tell you! Not to use the Dark Mirror as a portal!" He said which Arawn fake yawn.

Arawn: "It fun besides it ain't hurting the artifact" he said.

Headmage: "Doesn't matter! You're one of the greatest mage in Night Raven College! Especially since you're a Junior!" He said which Arawn yawn.

Arawn: "True but I was bored especially since you allowed a none magical person and a monster into the school as students" he said which Headmage flinch slightly.

Raven: "Um what?" She ask which caught Headmage attention.

Headmage: "You bring a girl into the boys academy!" He said completely shock.

Arawn: "Correction. I bring a descendant of the Great Seven into our world" he said catching Headmage attention while Raven is confused.

Headmage: "Truly?" He said looking at Raven with interested.

Arawn: "Yup although she doesn't know about this academy due to the fact she is from another world where people care about their destinies" he said which Headmage frown.

Headmage: "I see well what is your name young lady?" He said which Raven look conflicted until she sigh.

Raven: "I am Raven Queen" she said which Headmage nod.

Crowley: "I am headmage Dire Crowley. And I must say it's an honor to meet the descendant of the Fairest Queen's" he said confusing her.

Arawn: "Remember different world so in your world she is seem as evil but in our world she is seen as the Fairest Queen" he said which Raven nod.

Raven: "But why did you bring me here?" She said which Arawn rolls his eyes.

Arawn: "To bring you away from that academy as clearly you would Overblot if you ain't giving the right treatment" he said shocking Crowley.

Crowley: "What! Explain" he said completely worried which Raven sigh then explained.

A few minutes later.

Raven: "And here we are" she said then notice how Arawn glaring while Crowley is holding his cane tightly.

Crowley: "Clearly this headmaster is focus more on the stories rather than students safety" he said.

Arawn: "Agree thus why I suggest Raven enrolled here as clearly she is suffering due to pressure and ain't been treated kindly" he said surprising the two.

Raven: "What, why?" She said confuse.

Arawn: "Do you truly feel happy at that school?" He said which Raven thought about it.

True she have friends but everyone else treats her as a outcast due to her rejecting her destiny.

Raven: "Is it possible to enrolled here despite it being an Boys academy?" she said which Arawn whispered something to Crowley.

Arawn: "If you convince the board to make this school co ed then we get the chance to beat our rival school" he said which Crowley thought about it then chuckle.

Crowley: "No fear miss Queen as I can pull a few strings to make the school Co ed" he said which cause Raven to smile.

Suddenly she frown as she remember something.

Raven: "I need to talk to my father as he is the one who can enrolled me into another school" she said which Arawn chuckle.

Arawn: "I can bring Crowley since he will convince your father quite easily" he said which Raven thought then shrugged her shoulders.

Raven: "Alright" She said then the three travel to Ever After High.

A few hours later.

It wasn't long until the Good King enrolled his daughter into Night Raven College despite Milton trying to convince him.

But both Arawn and Crowley evidence of Raven being pressured and neglected by both Apple and Milton himself into her signing a book all because of dumb reasons.

However upon returning to Night Raven College it appears that the seven Housewardens and Ramshackle Prefect Yu have gathered in the Mirror Chamber.

An: Arawn told Raven who the Housewardens and Prefect.

Crowley: "Ah guess my message can travel to other worlds" he said happy.

Arawn: "despite the fact Malleus ain't here" he said which everyone sweatdrop.

Lilia: "Thus why I am here in his place" he said.

Leona: "So what this meeting about?" He said yawning.

Crowley: "Simple. Night Raven College gonna have it first girl student enrolling here especially one from the Great Seven families" he said surprising everyone.

Azul: "Truly?" He said a bit amazed.

Kalim: "Oh! This is truly amazing" he said a bit happy.

Idia (Tablet): "This is interesting" he said through a tablet that is floating.

Riddle: "A descendant of the Great Seven?" He said finding this interesting.

The only one who is speechless is Vil who is looking at Raven with shock all over his face.

Yu: "Guess I'm not the only freshman that is popular" he said.

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