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❝Sometimes laughter is not always the best medicine,

It can also be the best disguise.❞

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪɪ

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I wake up half an hour before the plane lands.

I glance at my phone and see that it is early in the morning.

7:42 AM, to be exact.

I prep for landing and browse through some apps on my phone while I wait.

The plane landed quite smoothly, not a surprise from highly trained private jet pilots.

I thank the pilots and exit the plane with all my bags.

The airport was fairly large, and it took quite a while for me to find my way out.

I walked into the Kalosian sunshine for the first time and gazed at the surrounding buildings along with the ocean horizon in the west.

So this is what Kalos looks like. I think in my head as I strode down the sidewalk and towards the tram labeled, "University of Kalos".

The tram was quite empty, with the exception of a few students here and there, since it was still summer.

I take a seat and lay down my bags, as they're quite heavy.

A TV screen grabs my attention.

A newscast was reporting live at the royal Kalosian Palace.

I could see hundreds, no thousands of people crowding outside the palace in the background.

Are they all going to attend the party? Wow...

The reporter coincidentally answers my thought.

"Only the newly invited students of the Kalos University are allowed to enter the Palace, so we regret to inform you that we will not be able to film inside of the palace."

Well, that answers my question.

Good, I don't want to be attending a party with thousands of people screaming their heads off.

After a while of daydreaming and browsing apps on my phone, the tram reaches the university.

I step off and stretch, all the while glancing at the large campus of the university.

By large I mean MONUMENTAL.

I've never seen a campus this huge in my life!

And don't even ask about the decorations.

A large body of water, I guess you could call it a lake, spanned the back of the campus, with small waterfalls connecting the school with the lake to enhance the buildings even more throughout all the greenery.

Hedges shaped like different animals littered the front courtyard of the university and were so maintained and well cut that you could tell what animal they resembled from a mile away.

Finally, a fancy water fountain was located in the center of the beautiful courtyard.

I didn't really care much about the decor, but I had to admit that I was surprised at the size of the campus.

My thoughts were thrown out of my head as a person collides into me, sending my bags in different directions as well as sending me straight towards the ground.

I painfully rub the back of my head after hitting the concrete path.

"Ohmigosh, I'm so sorry!" The stranger says, holding out her hand.

I don't take it.

"It's alright," I say, getting up on my own and brushing off the dirt from my shirt.

I get a clear look at her, and she gives me a smile.

"Sorry for the rude introduction, I'm Bianca. And who might you be?" She says, once again holding out her hand.

I give her a fake smile.

"I'm Ash. Nice to meet you." I say, and we chat for a bit before she heads off.

After nearly an hour of being lost and wandering around the campus, I finally reach the dorm building.

Why make a university so large when your students can't even find their way across? I just don't get it...

I enter the building and immediately sigh in exhaustion.

After being in the heat for almost an hour, walking into a cool and air-conditioned building is one of the best feelings in the world.

I relax and walk up to speak to the lady at the front desk.

She greets me with a smile.

"Oh hello there! Do you need help?"

I nod.

"I'm Ash Ketchum, and I would like to see which dorm I'm assigned to."

"Oh, of course! Pardon me, but what was your name again?" She says, glancing at her computer and back to me for my name.

"Ash Ketchum. Ash as in A-S-H and Ketchum as in K-E-T-C-H-U-M." I say, all the while impatiently tapping my foot on the marble floor.

"Alright, Ash Ketchum, your room is on the third and last floor, at room C21." She says, handing me a room card.

A room card? Not a key?


"Thanks," I say, taking the card and placing it inside my pocket.

"No problem!" I hear her reply behind me as I stroll into the elevators.

The ride up to the third floor was pretty quick, and I got to my dorm room in no time.

I slowly insert my card into the keycard lock and unlock the door.

A small beep and a satisfying "kerchunk" from the door unlocking itself followed, and I pushed the door open.

I ambled inside and exhaustedly dropped my luggage on the floor.

Woah. This dorm room is luxurious! I wouldn't even call it a dorm, more like a hotel suite than anything.

But walking around aimlessly for an hour sure gets you tired as heck.

I head towards the bathroom to get cleaned up but suddenly trip over a small bag on the ground.

A moment of stumbling and cursing followed, and I painfully got back up from the fall.

A female voice from my right made me flinch in fear and surprise.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my dorm?!" she demands, and I turn my head to see a silhouette in the darkness of the mini-kitchen.

I suddenly hear a heavy object being picked up from a table.

She then starts walking forward.

The girl stops in her tracks to reveal a dark-pink barrel of an X-26C Taser pointed straight at me.

"Answer me, because I'm not afraid of defending myself."

I answer as quickly and as clearly as I could.

"M-My name is Ash, and I was just looking for my dorm room! This is C21, right? Or am I wrong?" I say, turning my head away from her and gritting my teeth in preparation for a tase.

A moment of silence followed instead, and after a while, I heard a giggle.

The giggling turned into a chuckle.

And the chuckle turned into laughter.

I turned my head back to her in confusion.

She puts her weapon of self-defence away and steps out of the shadows to reveal her honey-blonde hair and pretty cerulean blue eyes.

Wait...did I just call her eyes "pretty"?

Why am I thinking like this all of a sudden?! Stupid hormones.

She recovers from her fit of laughter and answers my confusion.

"Hehe, you must be Ash Ketchum, my roommate, right?"

My eyes widen in surprise.

I have a roommate?! A female roommate at that?!

Why would they pair up students of the opposite gender in a dorm?!

I slowly nod to answer her question.

She giggles and begins to speak again.

"Your crazy entrance made me think that a thief broke in, so I had to bring up my taser! I'm sorry!" she says, breaking into another fit of laughter.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Sere-Serry! Yeah, I'm Serry, nice to meet you!" she stutters, holding out her hand.

"I'm Ash..." I say slowly and suspiciously as we handshake.

Why in the world is she so nervous? And why does she seem so... familiar?

I shake my thoughts out of my head and collect myself as we begin to chat about the university and the upcoming party this evening.

After a while of casual chatting, Serry says that she has an appointment to go to before attending the party, and leaves our dorm.

Hmph. Well, back to being alone.

I relax on my bed and play a couple video games on my phone before glancing at the time and decide that it's time to change for the party.

I unload all of my luggage and grab a blue suit from one of my bags.

Hey, I personally don't like to be formal, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I head to the bathroom to take a warm shower, all the while thinking how much better my life has gotten since graduating from Kanto and leaving my idiot enemies.

Maybe university isn't so bad after all.

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ᴇɴᴅ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪɪ

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Author's Note

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Chapters are taking a while to write now :/
Anyways I'm enjoying my time at the Carribean! Humid but fun!
Have a good one!

- Squash

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