Everything has a beginning ...

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I am Lilith. The first time I meet him through the famous social media app called Facebook, I never intended to fall in love with him.  

I wasn't a talker. Or a pretty girl. People always laugh and stare. Call me names and harass me when they like it. It's just my eyes and hair that attract people towards me. So when I first saw the notification of his, wanting to be friends with me, I accept it without a second thought. 

We never reach each other at first. He was just a normal guy like the rest of my internet friends. We like each other's posts and comment from time to time. And that was it. There wasn't direct contact.

Then one day he reached out to me. I remember the exact words of him, He was just being friendly. It was a mere 'Hey, girl. Are you okay?' text. But it speaks thousands of words to my heart. I was going through a hard time losing a family member who was a very close person to me. I clearly remember the day as it was like yesterday.

I was bullied at school and a person who never encountered any friends. My only interaction with outsiders is with the people from Facebook. Since I'm an introvert, I remain myself from engaging in any interaction with anyone, just keeping it to myself. 

Not because I don't want to. I didn't know how, I was afraid of getting rejected. But that day, I feel connected to him more than anyone I have encountered in my life.

Maybe it was fate that brings us together because the moment I respond to him back, I realized I found a keeper. I believe that everything has a beginning, and this is how my story started with him. 



I won't take much of your time, so please read this carefully. This is going to be something different from my other works. It's going to be a short love story. I'm very well aware that my English isn't the very best. But I'm trying here. So I hope you give me a chance. I'd very much like to hear your thoughts. Be my guest and feel free to comment on your ideas. And if you really like what I wrote here, do me a favour and put a like on the chapter before leaving.  

Thank you for dropping by. I'm sorry If I waste your precious time. 

Take care! 



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