chapter 15

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Waking up I felt happy for some reason, and hungry, really really hungry. I heard a noise and stared quizzically around the room to see Xavier in the doorway, 'sounds like it's feeding time for the masses' he smirked at me, 'Yum', I jumped up enthusiastically, I could get on that.

Heading downstairs I realised what he meant - the full extent of his pack were gathered around the table eating god knows how many bowls of pasta, skipping over to the  cooker I grabbed a bowl and froze... it was all gone, every single bit....

'I win!' I heard from behind me, turning I saw them all watching my face fall at the sight of no food, 'She actually believed we ate it all' laughter rang out from the pack and I glared at them,

'So wheres mine?' I asked with a hand on my hip, 'I'm hungry, or shall I just have yours?' I pointed at the guy who had 'won' making his bowl started to float, Panicked he grappled for his bowl which made a stylish uturn just out of his reach, 'Xav, make her stop' the guy moaned as Xavier stood there laughing with a bowl brimming with food just for me,

'Yay' I smiled happily forgetting about the other bowl for a moment allowing him to retreive it from my invisible grasp, 'boo your no fun' I stated realising he had got it back, 

'aw don't pick on the little one, Adam means no harm' Xavier laughed handing me my dinner, I looked at Adam, he was far from little, I laughed realising that a girl had just stolen food from who looked like the strongest guy here, whoops. 

Grabbing some milk from the fridge I realised there wasn't any space left at the table, it seemed that Xavier realised this at the same time, looking up from his seat he laughed as I jumped 'gracefully' with a loud thud onto the table and sat crosslegged chowing down, Adam lauched a bread roll missle at me which took three attempts to reach me and not fall in the sink due to my poor catching skills, giving up I caught it with the air 'Cheat' he yelled with a laugh, not caring I shrugged and finished my dinner. Catching sight of a games console I squealed, 'oooo some one has GOT to race me on Mario Kart' jumping from the table I hurdled over the sofa in the ajoining lounge, looking back to see who'd accept my invite I saw all the guys staring at me in disbelief,

'Um, Sky, that game is seriously Lame' Xavier said shaking his head with a smile, 

'come onnnnnnn' I pleaded when a small boy piped up, 

'i'll play' He said walking over, all the guys seemed shocked,

'Hi, i'm Sky, who are you' I asked him

'Miles' he said picking up a controller and sitting beside me silently, we played for a good three hours with him winning - mostly, I got a few good firsts in there too, before I headed back to Xavier's room for a bit.

'Hey' I said to Xavier sitting on his laptop in bed, 

'Hey, have fun with Miles?' he asked, 'Have I got more competition now?' he winked,

'Na, I totally beat him... a couple of times' 

'It's good to see him socialising, he only joined a few weeks ago and hasn't really got his head around it yet, nice to see him doing something normal' Huh, I guess that was why he was so quiet, I made a mental note to become his friend around here, us newbie's gotta stick together.

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