Chapter five

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I watched in silence as Julian bit her, carving - scarring, into her the symbol of our pack, there was no way out for her now, I felt bad for being responsible in a way but at least she was safe I wouldn't let anyone hurt her.

We shifted back and carried her back to the pack house, it was now that we realised just how much bigger her wolf form was than ours, I wondered why that was...

I put her into my room and laid out some clothes on the bed, she would phase back soon I was certain of it and I know she would want some privacy. I retreated to the living room where the guys were watching football and waited anxiously for her to awake.


I felt my body phasing back and immidiately scanned the room for something to cover myself with, seeing a pile of clothes on the bed I quickly pulled them on with a sigh of relief, standing up I let out a yelp and crumpled to the floor, no sooner had I hit the floor was I pulled into someones lap, turning my head I saw it was Erik, and I felt more at home than ever before - I felt safe.

"What's wrong are you okay?" he asked frantically, reflexively I snuggled into his arms and heard him make a sound of contentment in the back of his throat,

"What's up lovely?" he questioned me in a soft voice

"My leg" I lifted up the trouser leg showing the massive bite mark, "And my side" I delecately lifted my shirt a little to reveal a symbol bitten into my side, "What the feck?!" I pulled away from him, "What have you done to me!?" I used my powers to propel him to the other side of the room using wind and shuffled painfully so my back was against the wall, putting up my hands palms facing him I used my powers to pin him against the wall when Julian entered the room.
"Jules tell her what you did" Erik said struggling to free himself from my wind trap, the rest of the pack seemed to appear by the door - onlooking.

"It was you who did all this?" I shouted angrily turning my attention to Julian.

Redirecting my hands I released Erik and used the wind to fling Julian to the wall, he took more effort but it was still easy, I had had several years to perfect using all my powers and this was jsut the simplest trick in my book. The pack gasped and looked a little afraid whereas Julian looked angry, getting a litle nervous I incereased the pressure of the wind holding him in place.

"Sky, love, let him go so he can explain" Erik said regaining his balance and walking towards me,

"Stay back else Julian goes for a fly" I caused the wind to lift him a couple of inches from the floor,

"Do as she says Erik, it's okay - she has every right to be annoyed, please set me down and I shall explain all, you have my word - the word of an Alpha is one to be trusted" He said solomly, warily I released him from my trap but stayed alert incase I needed my powers again.

"That mark I inflicted on you is the symbol of our pack, it means you are one of us so you have our protection and friendship. As you have been found to be a mate of young Erik here we had to induct you to our pack for your own good so that no other pack can take you from him, and us, and use you against us by marking you as their own.

"I am sorry but it will heal quickly as you must know werewolves have a higher rate of recovery, you being one of us is a good thing - we will teach you everything you need to know and in turn you and Erik can be together without us seeing you as a possible threat. And I am also sorry for the bite on the leg, we had to stop you running somehow"

Taking this all in I realised they had essentially marked me for there pack as Erik was my mate, again another downside of having a weakness.

Turning to Erik I asked him one simple thing "Your my mate?"

"Do you not feel it also.." He asked his face dropping into dispair,

"No I do, it's just... a weakness"

"Weakness?" He asked puzzled

"She sees having a mat eas a weakness for she has spent so long defending herself she sees having someone to care about as a way of making her vunerable" Julian chipped in as if having read my mind.

"It's not that I don't want a mate..." I trailed off

"You have nothing to worry about anymore Sky, we will protect you from now on, your safe" Erik said coming over to me and holding me close.


As I held her close I felt happier than ever before, I finally had a mate - a gorgeous one, and she was part of our pack so nothing would hurt her anymore.

"About your powers, we need to know the full extent please so that we know what to expect, as we only have a few - and they are milder versions of a couple of yours, for example the wind trick we can move smaller objects but not people, and not as easily as you seem to be able to" Jules said, I knew it was only so long before he sprang that on her, his curiosity always did get the better of him.

"Don't say anything you don't want to" I whispered low enough for only her to hear, then noticed  she was attempting to get up, helping her I sat her down on my bed smiling at her as she gave me a thankful look,

"Kay, uh well" she began.


"Kay, uh well" I began, I didn't want them to know my powers if I'm honest, it took away my advantage. After a moment of deliberation I decided to tell them most keeping one or two of my favourites under wraps incase of emergencies so to speak.

"I can control wind - as you have seen, I can hold my breath underwater for a very very long time - which isn't so much a power just useful, I can communicate with animals, there's heightened speed, I can influence some people to do as I wish roughly, I am very strong if I concentrate, I can track where anyone is at any time, I can heat things - a slight control over fire and I can control the weather" I didn't tell them the fact I can control earth, mainipulate it around me, and the fact with a lot of effort practically draining my power I can make myself become unnoticed by everyone around me - in a way invisible and lastly I can change the colour of my wolf form.

"I see" Julian said thoughtfully, "And that is all?" he asked intensely,

"Uh, yeah, that I know of so far" I said partially true, there could be more that I didn't know of yet..

"Wow.." Erik whispered in my ear,

"Well then this meeting is over, I'm sure Sky would like to have some peace and quiet people" Julian said ushering everyone out.

Standing feebly I attempted to leave the room hobbling only a few steps before beginning to collapse however Erik caught me by the waist and swung my up into his arms,

"Careful my love, I'll help you" He said so sweetly my heart melted a little, I wasn't used to being cared for in such a way,

"Thankyou Erik" I smiled instinctively giving him a kiss on the cheek which shocked us both, mumbling some sort of apology I was interrupted by him kissing me on the lips, it felt so perfect I didn't want the moment to end, I had a mate and that was how it would stay.

"Uhem" came a voice from the doorway,

"Jaimz shove off please" Erik laughed,

"Oh I'm sorry mr 'I have a mate now so I'm gunna kiss her all I want' " Jaimz replied with a wink

Embarrassed I awkwardly knocked myself from his arms allowing myself  to stand independantly, what had come over me? I was me, just me, I didn't need someone else however natural it felt...

Mumbing a brief 'goodbye' I hobbled out the door and shuffled downstairs leaving the house, I had to get home - surely they wouldn't stop me now would they?

Managing to get a few metres from the house without the thugs stopping me I assumed they were staying put, I shifted forgetting about the clothes which tore and flew in all directions, oops! sorry Erik! I awkwardly ran for my home trying not to put any weight on my right hind leg yelping every so often at the pain from Julian's damned bite.

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