Chapter three

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My pack stared in horror as I instinctively launched myself off the cliff after him holding my breath as I hit the water after he had hit the rocks and began towing his limp body still in wolf form to the riverside

No he must perish Julians voice rang out clear in my head but this feeling in my gut was overulling his authority, I continued until I managed to get us both to solid ground

Erik I am very unhappy with you, we must phase back and take the intruder to my home, there we can keep an eye on him 'till he awakes, then he has our whole pack to deal with. Julian said to us all, his orders were made and followed to the letter.

Pulling his wolf form into the cellar I locked the gate with a silver padlock - whilst wearing gloves, for silver burnt us if it touched us. Then I made my way upstairs to recieve my punishment solomly.


awaking I felt every bone - every muscle, hurting, throbbing in agony, I let out a soft whimper and realised I was still in my wolf form but where was I ?

If I hit the rocks surely I would have died? unless... They had taken me, damn, I was in for it now.

Seeing a pile of clothes left beside me I phased back quickly changing into them thankfully, although a little confused as to why they had given me clothes for a guy, making my way to a gate I saw it was bolted from the outside. Attempting to reach through the bars and find away to break the lock I grabbed hold of it "Argh fecking ouch!" I yelled out at the top of my lungs clutching my burnt hand as I crumpled to my knees.


I was on patrol for two weeks, no action, just walking around - the most boring punishment in the world "Argh fecking ouch!" we heard what we assumed to be him yelling, "Argh" I cried out grabbing at my hand causing the pack to look nervously at one another,

"Are you okay?" Julian asked me cautiously,

"Yeah just my hand, it felt like it was..burning..." 


I looked up hearing footsteps and painfully ran to hide behind a box,

"Come out, we WILL come and get you" someone called out powerfully, nervously I tied my hair up and pulled up the hood of the hoodie they had left me sheltering my face, standing up I tilted my head down peeking up through my eyelashes seeing several strong looking men wearing gloves unlock the gate and walk towards me, grabbing hold of one of my arms each they dragged me - kicking and screaming, from the room.

Stumbling up the stairs still being dragged I began to worry, this was not good, they knew what I was - but then again they too seemed to be like me, werewolves, all of them.

They pushed me to my knees infront of a man with long black hair tied back into a ponytail, I assumed he was the leading wolf I had seen earlier, taking a quick glance about me to get a rough idea of numbers a knot formed in my stomach, there were at least 10 in this room alone, there was no way I could take them.

"You have threatened our pack with your presence, and intruded our teritory, what do you have to say for yourself boy?" He spoke, when I didn't reply he stepped forwards lifting my head in a quick motion knocking off the hood allowing my hair to freely spill out about my face, they all recoiled

"She's a girl" I heard pass from person to person, I guess that explained the guy clothes

"She's my mate" A boy with gorgeous auburn hair and crystal clear blue eyes appeared from another room and walked forwards to stand beside the black haired leader, I felt my body heat up and the world around me silenced as we locked gaze.

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