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Remus walked around the mall handing out missing posters. He got annoyed for the hundredth time when someone asked if it was a prank. He sat down on a bench head in his hands. He's never going to find Roman at this point.

"Remus?" He looked up and saw Patton walking towards him keys in hand. Remus looked around and saw nobody else around quickly panicking.

"H-Hi Patton." Patton sat down. He immediately scooted away.

"I saw this..." Patton held the missing poster in his hands. "Is everything alright? What the hell happened?"

"Roman went out, and he never came home last night." Remus wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I'm sorry if I scared you showing up like this." Patton shook his head. "I know what you went through and why you all moved.... it's just that I saw the Facebook post about Roman missing and well I didn't want to just not come and help find him..." Patton pulled up a photo in some random website. "I knew you'd want to see it in person, I did some digging into you know...the dark web and I found this..." Remus wiped the tears and looked at the page in horror. "And I couldn't just send the screenshots because it alerts them when someone screenshots the page."

"There's no way that's..." Remus looked at Patton in shock. "How did you even get access to this!?"

"Well, after you told me about what my br-what janus did I looked up on his computer what websites he was using and I found this group hidden deep in his account and I just...made a fake account and got in."

"You scare me, but also do you think he's behind this also how did you find me?"

"I called your mother and she told me you'd be here, so that's why I knew where to find you."

"Why would she just tell you that!? You could have just been getting that information for your damn brother!" Remus stood up and started walking back to his car.

"Remus I would NEVER!"

"THEN WHY IS HE HERE!?" Remus spun around and glared at Patton tears in his eyes. "Why did he come for my brother? He knew where we were! He invited Roman out and bam! Hes missing!"

"Janus is here!?" Patton looked horrified. "Oh my god Remus I'm so sorry!"

"Did you even think about that? Your brother threatened my life! I was almost kidnapped and raped because of him!" Tears flowed down Remuss face. "That's why we ran away! That's why we came here! Because I'm a fucking coward! Now those men who he works for, have my brother." Remus shook as he wiped the tears from his eyes,people were watching. "Come to my place so we can talk about this?"

"Yeah, yes of course." Patton handed Remus his keys. "We can take your car. And if I do anything to make you not trust me, you can have me arrested." Remus thanked him and the two got in the car and drove to Remuss house. When they entered his mother sighed in relief.

"You almost gave me and your sisters heart attacks Remus!" Remus placed the missing posters down and threw his keys in a cup.

"Mom, I'm fine." He took his shoes off and Patton followed. "Though why my ex boyfriends brother was given my location so easily, that's another story." Remus folded his arms across his chest. "You know how dangerous he is! Why would you trust Patton wasn't going to tell him Ma!?"

"Remus, please calm down." His mother held her hands in the air.

"Ma!?" His sister Sasha looked horrified. "We ran because he was going to sell Remus and you give away his location to his BROTHER of all people?!"

"If you two stop fighting me, I can tell you why!"

"I don't want any explanation anymore." Remus hissed out. "I just want my brother safe!" Pattons phone dinged and he looked down at it and immediately closed it and turned away covering his mouth crying.

"Patton?" Sasha asked. Patton shakily opened his phone and showed Remus. Remus screamed as he fell to the floor. Sasha took the phone and handed it over to their mother who screamed horrified. Roman was just sold off to the highest bidder. And now it would be a lot harder to get him back.

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