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Remus held his arms to his chest leaning into Virgil.

"How could I have just let him go that easily! I should have gone after him maybe Janus would have taken me instead!" Tears flowed down his cheeks. "I'm who he wanted after all..."

"Yeah but you got away and you told me he threatened Roman anyway so maybe he knew if he came for you then you'd just try running again?"

"But even then he took my brother! I didn't want that!" Tears flowed down his face. "I'm so scared."

"Roman's going to be okay." Suddenly Pattons phone beeped and he looked down at it then up at Remus.

"Janus he-he knows I'm with you." Patton handed the phone to Remus.

"How?" Remus clicked the call button.

"Hello Remus."

"Where did you take him?" Remus growled out.

"I had to give them something. They were angry with me when you ran away!"

"What if I give myself over?" Remus asked.

"Remus no!" Patton screamed.

"They won't want you after what you've done Remus, they know you have a problem with running away. Your brother has seen four clients so far and not once has he made the move to run away like you would have." Remus covered his mouth in shock. "Make that five satisfied clients in the last two hours. He's working them good." He laughed.

"You pig!" Virgil screamed.

"Oh and my dear brother? You can go ahead and forget about coming to meet me. Now that I know you are with Remus there's no way I'd agree to that."

"Bastard!" Patton screamed. Tears were flowing down his face. Janus laughed.

"Damn he must be really good in bed if he got him off that quick." Janus hung up and Remus collapsed into Virgil.

"That fucking asshole!" Remus started shaking. "H-he had to have been joking! My brother would never have not tried to run off!"

"Unless we were threatened." Sasha sat next to Remus. "He cares more about us than himself Remus."


"He knows that in order to keep us out of this he has to sacrifice his own safety."

"It's ridiculous!" Remus started crying.

"Which is why you ran?" She asked. Remus looked at her shocked.

"Sasha I didn't....he...." Remus looked away. "Fuck this is my fault! I should have just let him take me now I just put all of you in danger!"

"Sasha, can you do me a favor and be more like a sister?" Patton glared at her. "He almost hurt your brother and is currently hurting the other one! The only ones safety that's of concern right now is Roman's! You guys are safe here."

"Which is why we moved away after the whole Remus telling mom and not the police thing." She folded her arms across her chest. "He's the reason Janus took Roman."

"I—" Remus stood up and left the room. Sasha was just upset! She had to be! She didn't mean what she was saying right?

"Remus?" Remus looked over at his little sisters. He smiled at them and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Hey, you two should be in bed."

"We couldn't sleep." Remus walked over and sat next to them.

"Well that's because you put on a horror movie you dorks!" Remus sat down with his sisters.

"Is Roman going to be okay?" Dee asked. Remus looked at Payton and then at Dee.

"You were both listening when momma said not to?" He asked. They nodded. Remus sighed.

"Roman's not going to get anymore hurt than he is because we'll find him okay?" They looked at eachother.

"Are you sure Janus didn't just have them kill him when he found out we knew?" Payton asked. Remus kissed his sisters forehead.

"I promise you, you two will always be safe and so will Sasha. I won't let anything happen to you." Remus pulled away and got up. "Now go to your bedrooms and get ready for bed you crazy little rugrats!" They giggled as they ran upstairs. Sasha walked in.

"You handled that pretty well." She looked Remus up and down. "Surprised you have it in you to lie to them."

"Stop it." Remus turned to face his older sister. "Roman being taken away wasn't my fault! Janus should have come for me. You were all supposed to be left out of it."

"You ran off Remus! What did you think would happen!? You told Ma he threatened our lives which is why we moved! Yet you still ran!" Tears fell down remusss face.

"I was fifteen years old Sasha!" Remus started shaking. "I was about to be sold into sex trafficking! Or slavery! I ran because I wanted mom! I wanted to be safe!" Remus walked away holding his head as he walked around. "I didnt think he'd come for us two years later!"

"He didn't come for us." Sasha walked to the door of the living room. "He only came for Roman." She left and Remus couldn't hold it together anymore, he fell to the ground and sobbed.

***a few hours later***

"Hey Remus, I hacked into a website I think you should see..." Virgil placed his laptop down. Remus wiped the tears and looked at the laptop.

"OH MY GOD!?" He looked at Virgil. "You have to bring this to the police!"

"Remus..." Virgil shook his head. "If we do, they'll just switch sites and continue doing this. We might never see Roman again."

"Let's look through it then..." Remus scrolled down staring at the screen in horror. Fifteen year olds! All young girls! He saw they had pinned videos on the page as well as some photos. He started crying as he continued to scroll stopping when he saw a photo of Roman. "Oh my god..." Virgil looked at it and covered his mouth. "No..." tears flowed down his face as he clicked it and saw how many people had already payed to see his brother. "No..."

"Remus, we can get him home safe. We just-we need someone to pay for his time." Remus looked up wiping his face.

"But who would do that to help us?" Remus asked. Virgil sighed.

"Come with me, I know who."

***half hour later***

"Why are we at the school?" Remus asked. Virgil walked into the school and Remus followed to a classroom. When they entered Virgil announced that Remus was with him.

"Why'd you bring him too?" Remus looked at the English teacher in horror and disgust.

"We need your help." Virgil put the laptop down.

"Help? With what?" She walked over to the laptop. "Homework?"

"I need you to buy time with Roman." She looked at Remus and then back at Virgil.

"Why the hell would I help like this? This could seriously get me arrested! Are you two that stupid? Also why not just go to the police?"

"Please?" Virgil asked.

"I'm already risking my neck for you kid." She closed the laptop. "Why would I even do that?"

"It's not a trap!" Virgil screamed.

"Then why'd you bring him along?" She got up from her desk. "He could run and tell the police about me and you." She stroked Virgil's cheek. "And I would get arrested."

"Please he won't." Virgil started crying. "He won't. He didn't even know until you just said something! So please...he won't go to the police!"

"Would you?" She turned to look at Remus.

"Do what?" Remus asked. She gestured at Virgil.

"Tell on me?" She pulled virgil close to her chest. "For having relations with a student?"

"No." She laughed at him. "Just please help me get Roman back and I'll leave it alone?"

"By pretending to buy his time? And then what nuckleheads!? You want me to help him escape?" She glared. "I cant without being caught."

"Please he's my brother..."

"You out." She gestured at Remus. "I need a word with Virgil."

"No." Remus glared at her. "Because if you touch him, I will go to the police."

"Virgil wouldn't let you."

"He would, because from what I can tell this relationship is being forced on him." Virgil looked at Remus shocked. "What? Didn't think I'd notice you fucking shaking in her arms right now? How long has she been forcing herself on you Virgil?" Virgil looked away.

"It's not like...." Virgil quickly looked back at the teacher then at Remus. "Can you please give us a moment Remus?"

"You get three minutes." Remus walked out of the room. His phone buzzed and he opened it looking at the text in horror.

Blocked ID: don't think I'd not get your number somehow Remus, next is your sister Sasha. Or maybe I'll take your youngest first. You did this to them.

Remus collapsed to the ground crying. Fuck!

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