Once Upon A Time, There Was Eren

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Once upon a time, there was a poor little family living in the town of Shiganshina. Carla Jäger and Grisha Jäger. 5 years after marriage, they had a child named Eren, given the gift of being lucky and irresistible by the palace fairies. This scared the happy family. Everyone would be swooning over the child. They decided to keep him from everyone, he would never go outside.
Eren grew up to be kind and sweet, helping his mother with the chores. He never knew of the gifts. Eren learned at the age of 7 to sew and make clothes for himself.
"Mama." young 10 year old Eren sat at the foot of sick mothers bed. "Why can't I go outside?"
"Honey," she coughed and wheezed, "I can't tell you, but, if you ever find yourself in trouble, go and pray at the river to wash off the pain." she smiled softly. Eren's eyes widened as he nodded seriously.
"And a gift you you, sweetheart." Carla said as she handed over an oversized red cloak.
"Stay strong when I'm gone and can't be here for you. Your father is leaving for work. Just...don't...die...to soon." she whispered as she closed her eyes. At that moment, Eren knew what the real world was like.
But by the time Eren was 15, he yearned to go outside. He was his usual cheery self, making breakfast every morning for himself and going to the river to pray everyday in his backyard. His father had sent him ingredients every week, with a note warning him not to go outside and be safe.
"Why has it come to this?" Eren asked himself and chuckled sadly with his hand on the handle of the door. He had his red cloak on and a basket in his hand full with many magic potions that he learned to make since his mother died, and a dagger just incase.
His heart was beating 100 times a second and finally he opened the door with his eyes shut. The minute he opened the door he squinted his eyes from the harsh rays of sunshine. His eyes widened as they adjusted and a bright smile spread across his face.
"I'm free!" He spun around and shut the door close. Everyone stared at him like he was crazy.
Eren ran down the front porch steps and went onto the busy street.
"Hello! My name is Eren and I was wondering if you could show me the way to the forest!" He beamed at a old man. "Of course, but are you sure you want to go there? The werewolves will watch every move you make." the old man shivered.
Eren showed a confused face, not knowing what werewolves were.
"What are werewolves? Never heard of them." he asked. The old man's eyebrow rose. Eren just kept his little innocent smile on.
"Werewolves are viscous creatures and kill you if you're worthy or not. They rip off your meat and eat you alive." he explained.
"Sounds like an adventure!" Eren smiled and skipped away, saying goodbye and leaving the poor old man dumbfounded.
"Oh no!" He stopped, "The directions...Excuse me! Can you show me directions to the forest?" Eren stopped at a man in an ally way.
"Who, me?" He asked. Eren nodded and ran up to him. "Please! I'm going to run away so my father doesn't keep me in the house anymore. This is the first time I've been out in town, so I don't know anything really."
"Interesting. I'll show you the way." he smirked. Eren smiled as he took his hand and led him through town. Everyone screamed and ran away when they saw the mysterious man. He had dark black hair in an undercut hairstyle. His eyes were light blue and had a very scary face on.
"Um, why are they running away?" Eren asked.
"You are really fucking clueless, I'm a werewolf." he said. Eren's eyes widened and tried to wiggle out of his grip.
"Let go!" Eren screamed.
"No, I'm showing you to the forest. Now, shut the fuck up or I'll kill you."
Eren grabbed the dagger out of his belt and quickly dipped in his potion that had the label 'SLEEP' on it. Right before he could stab him, the man knocked the dagger out of his hand and pinned him to a building.
"You idiot, that won't work." he whispered and slowly licked Eren's neck. "Get off!" Eren said and tried to kick him.
After he had his fun, he carried Eren in his arms and shoved an apple in his mouth. Eren's eyes were getting heavy and he fell into a very deep sleep.
By the time Eren opened his eyes, he was in a cell and his arms were chained up against a bed.
"What the hell?" He said sleepily as he tried to rub his eyes to clear out his vision. "Awake yet?" A sweet voice cooed. Eren jumped at the voice.
"W-who are you?" Eren asked and scooted away. The voice chuckled and said, "I can't say. Orders from his Majesty." Eren stayed quiet, cuddling into his red cloak as the woman kept staring at him.
"Can you please let me go? I'm really uncomfortable."
"I don't know, I'll be right back. I'll go ask his Majesty!" She said and closed the cell door. Eren stared at her and noticed she had blue wings poking through her dress. He stared at bewilderment. He's only read about fairies in his father's old books, but they were a myth according to it. She disappeared down the hallway and ascended up the stairs.
Eren sighed and searched for his basket.
"Where's my basket?!" He whisper-yelled as he frantically looked everywhere. His hands were badly cut up and his neck hurt from the position he was in. Eren froze when he heard footsteps on the stone floor.
"You wanna get out?" The familiar voice spoke. The one that put him in this nasty cell. Eren nodded furiously in anticipation.
"Ok then, but you have to agree to something. One, you will stay in this castle for as long as I tell you to. Two, you will obey my orders. And three, you will be my lover."
Eren thought this over. 'If I don't get out of this cell, I'll eventually never get to see the world. If I be nice to this man, maybe he'll let me free!'
"Ok, I understand." Eren nodded in confirmation.
"Good. First, I need to know the name of my beautiful partner." he whispered and unlocked the cell door.
"It's Eren. And you?" he answered.
"Just call me Levi. Don't listen to what the other idiots call me." he grumbled and made his way over to Eren, unlocked the chains on Eren's wrists.
"His Majesty? Are you a king?" Eren asked with curiosity.
"Fuck, yes. Of fairytale creatures. And you'll make a lovely Queen." Eren laughed, which startled poor Levi.
"Levi, I'm a boy. Not a girl!" He laughed harder.
"Fuck you, I knew that you idiot." Levi glared.
"Right..." Eren stopped immediately.
"Follow me, I'll show you to your room." he got up and took Eren's wrist to follow him up the stairs.
Levi opened the door which led them to a kitchen. Many people bowed their heads and stopped what they were doing.
Eren felt uncomfortable with all the attention.
"Your Majesty!" A man came up to Levi. "Who is this? Petra told me that you had a visitor."
"Not a visitor Erwin, my lover."
"Oh, but Your Majesty! He's a boy! And he's not a fairytale creature! He will only cause trouble in the palace. I've already recommended a princess from Maria, along with a few oth-"
"No, he's the one. Go attend to the proper arrangements."
"Yes, Your Majesty."
Eren shuddered as Levi looked at him and opened the the door out of the kitchen. There was people running everywhere on the sparkling marble floors and up the crystal staircase.
"This way Eren." Levi said and snapped Eren out of his view. Eren nodded and followed him up the stairs as people bowed.
"Where are we going Levi?" Eren asked. A few gasps and whispers echoed through the room."Oh no, did I do something wrong?"
"No, they will no soon enough. Come, follow me."
Eren nodded and followed him to a hallway after what felt like hours after walking up 2 more staircases. He then led him down another hallway and stopped at a door.
"This one?" Eren asked. Levi nodded and Eren opened the door.
The room was huge and had a beautifully decorated bed and had furniture near the far back wall along with a few dressers. A big soft rug was in the middle of the room and a mirror near the dresser. Paintings hung on every red wall. And to top it all off, a beautiful balcony with a little table outside.
"This is your new room, Eren. Do you like it?" Levi asked from behind him.
"Yes! Oh my gosh, thank you Levi!" Eren smiled and wrapped his arms and Levi's neck. "Thank you."
"Your welcome, the best for the best I guess." Levi mumbled.
Eren smiled his usual innocent smile as he started to think this won't be so bad after all. Levi seemed like a nice man.
The End, for now.

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