It's beautiful

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                                      Alex's pov

I am awoken by the sound of Kara's deep snoring, I would usually be kinda annoyed, but given the fact that she hasn't slept in months I'm kinda relieved. After contemplating on whether I should get up or not, I decide that I should probably make something for her to eat, since she hasn't eaten anything in the last couple of hours. After searching for ingredients I settle on making pasta, one of Kara's favorites, in an attempt to at least put a smile on her face.

After finishing up, I find myself wandering an apartment that was once filled with so much light, joy, and happiness, nowadays it just seems so... dark, lonely, and cold.....and as i'm looking around Kara's room, I can't help but notice a few boxes laying all around Kara's room. As I look closer I notice several shirts and aprons neatly folded in a box near a drawer...Mon-els drawer.

"I couldn't stand the sight of seeing his stuff any laying around any longer" Kara's tired voice rang though the room startling me.

"What...what were you planning on doing with it?" I ask questioning her decision.

"I don't was just a rash decision...that I now regret" she says while tracing her hands over one of the boxes.

"What caused you to regret it?" I asked becoming more intrigued in what she was finally telling me.

Instead of answering me, she makes her way to Mon-els drawer, opens it, and hands me a paper.

"Just-just read it" she says before taking a deep breath, and sitting on her bed waiting for me to unfold the paper in my hands.

"I've always wandered-" I began but quickly get cut off.

"Not-not out loud.....please" she says in a shattering voice barely above a whisper.


I can't help but tear up while reading the letter, which was so pure and captivating...god he really was a romantic bastard!

"I-....I don't even know what to say"

"Theirs nothing to say...he's gone....and theirs nothing I can do about it" she says while wiping away the tears that where now falling down her face.

"I'm so sorry" I say while wiping away my own tears.

"You have nothing to be sorry's not your fault"

"It isn't yours either! And I'm gonna keep telling you that until you believe me! I say while looking into her clouded eyes, which used to shine so bright, and beautifully...but nowadays they just seem so dark and weary. "Hey...why don't we unpack his things....I can tell that seeing all his things packed away hasn't really helped you in the way you thought it would....and than maybe later we can have dinner together?" I nervously ask her hoping that she'll say yes.

"Okay" she hesitantly says before sniffling, and wiping more tears off her face.

Happy with her response I squeeze her hands gently, and give her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Okay why don't we start with that box over there?" I say while pointing to the box near her bathroom.

Kara only nods as her response, and moves to the box to begin unpacking Mon-els belongings.

About an hour later we have unpacked all the boxes, well all except for one. "I got this one" I say before opening the box and putting his belongings back into the drawer "all done" I say before closing his drawer, and sitting on top of Kara's bed. "How are you feeling?" I can't help, but ask, as she stares at the empty boxes stacked on the floor.

"Surprisingly better, thank you...I couldn't have done it without you" she says giving me a small truthful smile (a smile I missed so much).

"You're very welcome" I say before returning the smile she gave me. My eyes quickly evert to the paper I read a little over an hour ago, Kara notices my quick movements and moves her eyes to where I was looking. "...Do you want me to put it back in the drawer?" I ask while turning my attention back to her.

"Yes please" she says before looking down into her lap.

"Okay" is all I manage to say before I reach over and grab the paper that was laying on the far corner of Kara's bed. As I open the drawer to put the paper back, I can help but notice a box wrapped in a beautiful wrapping paper. "Hey...what's this?" I ask letting my curiosity take over,

"I have no idea...I saw it a while ago while I was cleaning his things , but I couldn't bring myself to open I just left it in there" Kara says before walking up to me and gently taking the box in to her own hands.

"Do you-do you wanna open it? don't have to if you don't want to" I remark before quickly regretting my decision to ask. "Sure....why not" she says stunning me with her answer.

"Uh...O-Okay" I say before moving to the bed with Kara following closely behind me.

"Could you-could you do it please?" Kara asks me with pleading eyes.

"Of course" I say before taking the box into my hands. "You ready? I ask Kara before proceeding to open the box.

"Define ready" she says before taking a shaky breath.

" we go" I say, to with she takes as a sign to close her eyes as I began to open the box, to my surprise the 1st box leads to an even smaller box. "How clique" I mumble before continuing to open the box, which leads to an even smaller box! But unlike the other box this one has a lock on it. "What?!" I say beginning to get frustrated.

"What?...what's wrong?!" Kara ask before slowly moving her hands off her face. "This box needs a key!" I say a little disappointedly.

"A key?....there was a key in his drawer" Kara says before walking up to the drawer and returning with an old fashion key that I've only ever seen in the movies. I grab the key from her hands and stick it in the box. "

"It fits" I say a little too excitedly.

" it" Kara says before slowly letting her eyes slip close again.

"Okay here we go....again" I say before opening the box to find....a black engagement ring box, 'oh my god! He was gonna propose?!' I mentally yell inside my head.

How am I supposed to tell Kara?! I can't just drop this on her, she'd be even more heartbroken! And as if she'd heard my thoughts, she asked, "you find anything?"

I quickly reply "no" after rushing to hide to engagement ring box under one of her pillows.

"Oh...uh, okay" she says before opening her eyes to look at me. "Are-are you alright?" She asks me while looking at me with her questioning eyes.

"Yeah-yeah I'm totally fine. "I say trying to give her a reassuring smile.


"Hm" I say trying to avoid eye contact with her.

"What did you find?!" She says before moving her hand under my chin to make me look at her.

" was nothing!" I say while slowly meeting her terrifying gaze.

"Alex!....what was in the box?!" She says raising her voice ever so slightly.

"I-" is the only thing i can even muster saying.

"You do know I have x-ray vision right?!" She says before getting up and scanning the room.

Damn you Kara Zor-el!

After about ten seconds of Kara frantically scanning the room, her eyes finally rest upon the pillow I stuffed the engagement ring box under.

As she makes her way to the pillow I manage to muster the words, "Kara don't!" But it was to late.

                                      Kara's pov

As soon as I pulled the pillow away from the box my eyes immediately began to blur with tears.
"He-he was gonna-he was gonna propose?..." I ask, before my voice is over taken by the sound of my own sobs. 

"Yeah...yeah he was....Kara....I-I'm so sorry!...I'm so so sorry!" Alex's says before moving to give me a hug, to which I was too emotionally numb to respond too. The only thing I could do was cry and I did just that for about an hour or two, maybe even three, but I soon managed to calm down enough to talk. "I should have never gone through his things!...He specifically told me not too, but I did! I-I should have listened!" I say still looking at the un-opened black box in my hands.

"I'm so sorry, Kara, I shouldn't have ever asked you if you wanted to open the box...all I did was cause you more pain...I'm so sorry Kara" Alex says to before wiping away the tears from both of our faces.

"This isn't your fault...I was the one that decided to open it ...I could've said no...but I didn't" I managed to say before my voice begins to crack once more.

We sit on the bed in silence for the next couple of hours, before I finally mustered up the courage to open the box. "I'm gonna open it..." I say in a frightful whisper.

"Are-are you sure?" Alex says in a whisper matching my own.

"What more do in have to lose?..." I say before looking away from her worried eyes to the small black box in my two shaking hands.

"Oh my god, Kara, It's-it's beautiful!..."Alex's says in awe.

To say the ring was beautiful was the understatement of the century, it was magnificent! (And even that word couldn't sum up the beauty of the ring)

"Yeah...yeah it really is" I don't think I've ever cried as many tears as I did in that one single night.

Happy Super-Sunday Guess who finally wrote a long chapter! (It was me 😂) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 😊💖 (isn't Mrs.Benoist-Wood's ring just...well beautiful to say the least!

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