Lock & Key

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*Takes place three Months after Mon-el leaves*

I knew it would be hard not having him here, but now I'm beginning to think that hard is an understatement, I've been isolating myself from everyone, so I could avoid being asked "how are you?" and "where's Mike?" I couldn't stand answering those questions because they'd only make me feel more, miserable than I already was.

Waking up alone is the worst part (well it wasn't really waking up alone if I never managed to get any sleep), I was so used to starting off the day waking up to the most astonishing smile, by no one other than Mon-el, but now that he's not here, I wake up to the sight of his bare, cold pillow every morning. I'm now at the point where I can't stand seeing his stuff laying around the apartment without breaking down into a sob, so I've come to a heart breaking decision...I need to pack all his belongings away, a part of me didn't want to but I knew if I kept all his stuff out, it would only make my heart break even more.

I've currently packed his clothes, shoes, aprons, and a couple of other things, now all that's  left to do is  clean out his drawer, which he insisted that I don't go through, but since he's not here anymore I guess I wouldn't hurt to open it. In the drawer were several Harry Potter books a couple pictures of us, and a key. "Why would he have a key with no box to open?" I asked myself, but than I noticed a little lock in the corner of the drawer 'did the drawer come like this because I don't remember seeing it when I bought it?' I mentally asked myself.

I opened up the lock to find a piece of paper with Mon-els hand-writing on it, and something wrapped in a what seemed like a small box, I decided to read the piece of paper before opening the box, the paper read " I've always wandered what it would be like to be in love with someone, and I never thought that someone would be you...when we first met we couldn't even stand being be in the same room together, but somethings changed between now and then, because you Kara Danvers are...the best thing that has ever happened to me. You always make my heart smile when you laugh, and your eyes...your glorious eyes always find a way to captivate me, and your smile....your beautiful smile makes my heart skip a beat, but if you were to ask me why I love you, I'd say your heart. I've never met anyone as kind, intelligent, strong, brave, compassionate, or as loving as you. How can someone go through what you've gone through and still have the most beautiful smile in the multiverse?! And the fact that I get to wake up next to you everyday is just...a dream come true! And as I'm watching you sleep beside me on your bed I can't help but wonder why me? What did I do to deserve this...deserve you? I don't think I'll ever find that answer to that question, but I do know two this. One being that I love you, and two being, I wanna wake up with you for the rest of my life."

"And I wanted to wake up next to you for the rest of my life too" I say aloud to an empty apartment.

I gently tuck the note into one of his Harry Potter books and close the drawer, "Maybe I should wait a while before storing his things away" I say as I wipe a couple tears off my face, before heading into bed for another lonely sleepless night.

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