Alyx university

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Tashi Rafa


➢Tash. T (friends)
➢Little tiger, honey, sweetie (her mother)
➢Hot stuff. Fire cracker (exes/hookups)
➢Kitten. Ash. Tiger. Fire heart. Lioness. My lioness. My daring (love interest)




September 17th





Christina Nadin


People always judge Tashi at the first look. She's a small thing with a bright smile. She is just some sweetheart, not too bright but fun enough to hang with. You couldn't be more wrong. Tashi is not just some sweet thing, though she appreciates the compliment. Her mother used to call her little tiger for a reason. She has claws and is not afraid to use them.

Tashi is a little feisty thing. She might be small and she might look like a porcelain doll, she certainly won't act like one. People always tried to make her feel less than she is. For a while she believed them. She struggled with insecurity for most of her life. But at the end she came out stronger. You are doing exactly who you need to be. Who are they to tell you what to do? She lives for that rule, giving everyone a piece of her mind when she sees someone bully someone else. Who the fuck are you to judge someone else? She strongly believes that no one should judge one on their appearance. Not even on rumours. She isn't afraid to say what she wants and lets people exactly know what she thinks of them. She will tell you what you do wrong or when she feels uncomfortable by what you do. She isn't very subtle and most of her actions are harsh but clear. She's always honest, having a huge distaste for liars. Liars get under her sky very easily. If you are dishonest than you can fûck yourself, according to her. People can get annoyed by her honesty, but she couldn't care less. If they can't handle the trusty, they shouldn't be around her. But Tashi is also playful girl. She loves to have fun with people and has a very dry sense of humour, often making bad puns. Teasing people is one of her favourite things to do. She likes to make people speechless and her cheerful laugher can he heard all around. She is someone who is completely in for some sarcastic remarks. If she's being sarcastic and you reply with sarcasm, she will absolutely love you. She doesn't mean it, she is just playing. Most of her fights are fight mentally. She isn't someone who likes a physical fight, mostly because she's too small to actually hurt people. She would rather beat them with words. Insults are her specialty. She, however, is not good in mind games. She's too blunt, too straightforward for those. She will most likely just get really frustrated with you.


➢Hot coco
➢Winter nights
➢Listening to music
➢Long car rides
➢Playing guitar


➢Gory movies
➢Being forced to open up
➢'I'm sure you are making it more dramatic than it is'
➢People teasing her about her hight
➢Not doing anything due her height
➢Sleepless nights




Sexuality and queer studies


New York


➢She's extremely short only 5'0 foot tall and she despises it
➢She once got suspended because she kneed some guy in the balls, so hard he needed to visit the hospital.

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