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Love doesn't come easily

Rose Katie Greene
~Rose after the flower rose~
~Katie means pure and innocent~


The curse of water
When ever she touches water her legs will switch for a beautiful tail that won't go away until she's dry again.

Odeya Rush



Rose is  very immature, childish and reckless. She doesn't likes having responsibilities and dislikes being serious. She hates being told what to do, even when people have a good reason to tell her what to do. She's not at all capable of leading, but neither is she the one to follow. She's very wild and reckless, loving the adrenaline she gets from getting in danger. She enjoys drinking, partying and boys. She would rather being up all night, partying, than to study. This is probably when she doesn't do well in school, driving her parents mad. When someone provokes her she can act violent and will not hesitate to hurt them. She is not the one who backs down for a fight, unless someone is clearly stronger than she is and she knows she will lose. Rose hates losing. She is very eager to win and isn't afraid to cheat to win. At the same time she can be very lazy and not motivated to do any work at all. That is something you will see a lot by Rose, wanting something but acting to the complete opposite. It's the same thing when she's acting all childish, reckless and wild, yet she hates being treated like a child and demands that people take her serious. Those two just don't match yet she does nothing to change it. She is not a good girl, neither is she known to be a good person. But that is only the outside, when you break down the wall she has pulled up around her you will see that Rose is a very different person, you just have to look deeper and not judge at the first meeting. Which is very ironic because Rose is actually someone who judges very quickly. She's a girl who doesn't knows what she's saying half of the time and acts on impulses, doing what comes in her mind. She isn't the one to think about the consequences for her actions. In short, she's a wild, reckless and dangerous girl who many see as idiotic and childish. However if she look behind her walls you will see she is actually very emotional and cared deeply, too deeply. She's high sensitive which makes every feeling like a burning hell to her, so she decided to hide them behind a wall so no one can hurt her.

Rose would never admit it but she actually loves to swim. Though she doesn't enjoy her tail, she has to admit that it makes her much faster, even when the first time she tries to swim with it she almost drowned. Rose did also a big fan of sports, she mostly enjoys baseball, but you can see her play football (soccer), basketball and even dodgeball too. Ross adores her family and would do almost anything for them, the only thing she wouldn't do was give them her leather jacket. That girl is obsessed with only one thing, that dámm leather jacket. She always seems to wear it, and if anyone else wear it she looses her shît.

Rose despises when someone else wears her clothes or steals her make up. She doesn't like when someone touches her stuff in general but when someone touches her clothes, that is what she truly despises. She also hates it when someone doesn't take her serious, or act like she's just some kid who is throwing a tantrum. Rose doesn't like it when anyone hurts her family, this will make her go in full defence stand and she isn't afraid to punch you in that face if you hurt them.

Rose is physically strong, doing a lot of sport and sometimes boxing makes her stronger than the regular girl of her age. She is also skilled in various sports and dance techniques, not that she would tell anyone she enjoys dancing. One of her other strengths is her confidence and self love. Before others can love you, you have to love yourself. That is her motto. Rose is good in flirting and....well in having sèx. This girl is definitely not a virgin anymore and knows how to make fun in bed.

Rose's main weakness is her family. She can be as though as she wants, her family will always be something she can get hurt on. There is nothing she wouldn't do for them. Rose main physical weakness is her right knee. When she was little she injured it and she was too embarrassed to tell it, it never healed good and on bad days her knee hurts a lot so she can't walk properly. Rose is very ticklish which she views as another weakness of her. Just as her softer side towards children.

Rose has a lot of flaws. She's very reckless, never thinking about anything before throwing herself into it. This makes that she often find herself in awkward or even dangerous situations. Her reckless behaviour also makes her act violent for no reason at all, violent in such way most people don't know if she's joking about murder or not. Rose also has troubles with letting people, most of the time she believes they want something from her, or are just using, causing her to have shut most people out.

❀why they joined the selection❀
Rose wants to find love, and this was just the way to do it. Of course she would never admit it to anyone, but she really wants to fall in love and find someone for her own. She also wants to help the princes, this maybe sounds weird (not) but she would rather not have that someone turns into stone just because he doesn't fall in love. Still her main reason is that she wants to find love, though if anyone would ask about it she would say her romantic mother forced her into it.

Joseph Green. He's a very modern dad who mostly let his daughter do what ever she wants. She loves her and his wife but hers very busy with her job that he can't be there very often. He secretly wishes that he and his wife have another child and is planning on adopting a son very soon

Julia Green. The sweetest mother on the world. She never controlled her daughter very good, believing she should figure the world out on her own. She and Rose have a close relationship and she wishes for her daughter to marry so she can become grandmother. She's actually very lonely and plans with her husband to adopt another kid.


Princesses don't cry

Mikayla Reina Ithaca
~Mikayal derives from Hebrew and means 'Who is like god'~
~Reina derives from Spanish and means 'Queen'~


Neptune's curse: She must be wet all the time or she will die

Anastasia Knyazeva


She's too young for that

Mikayla can be described in many ways. Outgoing, funny, sweet and silly. At 7 years old she hasn't faced the dangers of the world yet. Growing up in the palace she had a protected childhood, even with her curse there wasn't much that could hurt her. Her whole life she had enjoyed of the love and care of she family, she doesn't know it any other way. This makes her the innocent girl she is today. She doesn't see bad in anything, neither does she understand all the hatred and jealousy that always seems to have the palace in its grip. Though being innocent, Mikayla also can be a brag. She was, and still is, spoiled to death by her family. No 7 year old can resist all of that and this makes her bragging about everything she has, all the gifts she got from her parents and older siblings. She's expect to get what she wants when she wants it and can throw an tantrum when she doesn't gets it. She can be quite the trouble maker too. Mikayla is maybe not the most clever or the best as school, she does know how to prank someone good. She's known by the palace staff for her little pranks and stealing food from the kitchen. Even though she's infamous for her pranks, she is also loved by the palace staff, having them all wrapped around her little fingers. Mikayla won't hesitate to use puppy eyes on the people around her to get what she wants, knowing perfectly well that they can hardly resist that. The young princess absolutely loves a good love story and is already waiting for her Prince Charming to sweeps her up and take her to his golden castle and marry her. Out of her family is Mikayla probably the one who is the most open for strangers. Unlike most of her siblings she isn't hostile or cold, neither does she distrust them. This is probably because of her innocence about the world. She just can't imagine that someone would want to hurt her or her family. Like was said before, Mikayla isn't the smartest, neither is she the most clever. Still she's a little embarrassed to talk with her family about it because she doesn't want to embarrass them or think that she's stupid.

Mikayla likes swimming, she enjoys the feeling of water on her skin, and secretly acts like she's flying whenever she's in the water. She also adores her older siblings, looking up to them like they are gods. She enjoys pranking someone, not in a bad way, just tying their laces together or dropping an emmer with pain over them. Mikayla is a big fan of all kind of foods, what can I say? Some girls think with their stomach and Mikayla is surely one of them. Her favourite food though is home made cookies, the ones she makes with her family every Saturday morning. Mikayla loves to play games with her family, or just sitting on her mother's lap as she listen to them laughing and talking. Mikayla loves her mother very much  And wishes to become just like her when she grows up.

Mikayla despises her curse. She hates that she has to be wet all the time. I mean, who wouldn't? Being wet all the time makes her cold, and let just that being another thing the princess hates. Mikayla loves being warm and feel the heat on her skin, sadly she always has to be wet or she dies. She also hates it when her family leaves her or doesn't pay attention to her. She is deep down just really scared they will leave her or seek someone else when they find out she's only a hand full. She doesn't like the thought of violence or cursing. She has the strong believes people shouldn't hurt or insult each other and dislikes rude or cruel people. Mikayla doesn't do well at the sight of blood, she can't stand it and will most likely faint or throw up.

Mikayla is a master in making people who what she wants, she surely is perfect in doing puppy eyes and annoying people until they give in. The princess is, of course, a kind girl. Kindness is underrated by many, but not by her. Her kindness and caring attitude, even when she doesn't know you, makes the whole room light up when she enters. Another strength of the file is to see the positive in everything. Even in the worst situations, she has something positive to say, or just try to light the spirit. Her trusting heart can be seen as a strength too, this makes her look at people in a positive light, opting up much easier and making friends very easily.

Mikayla is innocence or nativity is one of her biggest weaknesses. She trust easily as at one side that is a good thing, but at the other side it makes her easily to manipulate or hurt. It can also bring her in danger or the people around her. Another weakness is of course her size. As a 7 year old girl there is no way she would ever be able to defend herself from anyone. Plus her hate for violence she's pretty much useless in any fight it conflict that has yet to come. Mikayla can also be quite a crybaby and emotional wrack. Like was said before, she loves too easily and this makes that she's hurt very often too. Her curse is another weakness too. Just one second where she isn't wet can cause her die. It also makes her different from most kids her age, which kind of distance her from them. Who liked a girl who always has water dripping down her body?

Mikayla's biggest flaw is her selfishness. Just like the most kids of her age she thinks of herself first. She might be caring and kind, she will first take care of herself and than of anyone else. This selfishness makes her want to keep her loved ones to herself. When she loves someone she hates to share, even with other people she loves. One of her other flaws is her fear to be alone. Mikayla will always want someone to be with her, even if it is only a dog or an animal. If she is alone for longer than a minute she will get a panic attack, thinking she is left alone. She ever understood where this deep fear came from but she just knows and can't be alone for long or she will just start hyperventilating.

❀thoughts on the selection❀
To be honest? Mikayla loves it! Girls who are coming in her home to battle about the princes hands? How can anything be more romantic. Mikayla's romantic soul absolutely adores the idea. Another thing she likes about it is that she will be able to make new friends. What she does like though is that she will have to share her family. Normally she would have hate to do that, but because the selection is so romantic she will accept the fact she has to shared. Only for a while though....and if anyone steals her stuff she will be very mad and tell her daddy it.

❀favorite place in the palace❀
Probably her own room where she can have fun, or those of her siblings when she can annoy them to death.

Can I tag you?

The royal family

She has a dog called Flora who is always by her side to keep the panic attacks away.

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