Game of thrones

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✧༺♥༻∞ general ∞༺♥༻✧

—District 1: luxury

full name:
—Magnus Caius

—Mag and Maggy by his sister but call him that and he will seriously kîll you





romantic orientation:


—He went to the academy most of his live

face claim:
—gino pasqualini

distinguish features:
—His deep eyes
—A tattoo by his heart from the sun

hair color:

eye color:



birth date:
—14 November


—6'1 feet

—166 lbs

body type:
—Slender yet strong

blood type:
—O negative

✧༺♥༻∞ personal ∞༺♥༻✧

—An actor. That is all Magnus is. Magnus has been raised to win, to win everything. He soon understood that only brutal power wouldn't get him there, he would have to make allies. No one wants to be allies with some idiotic fighter. So he started to adapt some manipulative traits. He would suit himself as the person people wanted him to be. He would be charming, to make them forget who he really is. To make them trust him, before he would crush them. Magnus is truly ruthless, he couldn't care less about murder or torture. Actually, he had quiet a bloodlust, mostly for those who have wronged him. He doesn't forget, and surely doesn't forgive. He holds grudges for the rest of his life and will make you pay with blood for even an little insult. Magnus is a man with pride and when that gets hurt he will do anything for revenge. No one can humiliate him without paying for it, with their lives. Magnus isn't reckless, he thinks before he acts, making plans to take down his enemies sooner than attack them on the spot. He is a very cruel individual when he wishes to be. Lives of the innocent don't matter to him and he will gladly use them to take his enemies down. If you are one of his enemies, none of your loved ones are safe. He will use them to hurt you. Magnus only respects a very selective group of people, to those people he can be more open about his true emotions and intentions.

—Magnus is physically perfectly fine, better than that actually. He is s very healthy Male with a strong body.

—However mentally he has some problems. Magnus doesn't let people check him, but he probably is a sociopath and sadist. Though none of this can be confirmed because he wouldn't let anyone close to him.

—Classic music. Chess. Black. Suits. Swords. Blood. Fighting. Working out. The hunger games. Fancy clothes. Dogs. Cats. Playing the violin. District 1. The academy. Chit chat. Flirting. Training. Smart people. Intelligent. Respect. Action. Thrillers. Sweet food. Warm blankets. Winning. Books. Reading. Having the upper hand. Detectives

—The lower districts. Comedies. Horror movies. Tight clothes. Authorities. People seeing through his tricks. Insects. Small spaces. Crocodiles. Spicy food. Bright coloured clothes. Ball games. Board games. Crying people. Being called a coward. Being ignored. Stupid people. Pitchy voices. Peace for too long. Emotional songs

—Training. Working out. Fighting. Reading. Swimming. Trying to figure out people's intentions. Watching detectives and try to discover who did it.

—Physically very fit
—Strategic thinking
—Good at combat

flaws: (3 minimum)
—Over confident

—Small spaces

guilty pleasure:
—Reading cliche romantic books

two colors that represent them:
—Gold and red

favorite animal:

theme song:
-Sucker for pain by Imagine Dragons

—Magnus parents always wanted one thing from him, to be a winner. From a very young age they send him to the academy with the message to win, whatever it takes. They would ever before that push him to win, giving him everything he wanted when he won, but taking away his toys and stuffies when he lost. His mother had lost her own brother in the hunger games, he was a kind soul who wanted to have nothing to do with the games. He never trained and this ended his life. So Magnus's parents would do anything to make sure he wouldn't die from the same fate. This is why they send him to an academy where he would learn anything he needed in the hunger games. Here he became the monster he is now. The academy is harsh, even harsher than his parents. It learned him he needed more than just physical power, he needed to manipulate people, he needed others to trust him. Only so he could stab them in the back later. He lives on the campus for 10 years, only returning home for the weekends and hollidays. Not that he would complain. Magnus lives the academy, it's his home. Every day he got to train, fight and do what he can to reach the top. Now he is. And he will make sure to win his biggest fight yet, the hunger games.

✧༺♥༻∞ statistics ∞༺♥༻✧

skills set out of 10
– leadership (4/10)
– physical strength (9/10)
– speed (8/10)
– intelligence (7/10)
– knowledge (7/10)
– creativity (6/10)
– diligence (6/10)
– crafting (3/10)
– charm (8/10)
– wisdom (4/10)
– combat (10/10)
– weaponry (9/10)
– agility (5/10)
– dexterity (6/10)
– hacking (2/10)
– aid (2/10)
– endurance (8/10)

✧༺♥༻∞ connections ∞༺♥༻✧

relevant family:
—Alexander Caius- 50- father
—Diana Casius- 48- mother
—Camellia Casius- 15- sister

relationship with family:
—Alexander's and Magnus' relationship is stained. They both do love each other but Alexander has raised Magnus very strict and this makes the younger male slightly formal around his father. He wants nothing but to make his father proud and Alexander knows this. He will do anything to protect his son, even if it means that Magnus will hate him for it.

—Diana has a slightly more warm relationship with her son. Just as her husband she raised her son very strict but her motherly heart couldn't see how sad Magnus sometimes was and she would secretly cheer him up. This is the reason why Magnus feels more comfortable around his mother and will most likely sooner show love towards her.

—Camellia is the apple of Magnus' eye. She is his little sister and like almost every big brother, Magnus is very protective over her. She is the only one he truly relaxes around and trust with his whole heart. Both love each other very much. Camellia doesn't want her brother to enter the hunger games because she fears for his death.

significant other requirements:
—Someone who is at least a little confident and strong. He feel attracted towards those who are strong and can be a match for him. He wants someone fierce, yet someone he can put his trust in. 

people they love/hate/neutral:
—Magnus loves his sister and parents but that is it

—Magnus hates those who have wronged him, those who have either hurt him or a loved one. Other than that he hates those who stand in his way, so most of the not career tributes in the hunger games

—Magnus feels neutral about most of the people. As long they aren't in his way he doesn't care about them. He also feels neutral about most of the careers as he sees them as his allies but he doesn't want to put more feelings in them. He knows fully well they will betray him whenever they see a better option, he will do the same to them. 

what they think of the Capitol:
Magnus does respect them, they are the reason he can live the life he has, but he doesn't love them. They are something he knows he can not win of, so he doesn't try to fight them.

what they think of the Royals:
Magnus doesn't really see the point of having them if almost everyone is ruled by the Capitol, but he doesn't mind them. As long they leave him alone and don't stand in his way he doesn't really care.

what they think of the Hunger Games:
Magnus loves the games. He had been trained since he was a young boy to win them. They are part of him and he will do what he can to win the games this year. The games are the only thing he has ever known and he strongly believes that it's a good system. It's his dream to become a tribute and win the game for the glory of his district

✧༺♥༻∞ end ∞༺♥༻✧

time of death: 6pm

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