High school rp

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Caden Saveri

-Big bro, Caddy (By Adrianna)


The King



—Face claim

Caden is the king of the school. He is the most popular boy, the one all boys want to be and all girls want. Many people look up to him, to his kind behaviour that is very strange on this social ladder. Caden is indeed very charming, causing people to like him very quickly. He is confident in everything he does, knowing he will do it good anyway. Sadly this confidence also results him in being very flirty and sometimes annoying. He has had more girlfriends that Henry the 8th, switching them every month or so. Caden has just as his sister, a very soft spot for animals and children, often seen to be playing they, and in the case of animals also feeding them. Caden is the golden boy of the school but even he had a bad side. If you even hurt someone he loves he will not hesitate to beat you up and leave your bleeding on the floor. He's a king guy, but if you mess with him he will crush you and you will never be able to recover again.

—Love interest
Open to anyone 😉

Adrianna Saveri



The kickass



—Face claim

Adrianna is a bitch. That is the whole truth. Adrianna is the kind of girl who will absolutely destroy you when you get in her way. She isn't the one who takes insults lightly and will do anything to bring you down. She will do anything to get what she wants, no matter if it's revenge or a brand new bag. She will cheat, lie and manipulate to get things her way. She cares about animals and makes sure that some of the family money goes to animal charities. She doesn't give a fuck about you or anyone else. She will kick your ass if she needs to and often, maybe a little too often, gets into fights. She is quite stubborn and not a rule follower. She hated being told what to do and will often either ignore you or give you the finger. Adriana has a dark sense of humour that she will use when things gets too personal and she doesn't want to deal with them.

—Love interest

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