Miss bradford's school for the supernatural

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Miles Greene

☆AGE ☆

Hybrid /demon/vampire/




Miles is a psychopath, that is it. After his traumatic childhood and haunting past, Miles turned insane. He's a psychopath who loves to hurt, to kill, to torture. He hates to be disrespected or disobeyed, his inner beast doesn't tolerate any of this and will probably end your life. Miles has a very deep hatred towards any kind of human. Some supernatural species like vampires and demons he can ignore, but he hates all humans. He is disgusted by how weak and cruel they are. Yes, Miles thinks that humans are more cruel than him, someone who lives to kill. Something about them has made him hate them so much he will end any human he comes across. Some quick and merciless others....he takes longer his time for. He's a born sadist who enjoys to see others in pain and to control them. He can be overly possessive and hates it when people touches anything that is his. Miles has, like was said before, an inner beast that should never be realised. When it gets out, it will kill anything that comes into it path, it would slaughter and murder till something could end it. Lucky that doesn't happen....very often.

Miles was born from a demon and a vampire. Both are dark creatures but they despise each other. A war had been raging between Miles' parents clans, in the middle of that war they met and fell in love. She was a low vampire and he a demon lord. They were mates, destined to love each other and they did. They ran away from the war and started to live on a small human village. 3 year later they had Miles. He was their own little heaven and his childhood was golden. Both his parents loved him very much, and in return he loved them with his whole heart. 2 years after his birth they had a daughter, Kathrina. Their golden time together ended when Miles was 7.

The demon clan of his father had found them, or rather, someone had told them they were here. A human. The mayor of the village they lived in. He saw them as a threat to his follow humans and wanted them gone. So one night when the Harper family was eating dinner the front door busted open and demons entered, immediately trying to kill them. Miles' parents pushed Kathrina in Miles' arms and told him to run, to bring himself in safety while they fought off the demons. He ran. He ran as fast as he could, as far as he could, until he just couldn't anymore. He fell on the ground, pulling his sister tightly against him as he sunk into unconscious.

The next day when he woke up he saw where he was. It was a part of the woods beside their village. He quickly hid his little sister in the bushes and told her to say there as he went back to their village. He was going to ask for help, hoping they could save their parents, hoping they were still alive. All his hopes were crushed when he arrived and saw the whole village out, staring at the bodies of his parents. They weren't crying, they were cheering. Cheering for his parents dead. Only then Miles understood the true cruelty of humans. That was the first day he lost control. It wasn't until later when he was washing the blood of his hands he knew they were dead. The whole village, slaughtered. Slaughter by him. Yet he didn't feel regret, only a sick happiness they got what they deserved. They rest of his life he spend this way, murdering, torturing and empty of happiness. Sometimes with his sister, sometimes alone.

Enchanted strength
Enchanted speed
Darkness manipulation


Diana Stuart

☆AGE ☆


Closed bisexual



Diana is the opposite of the most dragons. She's very immature, childish and reckless. She doesn't likes having responsibilities and dislikes being serious. She hates being told what to do, even when people have a good reason to tell her what to do. She's not at all capable of leading, but neither is she the one to follow. She's very wild and reckless, loving the adrenaline she gets from getting in danger. She enjoys drinking, partying and boys. She would rather being up all night, partying, than to study. This is probably when she doesn't do well in school, driving her parents mad. When someone provokes her she can act violent and will not hesitate to hurt them. She is not the one who backs down for a fight, unless someone is clearly stronger than she is and she knows she will lose. Diana hates losing. She is very eager to win and isn't afraid to cheat to win. She's probably this way because of the disappointment of her parent who could never understand the wildness that runs inside her. The only one who understand her is her beloved brother.

Diana was pushed her while childhood to be the best, to get the best out of herself. Yet unlike her brother she cared very little for achievements and would rather climb in some trees than be responsible. This only became worse when her parents started to avoid her after her sorting. It wasn't that they hated her, but they didn't know how they could handle a girl like her. Yet they always managed to take care of her and make sure she was alright, even when they had fights.

Fire breath
Shapeshifting between dragon as human form
Enchanted speed
Enchanted strength


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