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✧༺♥༻∞ general ∞༺♥༻✧

role: The actual-quite-sweet superficial girl

full name: Aurora Diana Skye
>Aurora was the poetic name of the princess in the 1959 Disney film Sleeping Beauty, but is only now rising in popularity. In ancient mythology, Aurora was the lovely Roman goddess of the dawn, whose tears turned into the morning dew. And in science, the Aurora Borealis (aka the Northern Lights) is a natural phenomenon that displays gorgeously colored lights all over the world. The origin is from Latin and means Dawn
>Diana is a classic girls' name that will endure the test of time. Dating back to ancient days, Diana was a Roman goddess of the moon who was noted for her beauty and swiftness. In more recent times, the name is closely associated with the late Princess Diana, mother to Prince William and Prince Harry. The origin is from Latin and means Devine

nicknames: Rora, Rory, Aura, the weird girl, open for more

petnames: Princess, sweetheart, darling, Sugar, Baby doll, sweetie, my pumpkin (By her mother and father), Idiot (By her brother)

age: 17

gender: Female

pronouns: She/Her

romantic orientation: biromantic

sexuality: bisexual

grade: senior (the last year of highschool)

face claim: Amanda seyfried

occupation: Students at Halesworth high and works part time in a candy shop

ethnicity: American

accent: None

birth date: 24 July

zodiac: Cancer

height: 5'5 feet

weight: 130 lbs

body type: Hourglass

blood type: O+

✧༺♥༻∞ personal ∞༺♥༻✧


—Weird and a little crazy. Aurora isn't a maniac and neither is she truly crazy, yet she is always described as. Why? Well to start with, she has absolutely no filter and does the weirdest shit like talking to her unicorn pillows for advice. Talking about that, she has an obsession with unicorns and still believes in magic. She hates when people tell her both of those things and she will completely ignore you when you try to tell her, or she will scream, depending on in which mood she is. Aurora is the kind of girl who quotes marvel in a serious situation or sings one direction from the top of her lungs when she wants to.

—Kind of shallow. Aurora isn't the most shallow girl in the school but she comes close. You see, she absolutely adores beauty and isn't the smartest girl in the group. If you didn't know her you would think that she only cares about things like make up, shopping and boys. Which is partly true because she wears a lot of make up, does care about boys and wants to have the newest clothes. But she also seems to have sincere goals and think about other things than only herself. 

—Blubby and friendly. Aurora hangs with the wrong crowd. Most of her friends are bullies and populars. She however is a very friendly, greeting people in the hallways and smiling at everyone she passes. Aurora tries to see the positive in everything, having a spirit that no one can bring down. She's someone who will always try to help you when you are in need. She's a girl who loves to smile and will always try to make those she cares about smile and be happy.

—Naive and a little dumb. You see, she is not only a little shallow. Aurora is also known for being a little....well dim witted. No, she isn't dumb, well not the dumbest. She just isn't the most clever, neither does she have the best grades. She just.....is a little unknowing. Like she isn't stupid, she picks things up very quickly, but she just doesn't know a lot about the world. This makes her look dumb very often, just as it makes her very naive. Which results in her trusting people too easily and failing in seeing their true nature. Just as she happened with her friends.

daily outfit:

likes: Unicorns. Magic. Glitters. Pink. Her friends. Laughing. Mister glitter (her unicorn stuffed animal). Stuffed animals. Make up. Cute clothes. Shopping. Boys. Flirting. Hanging out with her friends. Jewels. Puppies. Kittens. Any young animal to be honest. Warm weather. Parties. Marvel. One direction. Pop music. Lemonade. Cherries.

dislikes: Pain. Screaming. Black. Country music. Coca Cola. Cheese. Blood. Cold weather. DC expect Wonder Woman. Being bored. People being hurt. Lies. Sometimes her siblings. When someone tells her magic isn't real. Being ignored. Too tight shoes. The sun shining in her eyes. Running. Homework. Sometimes school.

hobbies: Talking with mister glitter. Trying out new make up. Hockey. Tennis. Reading magazines. Watching romantic comedies. Shopping. Hanging out with her friends. Listening to music. Writing

- Loyal. Aurora is very loyal girl, always ready to be there for you. She's the friend you can call at 3am when you are sad and she will come to your house with ice cream to cheer you up again. She will ever let you down or even think of betraying you for a better option.

- Confident. Aurora is a little mad and she knows it. She knows people think she's strange but she doesn't care. She's confident in herself, always loving what she is doing and not caring what other people think. She has a strong spirit and won't let you bring her down because she believes in herself.

- Innocent. Aurora hangs with the wrong crowd, the bullies. Yet she would never bully anyone, she believes that everything she does is for the good. She's just too innocent to see the bad in people. This makes her a very sweet girl who will see the best in everyone, even when they don't deserve it.

- Concentrating. Aurora has troubles with concentrating, mostly on teachers in school. She almost never pays attention, just because she can't focus on what the teacher is saying. Always easily distracted. This results in her knowing less than most kids in her grade and being seen as stupid.

-Ignorant. Aurora often ignores the fact that are right before her eyes, just because she doesn't want them to be true. Like that fact that magic isn't real or unicorns don't exist. No matter with what prove you come, she will turn it down and find a reason why it's fake.

-Unorganised. Aurora never organised anything. This is also a reason why she fails to make her homework on time, or study hard for a test. Aurora also forgets a lot of things because of this. The only thing that is ordered is her room. Her room became she can't stand being in a dirty place for too long and hates when she can't find something.

fears: Blood. Disappointing her family. Loosing her friends. Death. Being kicked of school. Wild animals.

dreams: Aurora always has dreamed of becoming an author. She's a creative girl and wishes to become a famous writer one day. She wishes to live somewhere in new York with her dog, she doesn't have one yet so that is a dream too, and writing stories about fantasy worlds and magic.

medical conditions: Aurora is mentally health though when she was 15 suffered from depression which she luckily over won. Physically she has suffered from asthma since she was a baby which results in hyperventilating when she sports for too long or is very stressed.

song: Like it form Zena

background: Aurora's story begins with her parents. Jaqueline Greene and and Paul Skye. Jaqueline was an actress and Paul a movie maker. They met at the set of one of Paul's newest movies and the sparks immediately flew. They shared some kisses and after the movie aired they officially started dating. Of course there was much attention to the new couple. A famous actress and movie maker dating? That was big, well for the gossip magazines. It only took the couple 7 months before they married. 3 years in the marriage they finally got their first child, or better said, children.

Aurora and her twin brother Erik were born 13 minutes after each other. Erik being the older twin. They grow up in the spotlights, their every move being watched by the press. This caused a huge tension between their parents. Their mother didn't want them to grow up in the spotlights while their father wanted them to get used to it. This fight ended in a nasty divorce when the twins were 5, completely with the couple screaming at each other and throwing with glasses while the horrified twins were watching. Their father left the next morning, though he would come every weekend to visit and they would go on a vacation with him at least once a year.

Aurora was a lonely child, because her parents were divorced and her mother with whom she lived was very busy, no one had ever told her that magic didn't exist. So at the age of 9 she still strongly beloved in magic, something many kids thought was weird so they avoided her. Her only friend was the boy next door, he liked her unique behaviour and crazy thoughts. So they grow up together and when they started middle school they were still good friends. That was when he introduced her to his friends. They were a tad rough compared to Aurora but she didn't care, she liked them and soon she became good friends with them too. What she didn't know what that they were the bullies. She was too clueless about their true nature to see how they enjoyed hurting others or how they laughed at someone's sadness. That is how she ended up with her clichè.

✧༺♥༻∞ statistics ∞༺♥༻✧

skills set out of 10
– leadership (0/10)
– physical strength (0/10)
– speed (0/10)
– intelligence (0/10)
– diligence (0/10)
– charm (0/10)
– wisdom (0/10)
– combat (0/10)
– agility (0/10)
– dexterity (0/10)
– hacking (0/10)
– aid (0/10)
– endurance (0/10)

✧༺♥༻∞ connections ∞༺♥༻✧

relevant family/relationship with family:
Mother- Jaqueline Greene, a busy woman who has troubles paying attention to her children as she is always working. She has a nasty divorce but still loves her children very much. She would do anything for them. She has a good relationship with her children.
Father- Paul Skye, a move maker who sees his children only in the weekends. He adores his daughter and spoils her rotten. He wishes he could see him children more often and has a close relationship with both of them.
Brother- Erik Skye, Aurora's twin and Buddy. They are close but Erik seems to push her away more often. He doesn't want to talk with her at school as he sometimes is ashamed of her. Erik does love his sister but he would rather not let known they are related, not knowing how much he hurts Aurora with this.

current crush: none

pre-existing relationships: friends with the bullies even though she has more sincere goals and has a good heart

significant other requirements: Don't. Be. Ashamed. Of. Her. That is all. If it clicks with each other than that is fine. Everything can be great just don't be ashamed of her, that is a big turn off.

people they love/hate/neutral:
>Aurora loves her friends, even when their cliche is the most hated in the school, not that she knows that. 
>Aurora is often annoyed by the popular cliché because they make feel people bad about themselves (the irony I know) but she doesn't know how to tell them that without sounding like a creep.
>Aurora doesn't really care about the other cliches. They aren't her friends neither her enemies so she doesn't care about them or know them.

what they think of Neo's death: Aurora was never a good friend of Neo but she feels really bad about it. She pities the poor girl and doesn't think she deserved what happened to her. Deep inside she fears for herself because Aurora thinks it's murder and thinks the murder is still out there.

who they think is the killer: She has no idea. She sincerely hopes it's an animal and nothing bad will happen but she fears its a human, though she can't think of a reason why they would want to kill a girl as sweet as Neo.

✧༺♥༻∞ end ∞༺♥༻✧

status: Alive

time of death: Unkown

And that was
the longest form
I have ever made

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