You are mine

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『Name 』
Anastasia Tyrell is her birth name. After the mark of a rose appeared on the inside of her wrist did she change her name to Nasia. She didn't want anyone who knew her would be able to tell the king where she was so she changed her name and moved away. Now she goes at the name Nasia Woods. Not the most creative name but she was panicking and Nasia was the first name that came in her mind. It was the nickname some of her childhood friends had for her.

『Nicknames 』

『Gender 』

『Age 』

『Sexuality 』

『Height 』
5'5 feet

『Face claim』
Anastasia Tsilimpiou

『Written Appearance』
Nasia is a beautiful young woman. She has long honey blonde hair that falls till half way her back. She often let it fall loose on her back or simply ties it back. If she has the change she braids some flowers in them, usually white ones as she loves that colour. Nasia has light blue eyes that are surrounded by dark lashes, she doesn't often wear make up but luckily for her her lashes are long and dark so her eyes pop out. She has a light skin with a few flaws like every human. She has chubby cheeks that easily turn red when she's embarrassed but also when she's laughing it when she's angry. She isn't a very tall girl but neither is she small. She is average and that is exactly like she wants it.

Nasia has two scars. When she was a child she fell a lot, because of this the little wounds of her knees kept opening again and again until they left a scar. Now on both her knees are little scars from her many falls as a child.

Nasia has none piercings. She wanted to get her ears pierced but didn't after her mother disagrees with it and later she just didn't found the motivation to do it.

『Tattoos 』
She has only one tattoo, the one that turned her life upside down. The beautiful tattoo of a rose that is placed in the inside of her write, the one that doomed her forever. She tries to hide it by wearing long shirts but sometimes someone sees it and she often tells them she got it when she was a child for the fun.

『Personality 』
Nasia seems to be the perfect daughter, the kind of girl who never disobeys and is kind to everyone. The kind of girl you would secretly hate because she was way too perfect, so perfect she has to be fake. Well you are right. She is fake. All the smiles, all the nods and soft words that come out of her mouth are to hide her deep secret. She is a clever young woman who can quickly adapt to the situation. This way she is basically another person around everyone, basing her personality on the people around her and what she thinks can make them pay less attention to her. Usually that is a sweet and obedient girl who doesn't speak up and does what she is told. If anyone would truly get to know Nasia they can finally see her true personality. They will get to know that she is a survivor. Even after everything that happened, everything that will happen, she will survive. Or at least fight. Nasia however is also quickly scared, and you know what scared people do. They destroy. She doesn't destroy buildings but people, relationships. When she even has the slight bond with someone, when she can get hurt when they leave her, she leaves first. She won't let them break her. She will run, run from all her problems. If she's in true danger she often freezes, only to act later, which often includes hysterical crying screaming and trying to claw the eyes out of everyone who comes close. Even though she is an actor and liar, she does care. She hates death and seeing people suffer, especially when it's because of her. She will do anything in her power to stop it. This often results in her getting into trouble she can't get out of. Which then again results in her running away again.

The sound of children laughing
Beautiful dresses

『Dislikes 』
Her tattoo
Her destiny
Loud music
Only been seen as a pretty girl

『Skills 』
Charming people
[Sorry it's so short. It's late and I want to sleep]

『Powers 』

『Flaws 』
Runs away when things get painful
Won't let herself love
Easily frightened
Can get hysterical

『Occupation 』
At this moment she's working in a bakery as an extra help

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