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Kill the chef

Aleksander Brandy


7th of December




Rome Flynn

The dark kingdom

Aleksander has a superiority complex. He believes himself to be better than everyone else. He sees most people as either uninteresting or too self absorbed to be any sort of interesting. People are simply not the interesting part of life, they are cruel, selfish and abusive. He is pretty negative, and with pretty negative I mean he hates everything and everyone. The world sucks. People suck. The nature sucks. Everyone will die anyway, life is useless. Those thoughts usually circle in his head. If you see the good in things, he will see the bad. He always knows a way for things to go wrong, and even if things go well, he will find a way to see darkness in it. Aleksander is, you probably guessed it already, not a very social person. He doesn't like chitchat and will definitely do everything in his power to avoid small talk. If you want someone to talk to or someone to make things more comfortable, don't come to Aleksander. He will either stare at you until you walk away or not so subtle tell you that you need to shut the hell up. He is also unbelievably moody and angsty. He will randomly quote super dark stuff like 'the only thing that is sure in life is that we will all die' or 'death is a release of this hellish world'. Most people tend to avoid him because of this behaviour. He isn't a people man, and that is fine. As long he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't insult too many too powerful people.

Aleksander doesn't care. He genuinely doesn't care. He isn't someone with a lot of loyalty for his own kingdom, he doesn't hate it and he won't betray it, but he isn't enough of a nationalist to care about the treaty. He hopes that it won't turn out to be a disaster. He doesn't trust the people from the light kingdom, something inside him suspect it's all a game. But then again, he doesn't trust the people from the dark kingdom either. It wouldn't surprise if his own queen was setting the queen of the light kingdom up. He just generally hopes it doesn't turn to a war, and if it does, he doesn't want to be involved.

Aleksander did not have a good childhood. He was born to two unknown people. Neither his father or mother has ever been in his life. He doesn't know who they are, he doesn't know anything about them expect that they left him. They left him at the steps of the orphanage and never looked back. He grew up in the orphanage, and oh well wasn't that the most delightful experience! Not. The manager of the orphanage was a man who only wanted one thing, who had only one desire: money. He used the children of his orphanage to get this money. To the outside world he seemed as a good doer, someone who did what was the best for the world and asked nothing in return. little did everyone knew how much of a monster he was. He would not only neglect the children, barely giving them anything to wear or eat, but he would also make them work long hours. Aleksander hated his life, he hated the house and he most of all he hated his parents who left him in a place like this. The older he got, the more angry and resentful, the more he got in trouble. He had never been one to follow rules or show kindness. His youth in the orphanage learned him that you couldn't show weakness, not to anyone. And kindness did equal to weakness for him. Someone who was kind, was someone who could easily be used and taken advantage of. He would never become that kind of person. When he was 17 he met a girl, and he fell deep. Though she only used him. She was no innocent girl, she had deceived him. She thought it would be fun to play with a poor orphanage boy, play with a street rat, even though she was only an orphan too. So she made him love her, worship her. And than she broke his heart in the cruelest way. They had decided to meet up, a way to prove their love she had said, but when Aleksander arrived at the spot, he saw something that broke his heart. The spot was his secret place, a place where he sneaked of too when the life in the orphanage broke him, a place he had shown her to show his love. At that place she was having sex with another man, a noble man. Her eyes met his and she smirked, looking him in the eyes while she rode the other guy. Aleksander saw red. He didn't remember what happened, not exactly, but when he calmed down, she was dead. She and the man she had been with, and he had blood on his hands. He dumped their bodies in the river and left the orphanage.

-He hates the colour yellow. It triggers something inside him. He doesn't know why, doesn't remember why. The truth is, it's because his former lover, the woman who used him, only wore yellow. It was her significant colour. How he used to love it. Now he despises it.
-He listens to a lot of rock music. It fits his whole 'burn the world down' kind of aesthetic. He actually enjoys the music, though he did only start listening because the song lyrics did touch something in his heart (eDgY)
-He has a slight crush on the girl who cries. She is the perfect girl for him, but he can't let himself love again. His last love ended  horrible and he doesn't trust her enough to open his heart again.
-He is an amazing cook. Which isn't a surprise considering he works for the dark castle as a chef, but he also enjoys it. Like, he enjoys cooking and baking a lot. You might even see him smile, while he is standing in the kitchen, baking cookies. Though if you tease him about it, he will break your neck

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