Chapter 36- Caught in a Lie

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"Row, I promise you I'm fine. He can stare all he wants," Natalie said as I was packing things away from my backpack and to my locker.

"Just wanted to be sure," I mumbled, looking back over to where Duncan and Jeremy were standing. Duncan was too busy saying something to Brooke, but Jeremey had been staring our way since we were in his general vicinity.

"Has he tried to talk to you since that night?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's called a few times. Left a few texts, but nothing too crazy."

"And you haven't been talking to him, right?" I asked slowly.

"No, I haven't," she responded convincingly. "It feels really good too. I had no idea how much that relationship was weighing me down," she finished with a roll to her shoulders, as if she meant literally instead of figuratively.

"Are you girls ready yet?" Cyrus asked as he came around to my locker. I was finishing up just as Adam came around as well.

"What's up with that guy?" Adam asked and he and Cyrus both looked back to Jeremy who's staring had now turned into a hard glare.

"We broke up," Natalie said without looking over. Cyrus's attention snapped to her in an instant.

"Hey," Adam said with a sudden chipper. "Guess who's taking you out on your next date."

"If I have any luck left in the universe it's going to be Dylan O'Brien," Natalie said.

"Hah," Adam laughed. "Even better. It'll be me," he said proudly, giving himself a smack to the chest.

"Adam, you don't want to take me out on a date."

"Yes I do," Adam replied, like it was the most obvious fact in the world.

Natalie gasped. "Look, there's Lauren Reynolds!"

"Where?" Adam asked with interest, throwing his head side to side in search of her. Apparently, Lauren was one of his many crushes. Natalie nodded at his reaction as if she had expected it and moved on with the conversation.

Just as I was wondering where Declan was, my phone vibrated with a call.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked him through the phone.

"I'm not coming today. I have to take Parker to an appointment. Will you tell Cyrus to make sure Coach knows?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure thing. Is Parker okay?"

"Yeah, he's probably fine. I think it's just his allergies acting up, we might have to change his medication." It had just occurred to me then that his voice sounded exhausted. It had been Saturday when I last saw him, and now today was Monday.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, wondering why sounded so drained. He hadn't texted me much this weekend and I was eager to see him today.

"I'm fine. Just didn't sleep much last night. Julie and my dad are busy today so I'm staying home with Parker."

"Okay. Text me if you need anything?"

"Yeah, talk to you later," He let out before he ended the call. I let Cyrus know what he said to pass along to Coach later at practice.

"Okay," He responded to me then looked towards Natalie. "Can I walk you to class today? So, we can talk." He asked her.

"Yeah," She responded with a smile and they left me and Adam behind.

Adam watched them walk down the hall together. "I can't believe he just left me like that," he said disappointedly.

"It's okay, buddy. I'll walk you to your class," I nudged him with my elbow and earned a smile from him. He threw an arm around my shoulders and we walked down the hall.

"You smell nice. It reminds me of something like warm sugar vanilla something or other."

"Well thank you," I said.

"Hey, it's putting me in the mood for a waffle, let's ditch class." I frowned at the fact that I reminded him of a breakfast item.

"No ditching class Adam, Coach would have a cow."

"It would be worth it. Just like two class periods is all."

"No ditching classes Adam."

"Okay fine, what about one class period?" I didn't respond so he went on to his negotiating. "How about half a class period? Fine, like 10 minutes. I can drive faster than a bank robber in a getaway car."

"That doesn't bring me comfort, Adam. In fact, you're making me want to stay even more than before."

So he spent the rest of our walking time speaking of fast cars and waffles until I shoved him into his classroom. I lingered a little to make sure he was seated in a chair and too distracted by some pretty girl to ditch class.


When school was out, I received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered. I recognized the area code so it must have been someone from around here.

"Hello? Rowena? It's Julie calling. Julie Montgomery? "

"Oh, hi Julie. How are you?"

"I'm doing fine sweetie. Listen, have you seen Declan today? The kids haven't been picked up from school. Evelyn has been waiting there and Parker's daycare will close in about an hour and a half."

"Oh, I thought Parker had a doctor's appointment today." 

"Today? No. He had a runny nose last week, but that was just allergies."

"Huh," I started. "So, Parker is at school today?" I asked slowly.

"Yes, I took him myself. And now I can't get ahold of Declan, I'm absolutely swamped at work, the kids nanny had a family emergency, and Declan's dad is too busy to get them today," She ranted all in one breath.

"I know he usually has soccer practice after school, but I really needed him to do this for me today. You're sure you haven't seen him?" She finished desperately.

"Um, no Julie. I haven't seen Declan today."

Why would he lie to me about not being in school? And where the hell was he now? The feeling of nerves and uncertainty churned in my stomach as Julie let out a groan of stress.

"Julie, do you need me to pick them up? I just got done with school, I can leave right now." I did have work today but I'm sure Risa would understand if I had to come in a little late.

"Oh Rowena, would you do that for me? Really? I would appreciate that so much."

"Yeah, it's no problem."

"Okay, well Evelyn is at Carlisle Elementary and Parker is at ABC Academy off of Brecksdale Lane and Fort Hikes. Do you know where that is?"

"Yes, I know where both those places are. I have GPS if I get lost."

"Perfect, thank you so much for this Rowena, I owe you big time! The cook, Mrs. Lester, is at the house already. Tell her to order something tonight and you can just leave the kids with her. She knows she'll get paid extra and she'll have no problem with it. If you get in touch with Declan, please tell him to call me, okay?"

"Got it, Julie. I'll let you know when they're both dropped off," I said and let her thank me again before she hung up the phone. I quickly sent a message to Declan, asking where he was.

I took my own car today since I had planned to go straight to work after school. I sent Risa a message about me coming in late while I walked towards the parking lot. The after-school shift wasn't so busy, I knew they would be okay without me for an hour or so.

My phone buzzed and I quickly brought my phone up, thinking Declan had repsonded. It was Risa, telling me it was fine that I was coming in late.

That's when I decided to call him. But the line went straight to voicemail...

A/N: I love spontaneous updates :)

What are our thoughts here people? Why do you think Declan lied? Where do you think he really is?

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