Chapter 41- Seńor Prank Day

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^^(They didn't put a font on my "ń" this feels racially motivated.🙄🤚🏽)

I wish Nico had been the one I shared physics with ... then I wouldn't have to sit here with boring, grumpy, no sense of humor, stick up his ass Duncan Smith.

This class was a little more on the wild side (not my fault, I am an absolute angel in this class) so our teacher paired everyone with a partner herself, leaving me stuck with Duncan Donuts.

When we were done with our work though, we practically had to just sit there in awkward silence while the rest of the class finished up. I hated awkward silences.

"So," I started. "you ready for the game on Friday?"

I also hated small talk. But I think I hated awkward silences even more, so much so that I was desperate enough to strike up a conversation. I was more than likely to regret this. I don't even know why I opened my mouth in the first place.

"Obviously," He said in a short-clipped tone, without raising his head from his phone.

"Confident. Bet that makes you a good team leader."

He looked up at me at that. No emotion whatsoever, only the slight raise of his brows. And then he dropped his head back to his phone without replying.

I don't know, I found it kind of funny. I was most likely bothering him, and that was kind of fun.

"So do you like donuts?" I asked, forcing myself to keep a smile from forming.

He glared at me then. "No."

"Oh, that's a shame."

"No, It's not." He went back to his phone.

"Yeah, I don't know. Something about being here... like something about, I don't know the vibes? ... Makes me want an iced coffee. Funny right?"

He glared at me again, clearly finding this very unfunny.

"What?" I let a smile slip. "I'm just messing with you. Having a little fun? You ever tried it before?"

"Only with people I like spending my time with."

"Ouch," I let out a breath of laughter. He went back to his phone without another word.

"Hey, you remember that one time you were being an ass during practice and I kicked that soccer ball so hard and it landed straight in your-"

"Oh my god, shut up."

I decided to stop there, not bothering to hide my smile any longer, but letting him scroll through his phone in peace.


"FINALLLLLLYYYYYY!" Boomed Adam when we all pulled up the school.

It was senior prank time. We had talked to a lot of other seniors about ideas and help for setting up. This included the entire soccer team, who talked to their other senior friends, so the turn out for helpers actually turned out pretty decent.

It was like a school day, but just for seniors, no teachers, and at night.

I had texted Uncle Lio in advance to tell him about our plans, that it was all in good and innocent fun, and to give us some wiggle room about setting up.

He sent me a rolling eye emoji but nothing further, which meant we were in the clear for the night. He had my back.

Declan insisted that he needed help setting Mrs. Hymann's room, aka the teacher who despises him for no apparent reason and always singles him out. We had decided to rub every single one of her writing utensils (including pens, pencils, highlighters, and whiteboard markers) in petroleum jelly. We also put jelly on all of her desk drawer handles.

It was both innocent and absolutely evil at the same time. Declan went ecstatic over the idea. Then, others caught on to the idea and did the same with the teachers that they hated.

That was just the start of the night.


I was helping Natalie and Lillian with a room. Lillian was being her usual annoying over-obsessed-with-Cyrus self, but in the past where Natalie had usually tuned her out, this time she was paying attention.

Her brows would furrow when Lillian talked about him. Then she saw me watching her and smiled at me, switching her expression completely and going back to her work.

I left them in the room while I went to the dumpster to get rid of some boxes we weren't using. It was out the door and past the small teacher's parking lot.

I dropped the lid back on the dumpster as I heard the door open again, someone coming out to throw away trash of their own.

"Hey Row," said Nico nervously, like he was just caught with his hand in a cookie jar.

"Hi Nico," I said back. We hadn't talked since that night.

"I uh- I really owe you an apology, don't I?"

My only response was a small smile from the side of my mouth.

"I am sorry. I was being an ass that night, I'm not usually like that. I was just drinking and pissed off about something unrelated. Then Declan was there and I didn't like he was talking to me and I handled it in a way I usually wouldn't have. Sorry," He said again.

I was quickly able to decide that if I could forgive Declan for being the ass that he was, I could forgive Nico too.

"Forgiven this time," I said to him as he smiled a little. "You owe each other an apology too."

"Yes ma'am, I'll find him right away ma'am." He saluted me and then walked to the dumpster the rest of the way. I shook my smile off before heading back into the building.

The room I was in last was actually quite a walk and required one set of stairs to get back to. I passed a few people on my way, setting up different areas and following orders.

"Hey," said a voice from behind me. I didn't really know if they were talking to me but the noise caught my attention anyway and I looked back.

Jeremey was walking right up to me.

"I want to know what you said to her," He said, wasting no time as he finally caught up to me.

"Sorry?" I asked, very confused but what the hell he meant by that.

"What did you say to Natalie?" He asked slowly this time. "We were fine before you came along and then she became friends with you and that pathetic little friend group that you made for yourself and suddenly she doesn't want to be with me anymore."

I was silent for a short pause. And then I laughed. Like actually laughed out loud. "It doesn't matter who she's friends with. Doesn't take a genius to realize you treated her like shit. That's your problem buddy and has nothing to do with me. Don't waste my time again."

I turned around and left him there as the rage sparked from behind his eyes. I didn't have the patience to deal with dumbasses tonight. Thank you, but no thank you.

Cyrus was there at the end of the wall, watching us and then watching Jeremy from behind me. I caught up to him and looked back to see Jeremy staring right back at us.

"What the hell did he want?" He asked me, just as Adam came laughing from down the hall with some other seniors he was setting up with.

"I have no fucking idea."


The next morning was the most beautiful and eventful type of chaos I had the pleasure to be a part of.

The entrance to the school was marked with a giant for-sale sign. And then we got one of those inflatable dancing tube men, stuck a sombrero and a handlebar mustache on his face with glue, gave him a poncho for good measure, and labeled him Seńor Prank, just to let all the teachers and other students know what this day was.

We kept the beginning of the day to smaller pranks. The main entrance hall was filled with confetti on the floor and a giant sign with our graduation year was strung up from the middle of the hall. We stuck balloons on every few lockers, where kids would pop them from time, making other kids and a few teachers jump in surprise.

Every other classroom had the floors littered with peanut foam, very squeaky on the bottom of our feet, but completely harmless. The teachers who were victim to the petroleum jelly were not happy. It was very fun watching them try to get the caps off their whiteboard marker. They stuck their lessons to PowerPoint and other electronic means.

The entire cafeteria was full of balloons and play pit balls. Lunch was hectic but at least it wasn't food we were throwing this time.

This was lunchtime for most teachers as well, where they would find that each chair in the teachers' lounge was flipped upside down, including the couches.

Nobody had the nerve or the heart to mess with Coaches office. In fact, I had stuck a couple of fresh packets of gum on his desk. "Don't worry Coach, I kept them away. (:" was written on a sticky note on the highest pack. I didn't sign it, he would know who it was from.

We took about twenty alarm clocks, cheap and very loud, and set them to different times to go off. They were all hidden in different places around the entire school.

Then at the very end of the day about halfway through the last period, we had given five seniors the job of running through the hallways setting off air horns as they went. This was to alert the seniors it was time for the last prank of the day.

We all heard the horns at the same time, looking from one another in an all-knowing expression. The teacher stopped talking as he heard the sound getting closer. Then we all got up and ditched together, leaving all of our stuff and finding the exit doors.

We all pilled out towards the main parking lot. Everyone was crowding, loud, talking, screaming, laughing, and helping people with supplies. There were about ten water coolers filled to the brim with water balloons ready to go. Five laundry baskets were filled with water guns, seniors reaching for whatever they can get their hands on first.

And then water was blasted, sprayed, and thrown everywhere. Teachers who came to stop us were the main targets until they gave up, watching us from the sidelines and shaking their heads in disapproval.

"Don't think I forgot," I heard Declan say from behind me. He was holding a regular nerf gun with regular old nerf bullets. And then he shot me.

So I had to make use of the handful of water balloons that were piled in my arms, chucking one balloon after the other at him until I was forced to run away screaming to find more ammo.

It was the best school day of my experience.

A/N: You guys should enjoy this light-hearted good old fun.

I am ready to launch the start of climactic storyline events. This means the emotional roller coaster for us is very soon approaching. So buckle up, take a deep breath, and I'll be seeing you soon.


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