Chapter 5- Skater Boy

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Happy International Women's Day :)

"But daaaad. Why can't I wait for Cyrus to come first? You know I don't like going to public places by myself."

"Rowena, we need the cream before they come for dinner. Now hurry your ass out the door." He had his hands full with raw chicken and spices.

"Isn't it like... bad for you to cuss in front of me or something?"

He gave me a pointed glare, which usually meant he was done with my shit. I put my hands up in defense, "Okay fine, I'll go get the cream."

"And clean your room when you get back, your mom will be judging us both on how we handle the house in her absence."

Mom was coming in for the weekend. She lived two hours away for a temporary job, but she'll come to stay with us most weekends and holidays. She likes to grill us about our cleaning habits.

In my defense, I was actually very good at cleaning my room. I was just also very good at throwing my clothes around and cluttering my desk in a short span of time.

I threw on a jacket, tied my shoelaces, and grumbled out the door.

It was a Saturday afternoon which meant the grocery store was a little more crowded than usual. Thank god I was only here for one thing. I went to the refrigerated section to get what I needed and made my quick escape.

I was walking out of the store when I heard some group of boys somewhere from the side of the building. They sounded like that group of boys who had fun doing stupid and unnecessary things, so I didn't even turn my head towards them.

"Ooh shit, sorry my bad, am I supposed to feel threatened right now?"

I stopped in my tracks. That daring voice was very familiar. I barely heard it, but I recognized it anyway. I shouldn't have turned around to look but I did. I knew exactly who I would find among that group of boys.

Declan was there like I had anticipated, only the three boys that surrounded him didn't seem friendly in the slightest. At least he wasn't by himself though, it looked like he had a friend with him.

"You knew exactly what you were doing when you fucking ran into me," said one of the boys I didn't recognize, getting into Declan's face, "Now pick them up and go buy me some more like the good little bitch that you are."

Declan just looked at the guy like he found something funny. "Or what? You're going to fight me over some eggs?"

I didn't realize I had hidden behind a van until a lady stopped beside me and stared at me with her keys in her hands. She just silently clicked a button and the van unlocked. I gave her a nervous laugh and went to find a different car to hide behind, tuning back into the conversation.

"I've started fights for less asshole." I snorted from my private little space. Saying it the way he did made him sound like a corny-ass clown.

"So you're going to punch me? Right now? Is that what this is?"

Clown dude just shrugged his shoulders and Declan mirrored his action before saying, "Alright then," and sent his fist flying across the guy's face.

"Man c'mon," Declan's friend whined from the side and quickly took some other guy by the collar, throwing him to the ground and giving him a single kick in the abdomen. That was definitely a soccer player's kick.

It was hard to keep up with what happened after that because there were so many fists flying across the place and boys flinging themselves around and I couldn't even tell who was fighting who anymore.

Somehow, Declan had ended up on the floor, and there were two boys now standing over him. He tried to get himself up, but he was shoved back down. His friend was too busy with the boy he had on the floor to notice Declan's struggle.

"Hold him up," Clown dude said to his friend and so he did. Then, he plunged his fist into Declan's stomach, and I heard his grunt from where I was standing.

I noticed now that Declan was always smiling at something. Even being punched straight in the gut didn't keep the smirk off his face. Homeboy might be a tad bit crazy.

I didn't give myself any more time to rethink my actions before I stepped forward. They were all too busy being hotheads that nobody even noticed me.

I saw a skateboard on the ground, so I picked it up, raised it over my head, and slammed it against clown dude's back without hesitation.

The board snapped in half and he fell to the ground.

"What the fuck?" said the guy still holding Declan. His friend was groaning from the ground.

"Okay," I said suddenly feeling very nervous with my decision. I observed the half of the skateboard in my hands and the other half that landed on the floor. "So either your board was really old or really cheap, but uh... either way you needed a new one anyway, right?"

"Rowena," Declan snapped.

"What?" I yelled back.

"What the hell is going on over here?" so now security wants to show up?

I was distracted from the guard that I didn't even realize Declan had freed himself from his hold and was now running directly towards me.

My eyes widened and I almost screamed, not knowing what he was doing when he ducked down and lifted me off of the ground. I was thrown over his shoulder in the next second and he continued running.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Put me down, I can run just fine by myself!" He just shushed me and looked back to make sure his friend was following us.

I stopped struggling when I noticed the security guard was now running after us. "Oh shit," I gave Declan a few pats on the back, "Faster now, giddy up!"

He probably ignored me, I wasn't paying much attention. I heard him pull some keys out, furiously clicking the unlock button, and I heard the sound of a car unlocking multiple times.

"Adam, catch!" He threw the keys behind his back and I saw his friend catch them. We stopped only for Declan to throw us both in the back of his car as Adam hopped in the driver's seat and started the engine. There was no hesitation from him to floor the acceleration and just like that, we were pulling out of the parking lot, leaving the security guard and the group of boys behind.

"So was I just fucking kidnapped?" I asked as we pulled into the main road.

"That's a bit dramatic," Declan said scoffing, and then his face went serious, "But yes, that's exactly what happened here."

"That's great and all but I need to go back home now-ish," I said checking the time on the dashboard. "I was sent to the store for cream and if I don't get this back to my dad within about fifteen more minutes, he'll probably roast me with the chicken."

Luckily, I didn't lose the cream. I heard it bouncing of Declan's back the entire time we were running. I was pretty impressed that I managed to keep track of it after all that.

"Who were those guys anyway?"

"Valley View jocks."

Valley View. The rich kid school. Skater boy must have blown through his allowance on something else to have a board in that condition. As much as I'd like to believe it, I wasn't strong enough to have broken that board on my own.

"Crazy move you pulled back there. A little too reckless for my taste, but it seemed to get the job done. You're Rowena, aren't you?" Adam was watching me through the rearview mirror as he spoke.

"Yeah," it came out more of a question.

"You're the girl that jumped me last year at that soccer game."

"And you're the boy that tried to fight my best friend, what about it?"

I heard Declan snort from beside me and I turned to meet his gaze, "You sure do have a unique way at introductions."

"Keeps life interesting," I said in unnecessary defense, "So anyway, I left a whole ass car back there, when can you take me back?"

"It would probably be best not to go back for another hour at least."

I slumped into my seat with my arms crossed. "Can you at least take me to my house then? I can get a ride back to my car from there."

"You don't have to be in such a hurry, do you?" Declan asked with an excited glint in his eyes that worried me. He had the same look when we were hiding from that teacher. It was a dangerous look.

And yet somehow I still found myself asking, "why?"

"A couple of us are going to the beach for a bonfire. You should come."

I pointed to the mirror where Adam looked up briefly from the road, "Considering I jumped you the first time we met," I switched my finger over to Declan who stared at it with his brows raised in amusement, "and I slapped you the first time, I'm going to have to pass on that offer."

"Well you did already get into a car with us-"

"I was actually thrown in a car with you guys but please, continue."

"My point is you're already here. We're cool," he said motioning between the two of us, "No hard feelings between us. Plus, Adam already forgave you for that thing in the past, didn't you Adam?"

"She literally broke a skateboard in half to save our asses, I have no idea what thing of the past you're referring to."

I hid my smile behind my hand. Declan looked to me with his eyebrows raised in question.

"Drive me home and I'll think about it."

A/N: I think we all know she already has her mind made up.

I still plan to update this Friday!!

Thanks for reading

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