Chapter 7- Bonfires to Burgers

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"So that guy we beat up earlier today, that was his fault, right?" I asked Declan from the cement bench we were sitting on. The music from the party was still in earshot behind us.

"What was that thing you said about trust again?"

I gave him a sarcastic smile in response.

"Yes, it was his fault. I ran into him because I genuinely didn't see him. His eggs fell and just as I was about to apologize, he started cussing me out. He knew who we were, he was just itching to start something."

I heard a muffled buzz then and Declan pulled a phone from his back pocket. He read something from his screen and rolled his eyes. It wasn't the annoyed eye roll though, it was the kind of eye roll you give someone you're fond of.

He caught me staring and I anticipated the smug smile that came shortly afterward. "Before you get insanely jealous of whoever could be texting me, this is a drawing my little sister Evelyn just sent me through her tablet."

"Oh, that's sweet of her."

"It's a picture of me hanging by my feet, right above a pond of alligators," he said casually, "You're right though, it is one of her nicer messages." He turned his phone to show me the picture.

"Very artsy," I observed. "She seems fun, how old is she?"

"Eight years a pain in my ass. Parker's a lot nicer to me. He's two and doesn't know as many words."

"I wish I had siblings," I thought aloud.

"You like kids?"

"No, I just think it would be fun to mess with someone when Cyrus isn't around."

Out of nowhere a flare of alert lit up in Declan's eyes, and he reached over to hold both my hands in place.

"BOO!" someone yelled in the same moment and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Adam appeared from around us, laughing so hard he had to pause to catch his breath.

"Damn it Adam," I mumbled.

I looked down at Declan's hands still firmly around my own and he followed my gaze. "I didn't feel like getting slapped again," He explained and let go of his grip.

Adam was finally able to pull himself together and slumped onto the bench with us. "So what are you guys up to?"

"Plotting the murder of people who bug me. Congratulations, you've been bumped to the top of my list," I said with a smile.

"Oooh, top priority. I feel special and important."

"I feel hungry and... well nothing else. Just hungry."

"There you are, Cyrus! How'd it go with Ms. Legs?"

"Ignored. Hungry and Ignored," Declan continued.

Cyrus came around the bench and stood on the side, considering Declan and Adam were taking up literally all of the space.

"Well she was pretty, and she was nice." He sounded like he had more to say.


"But I'm trying to figure out a nice way of saying she's an airhead? It was really hard to hold a conversation."

"Hey I love airheads. Where's she at?" Adam shot up.

"Down boy." Declan grabbed his arm and guided him back to a sitting position. Then, he looked at Cyrus and gave him a little head nod. "What's up Cyrus? I guess we haven't officially met. I'm Declan and this is Adam."

"Actually, Adam and I kind of met. I don't know if you count socking someone in the jaw an official introduction though."

"I'd count it," I said, at the same time Adam said, "It felt official to me," while rubbing his jaw at the memory of it.

"Sorry I guess. But, you charged at me first."

"You tackled my team captain to the ground. You know what people usually call my actions in that moment? Loyalty." He pumped his chest at his last words.

"Hey, where were you that night?" I quietly asked Declan to the side. I feel like I would have remembered seeing him on the field.

"Benched for a red card," he shrugged.

"Your captain fractured my nose first," Cyrus continued.

"Oh shit, I didn't know that. But now he's your captain too!" He said brightly.

Cyrus made a face at that. "Don't remind me."

"Duncan's an ass sometimes. I wouldn't fall for it though, I think it's a front he likes to put up. You know, to act tough and all," Declan said.

"I'd like an iced coffee now." Duncan, Dunkin, same shit.

"And I would like some food, so how about we go find some?"

"Jimmy's?" I asked hopefully. It was the diner Cyrus and I always went to, the one he took me to after his soccer tryouts.

"Who's that?" Adam asked and Declan gave me a blank expression to match his words.

"Cyrus, it's time to educate these boys. But first, I'll be right back."

I wanted to find Natalie and let her know I was leaving, maybe to see if she wanted to come with us too. I spotted her quickly, it looked like she was walking away from something and she looked frustrated.

"Hey Natalie, are you okay?"

She looked at me and it looked like she wanted to cry. Then she threw her hands around me and hugged me tightly.

"Boys are stupid, and I think it's a tragedy I wasn't born a lesbian," she cried over my shoulder. It was the most relatable thing anyone has ever said to me.

"Do you need a distraction?" I asked as we pulled away. "I'm going to get food with my friends, you should come."

"I don't think I'll be very good company tonight. I'm just going to go home, but thanks for the offer." She gave me a weak little smile.

"Are you sure? It'll be fun and you can meet my friend Cyrus." She looked to be considering it over. I didn't think she really wanted to be alone tonight.

"Hey, you almost left me with the stooges," Cyrus said coming up from behind me.

"The stooges are a group of three, I'm sure they're taking applications. You'll fit right in!"

Cyrus ignored my comment and noticed Natalie. "Hi, I'm Cyrus."

She smiled at him, doing her best to mask her emotions she was pouring out just moments ago, "Natalie. Rowena's mentioned you a little."

"Should I be embarrassed?"

"No, but you just gave me ideas," I said and threw an arm around Natalie's shoulder.

But before I could say anything, he interrupted me, "So Natalie, are you coming to Jimmy's with us?"

"Jimmy's? That's a diner isn't it?"

"You sound interested, are you coming after all?" I asked her hopefully.

She opened her mouth, looking like she was going to say no again. Then, she closed her mouth, gave me another look, and to my surprise she finally said, "Okay, I'll come."

Natalie rode with us in Cyrus's car. I sat with her in the back so I could privately ask her if she wanted to talk about what happened on our way there. But, she just said there was no point, and that everything would better tomorrow.

That sounded a little suspicious to me, but I didn't push it any further. So instead, I made other conversation to distract her. It turns out she was familiar with the diner because her mom used to take her when she was younger.

Declan and Adam were already waiting for us in a round booth when we arrived. "How the hell did you guys get here before us?"

I slid next to Declan, our shoulders gently bumping as I settled in. He looked at my shoulder and I tried not to wonder what he was thinking as he smiled softly.

"Adam thinks he a GTA driver," Declan said finally looking up at me. Then he shifted his gaze around the table. "Hi Natalie."

"Hi Declan, Hi Adam," she responded.

"Natalie!" Adam sang, "How do you think Jeremy will react when you confess your undying love for me by the end of the night?"

"He's been hitting on her since freshman year," Declan whispered to me. I had no trouble believing it.

"He hasn't given up yet?" I whispered back.

"No, but he hits on lots of girls. Even tried hitting on our English teacher once."

I hummed in response and a waitress came to take our order. I made Cyrus share a plate of fries with me since we had eaten dinner before the bonfire.

We were discussing the impressive range of potatoes when Natalie visibly cringed at something by the door. I turned around and saw a group of girls at the entrance. The one with shoulder-length red hair looked over at our table and made her way over to us.

She put a careful smile on her face and I noticed her eyes were ridiculously blue. She was pretty, that's for sure, but I wasn't a big fan of the energy she brought to the table.

"Hey Natalie. New friends of yours?"

"Hey Brooke," she said with slight tightness in her tone. I could tell Natalie didn't like her and I made myself ready to jump in if I needed to. I just wanted to give Natalie a chance to help herself first.

"Did you know they're organizing a father-daughter dance at the festival this spring? You'll be there, won't you?"

Natalie seemed to sink lower into the booth.

"Oh wait, that's right, didn't he leave you for another family?"

"Not cool Brooke," Declan said.

"What? It was an innocent question, I really did forget. You know, me and my dad have so much in common, it's a shame you can't relate."

I couldn't help myself.

"Oh my god, that's just so cute," I said matching her bitchy tone of voice, "Let me guess, you're both ginger and flat-chested?"

All in the same moment, Natalie blinked at me in surprise, Cyrus choked on air, Declan burst out laughing, and the red soda in Adam's mouth sprayed all over Brooke's shirt.

She squealed as she wiped some from her chin and then glared daggers at me, "Who the fuck are you?" Her tone was like nails on a chalkboard.

"It's Rowena. But honey, I'd worry more about the stains in your white shirt if you don't get that cleaned quickly enough. Hurry now, be gone."

She looked down at her shirt in disgust. Her glare was still heavy when she looked up at each of us. I noticed her glare stayed just a few seconds longer on Declan before she strutted away in a huff.

The boys were laughing like idiots and I found it contagious. Even Natalie was smiling at this point. She mouthed a thank you at me and let out a few laughs with us.

After we calmed down, Adam was the first to say something while wiping the corner of his eye, "Man, I can't believe you dated that."

We silently followed his gaze to Declan. He silently looked back at us for a moment. "What? It was a phase I'm not proud of," he grumbled.

Our order came shortly afterward. As we dug in, I looked towards Natalie, making sure she seemed okay after what Brooke said, but then I noticed she was frowning at Adam. I looked over and he had face resting on his hand, staring intently at his ice cream.

"Adam, what are you doing?" Cyrus asked, noticing him too.

"I'm waiting for my ice cream to cool dow-" he stopped short. "I now realize my stupidity."

Natalie was the first to laugh at him. "Quicker than usual buddy," Declan said and patted him on the back.

A/N: I'm loving this friend group a little too much already. Natalie and Adam have their very own character aesthetics now posted !!

Next update is ofc this Friday. Thanks for reading!

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