Chapter 9- Cafeteria Chaos

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"You have to factor x cubed minus eight first and then solve it from there. Look where you went wrong here." I pointed to the problem on Cyrus's paper. It was lunchtime, but we had a quiz next period that I was helping him prepare for.

"Oh no shit," he thought aloud and began to rework the problem.

"Ooh, a math wizard. That's very impressive Rowena," said Adam as he came to set his lunch tray down. I don't know where he came from, but this is the first time he sat with us during lunch.

"Not really, I just pay attention in class."

"You don't think I do?" Cyrus asked in an offended tone. "I probably pay more attention than you do, but I swear Mrs. Vienna is speaking another language."

"Lucky I'm a good translator then. Where's Declan?" I asked Adam, who had begun stuffing his face with a slice of pizza.

"Don't worry Row Row, I'm right here," He slapped his tray down in the empty space beside me, flashing me an annoyingly perfect smile.

Cyrus snorted at his paper. "Row Row," he said under his breath.

"I don't wanna hear a peep from you until you finish the problem," I frowned at him. Secretly, I was very satisfied with being able to tell Cyrus what to do. Usually, the roles were reversed.

He rolled his eyes and went back to his work. Declan leaned over to get a better look at his paper.

"Damn, I took that quiz last period."

Cyrus snapped his head up. "Was it hard? What was on it? How'd you do?" He asked frantically.

Declan shrugged his shoulders and opened his mouth to say something, but someone interrupted him.

"My pizza taste like stale cardboard," Adam complained.

"As opposed to fresh cardboard, huh?" Cyrus asked sarcastically.

But Adam wasn't listening. Instead, he had his attention very steady on my fresh cut sandwich that still laid safely in its container.

"Woah there Adam, eyes up here fool. Keep your gaze off my goodies." I snatched up my container into my arms and he finally looked up.

"C'mon Row, you have two halves... and there's only one of you."

"One of me that plans on thoroughly enjoying both halves of her sandwich, so don't even think about it."

I should have seen it coming. I should have thought that he would reach across the table and swipe my beautiful sandwich container straight from my arms. I should have held on tighter and never let it slip away. But I didn't. Adam now had my sandwich in his thieving hands.

The first thing I did was glare at Cyrus. He had the sense to pull his notebook out of the way, but not to save my sandwich for me. Fake ass bitch.

But then I heard an evil and maniacal laugh coming from Adam, so I snapped my attention back to him. "Hey! Give that back! You can't steal food from hungry girls, ever!" I stood up and made my way around the table to reach him.

Then he stood up and started walking away from me as he attempted to open the container. "Pleeeeeaaassssseeee, just one half. I could stuff this whole thing in my face right now if I really wanted to."

We were now walking in circles across the table. Both Declan and Cyrus were circling their heads to keep up with the pace.

"Maybe I would have been nicer if you didn't snatch it away from me. Now you have no chance, give it back!"

He blew raspberries at me like a ten-year-old child and then peeled the lid back. I threw myself onto the table and ran across to reach him before he could get his grimy hands on my food.

But he saw me coming, and so he turned his back to me at the last second. I had to latch myself onto his back instead and tried to reach my arms over to grab my lunch back, but he just stretched his arms farther away from me.

"Damn it, here we go again." I was surprised I heard Cyrus grumbling over my spew of curse words I was throwing at Adam.

Cyrus came from the side, trying to grab me off of his back. He wasn't able to get too close though, considering he repeatedly dodged out the way of limbs being thrown around as Adam tried to shake me off.

I caught a glimpse of Declan now leaning against our lunch table with his fist covering his mouth. The asshole was trying not to laugh.

"Very useful of you Declan. And you, you traitorous heathen," I looked to Cyrus, "you should be more worried about saving my sandwich and less about what I'm doing up here." I gave Adam's noggin a hard thump with my fist.

"Ow!" He protested and swung around harshly. My foot caught on someone's small bowl of mashed potatoes. The entire thing skyrocketed into the air and both Adam and I stopped to watch it fly halfway across the room.

It landed smack in the middle of some guy's neck five tables down from our own.

The entire cafeteria went silent. I subtly hopped off Adam's back and he managed to fix his shirt with one hand.

"Who fucking threw that?" the guy turned around and lo and behold it turned out to be Duncan Smith. He looked pissed- wait no, that could just be his resting face.

"Damn Ryan, why would you that?" Adam said to the kid at the table next to ours.

Ryan took one headphone out of his ears and looked up from his open book. "Huh?" he said. Without a single warning, a new bowl of potatoes was sent flying through the air and straight towards Ryan's face. Luckily, his book was in the way and the potatoes, this bowl mixed with heavy gravy, ran down his copy of A Tale of Two Cities.


Only his words were drowned out by some yelling in the corner. Some girl was standing with food smeared on her shirt.

"What? It seemed like the right thing to do!" the guy from her table said with an empty paper bowl still in his grip.

And that was the last coherent thing that was said until all hell broke loose. Handfuls of food were being sprung around and some Styrofoam bowls and plates to go with it. Food was flying to the left and to the right and from the front and to the back.

"I had nothing to do with this," I said more to myself than anyone else.

"Yeah I say we dip before a teacher comes and tracks this back to us," Declan said.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, but if it's Mrs. Hymann that comes then everything is my fault."


"God damn it."


"Thanks for getting Coach to come to bail me out." Coach Clarke was a few feet ahead of us. Declan was given detention after Mrs. Hymann barged through the cafeteria and pointed her finger at him.

"I figured it was the least I could do. I really did try to help you, she was very persistent though."

"Yeah well, she loves Adam, she doesn't know you, and she loathes my existence, so it really couldn't be helped."

Adam did try to speak up and say it was his fault, but she didn't listen. When I explained it to coach he rolled his eyes like this had been a common occurrence. He seemed to understand that Hymann was a hater and he let me lead the way to her classroom where detention was being held.

"Hey so, you remember that quiz that Cyrus mentioned?" He asked while rubbing the back of his head. "Turns out I didn't do hot on that. Not really doing great in that class in general and um," he looked up towards coach, "Coach wants me to get a tutor."

"A tutor for math?"

"Yeah, and I saw how good you were with Cyrus. You don't mind, do you?"

"Oh, that's right," said coach from ahead of us, "A tutor for math, I'm glad you remembered."

Do I mind spending extra time with Declan, AKA pretty boy tall-dark-and-handsome, AKA star player on the school's soccer team? No the fuck I did not.

Remember when I made a pact with myself to steer clear of Declan because the boy just radiated trouble???

Yeah you're right, me neither.

Declan glanced at me as we steadily paced after coach and I just realized I didn't give him an answer out loud.

"Oh, yeah I suppose I can tutor you."

A/N: CLICHÉ ALERT????? Maybe.

Also, food fights are cool in fiction but I do not condone wasting food like that irl. Make good choices kids.

THANKS FOR READING YOU GUYS!!!! Hope to see you next week❤️

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