First Day At Fandom High!!

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Disclaimer: This is going to have a bit of dark/adult humor that might be triggering for some people. Also, in case it wasn't clear before, ALL OF THIS IS SATIRE. I'm not trying to make fun of anyone. If you're offended by anything in this fic, I'm sorry.

Y/N woke up in her room, yawning and cutely stretching her limbs. Until it hit her...

OMG! I'm late for my first day at Fandom High School! She thought, frantically flying out of bed and zooming into her giant closet that was totally not filled with fursuits. This is so not poggers!

The petite girl threw on her uniform that had a suspiciously low skirt, and jumped out the window of her apartment, ignoring the screams of her mom who will totally not turn out to be evil and abusive later on.

She used her super duper secret magic powers to float gently onto the soft green grass that she had not touched in weeks. I hope nobody saw that. Y/N thought cutely, glancing around. It would be terrible if someone found out my ultra mega dark super secret!

The beautiful girl relatably ran to school, dashing at max speed like some sort of unhinged Sonic The Hedgehog. People screamed and dove out of Y/N's way as she charged into the school, breaking down the doors in the process. Whoopsie! She thought miserably as someone frantically called 911. I'm just so clumsy and relatable!!! I can't help it!!!! Everyone hates me now!! I'm such a loser!!!!!!! And I'm using excessive amounts of exclamation points!!!!

Just when she didn't think it could get any worse, she slammed headfirst into a brick wall, miraculously not receiving a concussion.

Wait a minute...

Y/N looked up. It wasn't a brick wall.

It was...


"Tch!" He said attractively. Y/N nervously realized that his abs were somehow so hard that they managed to stop a girl maniacally running through the halls at the speed of light. Isn't he like a high schooler? She pondered. How is he so buff?

"Watch where you're going, you worthless chicken with no seasoning on it." Bakugo growled. "You almost knocked me over."

"S-s-s-s-s-s-s-sorry!" Y/N stammered excessively.

"What, are you tryna beatbox or something?" The blond boy teased maliciously. "Just stay out of other people's way next time, or I'll fucking rip your eyes out, since you don't seem to be capable of using them."

"O-o-o-o-o-o-okay s-s-s-s-s-s-sir." Y/N gulped in relatable fear for her life. Bakugo blushed at this, then mentally smacked himself. Why am I blushing?! He thought. Just because she's cute doesn't mean I have to like her! She bumped into me!

Unbeknownst to him, Y/N was secretly a mind reader. Did I forget to mention that? Oh well.

She blushed relatably, and quickly walked away to her next class, while also conveniently ending the chapter.

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