Chapter 3: Kill?

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Penny: Welcome back me. I hope that everything is going well in the world of reading. I've been a busy bee. I've been working on the ends of stories and finishing stories. So, this one will be done in February. My friends are giving me OTP's to write so, I'm making a story of OTP's. Hopefully, you guys will like some of them. So, onto the story. Yay.

Dick P.O.V.

I sat thinking about all that had occurred during the past few days. Molestation, my boyfriend, family, and Jason. Jason would kill Wally. Murder him. Dismember him and throw him in a ditch. Oh no, my first boyfriend is going to die. 

"Jason. Can you come in here?"

"What do you want?" Jason asked in my doorway.

"Are you going to kill Wally?"

"No, why would I do that?"

"He didn't protect me. I thought you were upset." I said looking down.

"I am upset, that doesn't mean I'll kill him though. If you're happy, I'm happy. I might not say that about Tim and Damien though. They might kill him." Jason said winking and walking away. Ugh.

Wally P.O.V.

I'm dead. I'm going to die! The batbros are going to kill me! I ran home and sat on the couch next to my mom who came over and asked me how Dick was. I was shocked my when my parents accepted Dick. They said that he is the only boy that they would accept. 

"Wally, can you come to the kitchen?" I walked in and my parents were scared and Nightwing was standing in front of them.

"Hello, West. I would like to talk to you. You are not to touch my brother below the waist, no kissing, and no sex till marriage." He said glaring at me. I gulped and nodded. "Good, I didn't want to have to kill you." He said smiling. I felt sick. Everybody really does love Dick Grayson.


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