Mer-Merry Hijink

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Hey sorry for the wait, been busy unfortunately ironic since I'm on break but I'm updating again. Also in response to a reader who commented on my last chapter I will admit to seeing your point. But that didn't excuse the rude comment, lucky for you I did make an alteration to the story which will hopefully ease things or won't itch you the wrong way.

... trolls.

Anyway here is the next chapter of Everyday life with an Alien Boy and Monster Girls.

We currently see Ben walking around the neighborhood in human form. As to why he's walking about his fellow homesteads have flown the coop.

Smith arrived not too long ago and she saw Suu, the three were worried their new friend would get deported and Kimihito may get into trouble for it. Then when the doorbell rang earlier Miia, Papi and Centorea got scared they were coming to take Suu they ran. Truthfully they were called by Smith, but in truth she called them to build a new water proof room.

Ben was surprised she did that to be honest, since meeting the woman he assumed she'd be the type to put off something or dump her problems on someone else. But turns out she did take care of her responsibilities when she needed to. So Kimihito tasked Ben with retrieving the girls while he took care of the paper work... making the poor guy cry from the sheer amount of it.

At the moment our boi here has turned a corner to an uphill street "maybe they went past here? Jeez, wish I was allowed to transform when the need comes... I mean I can but I'd accidentally scare someone" he muttered. Then heard screaming, looking up the hill Ben saw a girl with pink hair wearing a gothic outfit in a wheel rolling down. And by the sound of her she couldn't stop "help!" She cried, "don't worry I got you!" Ben shouted running after her, once he was close enough he reached for his watch to transform, but with her speed instead braced for impact and grabbed her wheel chair at the arm rests and used his legs to stop her momentum.

It slowed her down but they did wind up hitting a light post, neither got hurt fortunately, "okay... gonna admit that stung a bit" Ben groaned from his position, getting a better look at the girl he saw she was around Miia's age with a very pretty face and her hair ended in yellow tips. Another thing he noticed... was that her bust was the same size as his snakes sister... because his face was shoved into it when they crashed. (A/N: lucky)

"AHHH!! Oh my I am so sorry!" He apologized blushing "oh it's quite alright, if anything I should be apologizing to you. After all I was the one who carelessly rolled down the hill and crashed into you. I also must thank you because you risked injury to save me" she said bowing. Ben composed himself before getting up and helped the girl back onto her chair, "thanks, my name's Ben, Ben Tennyson. What's yours?" The shapeshifting boy asked her "I am Mero Lorelei, but please do address me as Mero" she replied "so why is a young boy like you out and about? Not that it isn't a nice day to take a walk" Mero asked him.

"Well, I'm actually looking for some friends of mine, extra species actually" Ben answered "oh would they happen to be a Harpy, Centaur and Lamia?" The mysterious girl asked him "I saw them down by the park not too long ago" "really? Then can you tell me where?"

The girl then gave him directions and he managed to find them... all three incapacitated by Suu who was dehydrated and assaulted them because they got covered in water. He's also recently found out that Suu really loves to get touchy feely with others when he saw her grope Cerea's chest.

Suu saw Mero and went at her, only for her shared boyfriend to catch her inside an orb of diamond as Diamond Head. "I got her, thankfully my life has gotten so hectic that I can handle almost anything that's thrown at me" Ben said seeing his trapped slime girl, after bringing Mero back to her original destination he dragged the girls back home.

Only to see Mero once again, turns out she was a Demi human like them, a Mermaid to be exact 'a mermaid! How did I not see that, her name is an obvious giveaway! Though now that I think about it... her... bust did smell a little like fish' he thought remembering when he unintentionally took a wholesome sniff of Mero's chest when she crashed into him.

"So another girl is staying here?" Kimihito asked, "yes, she even personally requested this place in particular" smith answered, "Huh? Why my place though?" The host asked. "It has something to do with the little cutie over here" the woman replied pinching Ben's cheek, "yes, you see. Mr. Tennyson had saved me earlier when I was speeding down a downhill road, and I wanted something to thank him for doing so. So I decided to live here to spend time with him and help Ben with whatever he needs" Mero explained.

"Huh, sounds fair, I mean Ben is a very nice boy. Mischievous at times but nice" the older male said ruffling Ben's hair "as for Suu, I wasn't able to get her a pass yet but you could classify her as a pet or something, with that you won't have to do any paperwork" Smith said, "I'll leave you to get acquainted then. See you," the coordinator then took her leave "YOU'RE SEATBELT GOD DAMMIT!" Ben yelled before she could drive off "oh, thank you Benny" she called back before driving. "I'm honestly surprised she's still alive" he commented dryly.

"Thank you for opening your home to me, I promise to help out in any way in my power" Mero said to Kimihito, "thanks, anyway Ben, why don't you show her around the house after she gets acquainted with everyone. I've still got some forms to fill out" he said. "Why me though? Can't you show her around first then get started on the rest of those forms, and why can't Miia or Cerea show her around?" The boy asked him, "well if I show her around Miia's likely to lash out at an accidental misunderstanding if she sees me with her in an awkward position" Kimihito said as Miia retorted "AHH?!?! I don't lash out at stuff like that!!" The Lamia said indignantly. "Miia you got me and Papi to fly you out of the house to go find Kimi and Centorea Chan when she asked him to accompany her out to a jog and when we found her you two started fighting. And Kimi was almost hit with a tranq Dart from Smith had I not been there as Diamond Head" Ben said dryly making her blush.

Then began to pout at Kimihito, "since they're all busy why don't I show you around Mero" the shapeshifter said "oh that sounds grand Ben" Mero replied as he started pushing on her wheel chair. After showing her around the house Ben brought her to the new pool room, which looked really nice, "man Mero, if I wasn't already comfortable with my room I'd be jealous. This is pretty nice" he said helping her get out of her chair, "I must agree this room is splendid" the mermaid replied before taking off her dress... (drool) "gah Mero why are you stripping?!" Ben asked averting his gaze.

"Why to enjoy the water, after all I wouldn't want to get this lovely outfit all wet" she answered before taking off her dress revealing a rather pretty looking gothic Lolita swimsuit. Then hopped into the water, "Ahh this feels nice" she said before sinking underwater, with Ben glad she was out of sight and sighed in relief "whew, glad that's over" he then stretched his arms before seeing a small bag at the far side of the room. "Huh" he goes over and look on the name seeing it was for him, Ben Tennyson, reaching in he pulled out a note saying it was from Smith, then looking inside he found a pair of swim trunks.

"Huh, well... that was nice of her... though..." he then pulled out what appeared to be a small... speedo... "why'd she also get me this to?". Later on Ben came back to Mero's room now wearing the swim trunks "hey Mero, you in?" He asked knocking on the door "yes Ben, would you like to come in?" He answered yes as the door opened, "hello Ben, did you want to go for a swim?" She asked. "Yeah if you wouldn't mind, Smith got me these new trunks and I wanted to break them in", he then jumped in and was caught off guard by how deep it was. "Bwah?! That was deep! Pretty sure Vilgax could even stand in it and wouldn't even reach the top" Ben commented swimming for the ledge to hold on to something.

"Oh my apologies Ben, I guess I should've warned you about how deep the pool was" Mero apologized swimming over "I dearly hope there is a way I could make it up to you" she then placed yo hands on his shoulder surprising him. "M-Mero?!" "I thought I could give you a massage as an apology, as well as a thank you for saving me earlier" she explained. He protested a bit before accepting the gesture, he felt rather relaxed as the girl's fingers pressed down on his shoulders, though he wasn't paying attention when her hand had pressed a button on the side of her pool.

(Lemon start)

"W-wow Mero, you're hands feel really nice" he complimented feeling more and more relaxed, "thank you, as I have said I wanted to thank you for saving me" she said pressing her chest against his back. "H-hey" "just relax now" she then rubs her chest against his back making him moan, "I see you're enjoying that, us mermaids normally have a coating of hydrating mucus on our bodies. It helps us breath easier on land, but it makes a good message oil to" she then lightly nibbles on his ear causing Ben to squeak. "M-Mero what are y-you doing?!" He asked "I can't help it, you're so cute" Mero then starts massaging his chest and arches her tail under his body between his legs to pull him closer to her.

"Mero-ro-ro!" Ben moaned as he felt her two pelvic fins slip into his trunks and play with his little friend. (A/N: just for the record, I asked Humatrix for a little information on fish biology in order to understand some Linimal anatomy so yeah, deal with the science stuff). "Such a cutie" she cooed licking his ear, "I'm sorry I'm doing this, but I can't stop, oh I'm turning into such a horrible person taking advantage of a boy. It's perfect" she uttered blushing with while turning him around and hugging Ben's face into her chest. His own blushing red hot in the process "A true tragedy" she then brings his face to hers and kisses him.

Taking the boy by surprise, "mmm?!" Ben muttered as his hands reached around to try to make her stop, only to accidentally pull off her bra. "Oh you're forward aren't you?" She asked before taking off the rest of her outfit, then hugged him tighter and kissed more "mmm!" 'Can't... resist... must... kiss back...!'

Mero continues on before getting hugged back by Ben which shocked her 'what?! Is he... reciprocating my affections?' She got it confirmed when the shapeshifter then began to kiss back surprising her more. "Mmm?!" "Mero! You taste so good!" Ben moaned before pulling off and started sucking on her chest causing her to gasp and squeak cutely. "I-I wasn't expecting this... I thought you'd want me to stop... eep?! And reject my affections... EEE!!" She squealed. "T-to be honest you're only the third girl to do that to me" Ben admitted before his trunks popped off, Mero then looked down and was very intimidated. "Wow... uh... you're very impressive..." she praised, "thanks, and I can't tell you're impressive to" he said before kissing her again as they sank underwater. "Mmm!" 'This isn't how I imagined it at all... and why does requited love feel so good?' Mero thought before feeling him pierce her hole. "Mero you feel so tight underwater!" He said gurgled as she let out a small cry, Ben then thrusting making her moan even more.

"S-so good... can't handle it..." she stuttered, she then noticed Ben turning a bit blue before grabbing the ledge of the pool and pulled them back out with Ben gasping. "S-Sorry Ben kun... I forgot you needed to breath air... y-you can stop if you wa... AHH?!" She was saying before Ben interrupted by thrusting into her again. "W-why would I stop?" He asked before kissing the mermaid more, "I knew fish tasted good, but who knew doing one would feel great!" He commented "b-but I'm not a fish... Bnmm!" He kisses Mero again while licking some of the mermaid slime off her body "b-Ben San that's mucus... it's unclea:.. Ahh?!" "If it's you it's bound to be clean" he commented before licking the inside of her ears.

Mero was now riding on Ben's hips with the water wearing kid hugging her body licking her neck. "Ahh ahh... Ben Chan, you're so attentive to me... I honestly don't deserve this... I'm a naughty girl..." she moaned "it's fine, Mero-Chan... I don't really mind... it's happened before... besides if you are a naughty girl... this is your punishment" Ben moaned back sucking on her bottom lip. "Y-yes... I'm being punished by Ben-Chan... but it feels so good" the mermaid replied, "it's about to feel better... Mero do you want it..." "inside Ben-Chan! I already grabbed some pills when we were in the bathroom" Mero answered. Ben obliged and thrusted harder making the fish girl squeak more and more. "Mero!" "Ben!" He then came into her.

(Lemon over)

Later on Ben apologized for what he did, but she forgave him and apologized instead because it was her fault. Though it didn't stop them from being scolded by the rest of the household, though Smith did quell it, oddly, though Mero was now spending the rest of the day away from Ben. Until the next when she was free to be affectionate with him again.

And that's another chapter done, if anyone who saw Ben getting Mero I congratulate you on knowing your Ben 10.
Reason why I say this is because canonically Ben has attracted the eye of royals before. Recall the Omniverse series, Princess Looma Redwind and Princess Attea of the Incursean Empire. One of whom was engaged to Ben and the other had a small crush on him, or rather his form Bull Frag. Nevertheless Ben's a Princess magnet, and Mero is a mermaid Princess, spoilers, sorry.
Anyway, thanks for reading.

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