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Kaya woke up in her room again. She couldn't remember anything after they left the restaurant, but it was safe to assume that he had brought her back to the hospital.

A nurse came in holding a tray of food, as Kaya attempted to sit up from her bed. "I am so sorry about that, but this is the safest way for you and others around you." Bitterness laced the nurse's pitiful tone.

Kaya, being as smart as she was, knew the nurse didn't like her—most likely because she ran yesterday, but she came back so it's not like any harm was done.

She was happy the nurse would be dead soon.

She grabbed the fork, glancing at her wrists that were decorated in primrose bracelets. It didn't matter though. She was going to be leaving soon.

A week passed by in a hazy blur of repeated motions: eat, sit, drugs, blackout.

On the seventh day of grey monotone, the nurse finally didn't force those horrid pills down her throat. Instead of that lovely afternoon ritual, screams were heard throughout the pale halls.

It was probably a nurse.

Kaya couldn't help but cackle. It would finally be their blood this time on their pristine floors. It made her glad that she somewhat had a part in her vengeance too, given that she chose not to tell anyone about the foretellings she had received from the FBI agent.

Someone slammed the door open, startling her. Just because she was happy they were getting attacked doesn't mean she didn't think she would get harmed as well. Thank god it was just the agent from the week prior.

He was disguised as a doctor in a lab coat, finishing the look with a stethoscope around his neck and rounded glasses around Expo blue eyes. A clipboard was held in his left hand and his right was closing the door ever so slowly.

"How did you manage to get here?" Kaya asked, an eyebrow raised in mock sarcasm.

"I just came to watch and make sure you know what to do." That was confusing.

"Don't you care about the people dying though. I thought the government's supposed to care about that."

'The local law enforcement will handle that when the wolves leave. Human beings aren't really my department of the law."

That made sense, but that also made her extremely cautious. If he didn't care about people, then it is most likely that if she were to be in need of help, he wouldn't help her, given his complete disregard of humanity.

"So this is what is going to happen. The alpha wolf is going to eventually find you so just don't leave within fifty meters of this area," He ran his long fingers through the waves of his hair checking his clipboard, like a doctor looking at a patient's form. He was extremely focused on making sure that Kaya understood everything. His desperation could probably be smelled from miles away...or maybe that was just the smell of rotting death.

"When the alpha finds you, act naturally. Do not ever give away the fact that you hate him, or the anger you feel."

Kaya nodded. She already had a plan...one that she didn't need to tell anyone, especially someone so suspicious like him.

She knew what she needed to do...what she craved to do. She wanted to hurt him for everything he did to her. She wanted to carve out his insides and feed them to him until he died, which would be a while given these wolves healed fast.

"Okay. I'm going to go now," His hand was on the silver knob again as his pale wrists pushed down and eventually he left, leaving nothing behind but Kaya's hidden thoughts.

She waited for hours in her room, listening to the growls and snarls and howls of wolves around her. With every sharp scream that pierced the cruel atmosphere, Kaya's mouth twisted into a sharp, gleeful smile.

Finally, she heard the growls get louder, no longer silent echoes from distant wings. The screams got louder as well -- the tension as solid as the sharp canines belonging to the wolves that were inching closer to her by the second.

She'd be lying if she said her heart wasn't hammering in her chest like it was trying to break out of her ribcage. And she certainly wasn't counting backwards in the back of her head, her mind anxiously spinning in circles. But, Kaya was a liar--a good one at that. In fact, she was so good at lying that she could easily lie to herself and automatically assume it was the truth.

Instead of thinking about that, Kaya distracted herself with this new person that she would be creating. Kaya, the fake Kaya of course, would be naive, innocent, kind...A plain jane. This new Kaya would be broken porcelain, patiently waiting on the harsh earth for her prince charming to glue her back together.

She practiced how Kaya would act, running conversations in her mind, until she perfected everything about Kaya. She practiced that doe-eyed harmlessness, and the adorable frown found in the faces of the Disney Princesses that she saw when she was little--the ones she used to admire and strive to be like. It seems like she would finally get her wish afterall, albeit a bit twisted.

Minutes later, she had created the role of a lifetime, mastering every single aspect of the new Kaya.

She heard footsteps approach her, so loud against the newly dead silence of the wing. It was here. The moment of truth.

Her lips twisted up, in a smile as sharp as her brain.

The footsteps that once seemed distant were now right outside of her door. Kaya threw her loose hair over her shoulder and gave off a frightened look in her eyes. She lightly threw her bottom lip out in an effort to make an adorable pout. Her acting was worthy of an Oscar.

The person who walked in was breathtaking. His hair was in a wavy disarray of auburn as his hazel eyes focused onto hers with an intensity she couldn't quite pinpoint. His long lashes fluttered as he blinked at her, almost as if he couldn't believe she was real.

"P-Please don't k-kill me," She stumbled on her words in an effort to make herself look more shy and broken.

His eyes softened. They were almost sad...if a murderer were capable of feeling that emotion.

"I'm sorry-" What the fuck was he sorry for? Killing her parents? News flash, it was too late for that, Bitch. "I'm so sorry for scaring you. It's okay." His voice was so soft and comforting, like the low hum of nostalgic cartoons from an old television.

Kaya's eyes widened a bit in her fake confusion. He was right--this alpha was probably willing to do anything for her. Her mind churned with new ideas and plots for her revenge.

She frowned again, a test to see if he would really fall for her. If he had any ulterior motives for being nice to her, this would be when it would show in his eyes. After years of studying various parents, nurses, doctors, and patients, she knew how someone acted when they wanted something from her.

His full lips turned downwards into a sad pout, as his arms were conflicted about whether or not to offer her a hug.

"What do you want with me?" She cautiously asked.

He thought about what he was going to say for a while. He was smart. If he didn't want to scare Kaya, he would have to find the right words. She had him in the palms of her hands.

"My name is Xander," Kaya loved his soothing voice. The things she would do for him to speak another word again. "I know this will seem weird, but I would like you to know I mean no harm by asking this, but...um...would you like to move in with me?"

What. The. Actual. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. This. Dumb. Bitch.

No normal person would even agree to that.

She wanted to say yes. It would've been so much easier to say yes to that. But instead, she couldn't. She wanted to appear sane, and saying yes to that dumb proposal definitely classified under the insane category.

Rather than doing that, she blinked at him like he was dumb.

"Umm...You don't have to...Wait....no....Forget I said anything...Can we start over?" The way he stumbled over his words was so adorable.

Kaya giggled. "Yes," She nodded. "I'm Kaya. And you're Xander. It's nice to meet you."

God. She was supposed to be the shy one, not him.

Xander's eyes shimmered like golden rays streaming through the emerald leaves of a thick forest.

"It's nice to meet you too," He smiled. And it was empyrean. "I don't think I've ever met someone as devastatingly gorgeous as you," What the fuck. His pick up lines were as dry as Stefan talking to Elena in the cemetery. She smiled like that was the most amazing thing someone had ever said to her (which it wasn't).

She softly blushed, thinking about that embarrassing time she pissed herself in kindergarten, before the world turned to shit.

"I was wondering if you would...umm....like...to...goonadatewithmesometime," He blurted out, nerves overtaking his brain.

Kaya chuckled softly, "I feel like I've known you before, like in a past life, so I would love to go on a date with you sometime." She looked at him intensely, trying her best to communicate that she found him cute and adorable.

"And yes, I wouldn't mind moving in with you since I have nowhere to go." She was beaming from ear to ear, like a lovestruck teenager finally getting a chance with her crush.

Xander's shock was replaced with happiness.

"Really?" He obnoxiously acted like an idiotic kid on Christmas that still believed in Santa Claus. "Let's go then."

He lifted her into his muscled arms, like he was carrying a princess. Oh, God, she wanted to cringe away. Instead, Kaya wrapped her arms around her neck and tucked her head into the crook of his neck. The repulsion and cringe she was feeling made her nauseous.

When they left the room, he whispered into her ear, "Don't look." She nodded into the crook of his neck, inhaling more of the smell of blood and forest surrounding him.

She turned her head slightly, staring at seemingly infinitely endless halls that were no longer pure. To say bodies would be an understatement. The halls were lined with loose limbs sprawled across the halls. She was unsure what belonged to who. The people lucky enough not to get dismembered were leaning against the walls, blood trailing in front of them, like they had crawled as best they could there before the last of their life left them.

If anyone there were still alive, they would have seen the beautiful princess in the arms of her prince charming finally making her escape from the tower. The last thing they would look at would be the thrilling delight in her eyes as she gazed at the beautiful sight in front of her. 

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