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Once a murderer always a murderer.

Once a murderer always a murderer.

Once a murderer always a murderer.

Once a murderer always a murderer.

Xander was currently laughing as he attempted to speak, "And then...he...Oh my god, I can't...he tried to speak to vomit!!"

She pretended to laugh along with him, but she didn't understand what was so funny about a drunk person hallucinating. It was perfectly normal and acceptable.

How could he even laugh about that?

Once a murderer always a murderer.

It rang through her head like a Tibetan singing bowl.

"As much as I'd love to know more," Kaya began to stand up, dragging Xander along with her, "Why don't we play a game. What about tag?"

"Sure," He agreed, a bit unsure about her idea.

"Okay. I'm It." Kaya quickly tapped his shoulder and ran.

"Tag, you're it," she yelled behind her.

Xander stood there for a second, completely confused until he realized that he had to chase her.

He then began to jog in the direction she ran.

Thank God she could get a break from him! It was exhausting being around him. Over and over, her mind would argue between what kind of person he truly was.

After a couple more minutes of running, she stopped and lied down in the cool, soft grass.

She closed her eyes for a minute as she let the bright yellow rays rest onto her face, like she was under the spotlight in a Broadway musical.

Suddenly, an opaque bag was thrown over her head and her hands were grabbed.

She felt something sharp (a mini dagger for example) softly graze against her neck, drawing burgundy liquid. "Scream and you die," the wielder of said object whispered into her ear.

How cringey.

Could she have not found a better line? There were plenty of horror movies out there for inspiration.

"O-Okay...Ple-Please don't kill me." She did her best to sound scared. If there was anything her parents had taught her, it was that it was always better to be underestimated than overestimated.

"Walk," The nice lady with her claws out whispered.

She was scared shitless.

Scared shitless that she'd trip over a root and fall, that is.

She'd rather get her throat slit than suffer the embarrassment of falling. Atleast the scar would look cooler (if she even survived).

She was led in a car with extremely soft leather seats and that new car smell.

Observation: Her kidnappers seem rich enough to have a nice car.

"W-Where are you taking me?" She stuttered hoping her captors would be able to smell panic in her voice.

Unfortunately, there was no response.

She began to count in her head as the car began to move.

One Mississippi.

Two Mississippi.

Three Mississippi.

At eighteen hundred Mississippi, the car stopped and she was slightly thrown back in her seat.

What was that divided by sixty?

The only math she could do was counting. Everytime you get mad, count. Everytime you get aggravated, count. Everytime you can't sleep, count.

She was silently thanking Belle for annoying her with all of those tips on how to calm your emotions.

Delicate, petite hands wrapped around her arm, lifting her to her feet and out of the extremely comfy seat.

'"Where are you taking me?" She was getting a little annoyed. She didn't appreciate being ignored.

The person's (she didn't want to assume genders) grip tightened on her bicep as she was forced to walk faster.

After about sixty seconds, or a minute, she was pushed into a cold metal chair, her arms still tied in front of her.

The bag was harshly pulled up and off her head, ruining her hair and forcing her to adjust to the bright florescent lights of an abandoned warehouse.

In any other situation this would've been cool. She was practically in an action movie! The only thing stopping her from fangirling over the set, besides her manacles, was the girl in front of her.

The large doe eyes that stared back at her was an FML moment.

"Well..." She laughed a bit sheepishly, "This is awkward."

She really regretted threatening someone for no reason now. It was completely wrong of her and she shouldn't have done it. It was absolutely despicable to prey on innocent hospital interns.

"Of course it's you. You guys are made for each other." The doe-eyed girl whispered, practically scoffing.

Kaya, with unfortunately crappy, human ears, could not hear what the girl said and instead focused on attempting to write her wrong.

"If it's about the thing I did at the hospital, just know that I felt terrible afterwards. I wasn't in the right headspace, and it was a horrible thing to do to an innocent person. I sometimes get off on hurting others and for that I'm completely sorry," She let out all her pent up guilt in one breath.

The girl started to chuckle. It was a bit low and extremely threatening.

"It's not about that. In fact, I don't even care about that."

"Oh?" She was completely confused now. "Then why'd you kidnap me?"

"Do you not know who your new roommate is?"

Ohhh. Recognition lit up her chocolate eyes.

"Is this for ransom money? If so, I'm worth at least 20 million."

If she was kidnapped because of that stupid wolf, she'd make sure he suffer for it.

"You're funny," The girl smiled.

"I wasn't joking." Her playful tone disappeared.

"No, you're not here for ransom," The girl leaned forward so that there was only an inch between their eyes as Kaya looked up to meet her gaze. Her gangly straight hair leaned forward forming a curtain between the two of them and the rest of the world. Her hand then proceeded to wrap around Kaya's neck as her nails grew into claws.

So that was what she was threatened with in the woods.

If this were a Twilight movie, the twelve year olds would fantasize about this.

This made her smile and want to laugh. The corners of her mouth slightly twisted up as she tried to fight the smile.

It was so much easier to fake being happy than faking being stoic and scared.

"You're here for revenge," The girl continued. This brought her back to the real world where she was currently getting threatened. Right. She almost forgot.

Kaya furrowed her brows, "I thought you said you didn't care about what I did?"

She rolled her sunset eyes at her question. "No, you idiot! You're here so I can get revenge on Xander."

Oh right! She completely forgot about the whole mates thing.

"Wait. Don't kill me."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because I want revenge on him too."

This made her hesitate.

Despite the fact that killing someone's mate was probably the best way to get revenge, the girl understood how good it would be for there to be someone on the inside. Especially someone that close to the alpha.

Kaya smiled, knowing she had the girl hooked on the idea she was suggesting.

"Okay, fine. But how do I know you won't join his side? You're his mate, meaning that you guys are two parts of the same soul."

Kaya scowled. "My feelings don't matter. I need to avenge my parents."

"So he killed your parents?"

She nodded.

"May I ask how it happened? I may be able to tell you why."

"Maybe another day." She knew it was dumb. After all, there had to be a reason behind the arson, but she just didn't feel comfortable sharing the most intimate parts of herself with a stranger whose name she didn't even know.

"All you gotta do is trust me." Kaya said instead. "I'll be your informant on the inside."

The girl nodded as she used her claws to slit the ropes around her wrist instead of her neck.

"Do you have a name?" Kaya asked, softly rubbing circles on the rope burns on her wrists.

The doe-eyes girl smiled, the sun visible in her sunset-colored eyes.

"My name's Viola." 

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