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The next time Kaya was with Viola, her eyes wandered, haphazardly searching for the pack member she had almost sent to his death. After that little mishap, all she could feel was this invisible hand squeezing her heart. As time went on, the grip on her heart would slowly loosen, but that feeling stayed in her memory. She used it as a reminder that she wasn't just playing with her own life anymore. There were other people involved, and they were all relying on her to stop her menace of a mate.

"—heart would work, but no one can get close enough to actually deliver a killing blow." Viola finished her sentence as Kaya returned back to the conversation.

"Sorry." She cautiously lifted her hand, "Could you repeat that?"

"Of course," Viola's voice was so loving and kind. "I was saying that a silver dagger in the heart would work, but no one could really get close enough to deliver a killing blow. His hand to hand combat is probably the best in the world."

Kaya nodded her head in agreement.

As an alternative, she suggested, "What about a bullet?"

Viola raised an eyebrow.

"I know that someone has probably thought about this before, but hear me out." She began. "If we were to make a silver bullet and then had a sniper on the roof, he would be immobile and then someone close to him could easily stab him in the heart."

"That would be great and all," Martin spoke up. "But it wouldn't work. How do you plan to account for all the guards surrounding him everywhere he goes. Even if we could get a sniper on the roof, they would be spotted and taken down immediately."

Kaya tilted her eyes to the right, looking to her mother for help.

"What is simplest is sometimes what is best. Don't overthink, Darling."

"Just take out the guards," Kaya shrugged.

Martin, so appalled by her nonchalant gesture, contended. "While your feeble human mind cannot comprehend this, the guards are highly trained werewolves that are loyal only to the alpha. Even if we could take them down, Xander would know. He's not dumb enough to notice that all of his guards have disappeared, and then he'll go after the sniper himself."

"I think you severely overestimate him...If we get rid of his guards before the initial attack, he might be suspicious for a few days, but eventually he'll have to choose new ones...less experienced ones. The sniper could easily just take out Xander and then he can take out the guards after. And while Xander's down, I can just stab him because who would suspect his poor innocent mate?"

She was a mastermind.

"I guess that could work," Martin stroked his beard. "However, there are too many factors. What if the guards are well trained? And how do you know for sure that he wouldn't suspect you? Xander's paranoia has helped him for a reason,"

"I've been here for months," Kaya's voice began to unsteadily rise. "He sees me as his other half. If there's anyone he trusts completely it's me."

After pondering their entire argument, Viola finally spoke up. "Martin. I think Kaya's right...well," She shrugged. "In some aspects." I think she definitely needs to be the one to stab him in the heart. No one else is close enough to him to do it. However, if we play our cards right, we might not need a sniper or guards. All we need is Kaya to stab him when he's subdued. We need something strong. Something that would make him so fucking drugged out that you could stab him and he wouldn't even notice."

She had already done that. And it had worked.

"If you'd killed him earlier, this wouldn't be happening." Her father taunted her behind her ear.

"Shut up," She breathed behind her smile.

She hoped no one heard.

She was so fucking done with her parents. Why did they keep fucking torment her? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why do they keep fucking with her head? WHY WHY WHY??

It's okay, she comforted herself. They'll be gone when Xander's heart is crushed under my foot.

She let out a shaky breath. No one noticed. And why would they? She wanted to laugh at her own stupidity. Everything inside her wasn't real. She had already died a long time ago. All this was...All Kaya was, was a zombie. A stoic, emotionless, zombie. How could someone notice emotions that didn't even exist?

"Okay." Viola's assertive voice boomed through the entire room snapping Kaya back to reality. "That's settled then. It's on Kaya now to defend the Cause."

Wait what?


Everyone began to leave, but Kaya stuck back to help Viola help as usual. This time was theirs. When everyone cleared out, Kaya would weave words into tapestries of torture and trial in exchange for Viola's valuable loyalty.

"I noticed that you've been a bit out of it today." Viola spoke into the thick silence of crinkled plastic and empty cups.

"Yeah." Kaya whispered, knowing Viola's ears would pick it up anyways. "I just keep thinking about my parents. I wonder what they'd be feeling if they were still alive. I'm sorry. Everything just feels so confusing without them here."

Viola had slowly walked closer to Kaya during her little speech, and now, Viola had Kaya wrapped into a hug. "It's okay. I understand how you feel. Sometimes I think about my mate, and what he would say if he saw me now. I wonder if he thinks I'm avenging him or if I'm plotting useless revenge. I wonder if he's disappointed in me."

Viola's eyes began to water her shoulder, but Kaya didn't care as much as she used to. If anything, she realized that Viola was one of her first friends in a long time. Perhaps this one-sided loyalty that she was trying to achieve had rubbed off on her. They were loyal to each other.

At this moment Kaya made another vow. Not to a dead person, but to an alive one. She promised her friend that she would keep her alive. She wouldn't die by Xander's hands, and she never will. 

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