Eclipse Lake

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The next day, Belos continued working on the portal door and trying to get it open. He didn't have the real key so he created one but every time he used it, it would explode, and the portal door was still closed. In the shadows, Hunter was there watching his uncle work on the portal door. He remembered all the stories that his uncle used to tell him about the Human Realm. Hunter was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Belos use his magic to lift Hunter up then pull him towards his uncle's arms. Belos let out a chuckle seeing Hunter's embarrassed face.

"It's not funny." Hunter stated while giving a pouty look.

"Come now, you used to love it when you were younger." Belos claimed.

"Key word, younger. I'm not five anymore. I'm sixteen."

"Not to me. I still see you as the same little boy who used to beg for me to play with you. In fact, you still are with that cute little pout of yours."

Hunter's face turned bright red along with the tips of his ears. Belos put Hunter down then he faced the door trying to figure out how to get it open without the real key. Belos then turned back to Hunter, asking him why he was spying on him. Hunter told his uncle about the operation at the Knee, the one that Belos had switched him out with Kikimora. Belos had a reason for switching Hunter out with Kikimora, he knew how dangerous Eclipse Lake was and he wasn't going to let his nephew be in danger.

He led Hunter out of the room and told him that he can stay in the castle where it is safe. As soon as the door was closed, Hunter decided to sneak out of the castle and find the Titans' Blood at Eclipse Lake. He couldn't sneak out his window again because Belos put Flapjack in charge of making sure Hunter didn't sneak out. So, he "borrowed" a scout uniform and managed to sneak all the way to the Knee. As usual, he saw Kikimora going on a rant about how she has to find the Titans Blood before The Golden Guard.

Just as Hunter was about to sneak over, Flapjack was right behind him. "Did you follow me?" Hunter asked in a hushed tone.

Flapjack tweeted that he did but Hunter just told him that he didn't speak palismen. "Here's the plan, I slip in with this disguise, find the Titan blood before Kiki, I give it to Belos. Boom! I'm useful again." Hunter stated.

Unfortunately, his loud voice attracted Kikimora's attention which made Hunter run into the forest right when she had her abominton fire a blast at the tree he was hiding behind. He ran and ran until he spotted Eda the Owl Lady, King, and Amity. He overheard their conversation about finding Titans Blood for the human. Before he could formulate a plan, Flapjack tugged on his curl which made him fall from his hiding spot and landed in front of Eda and Amity. He lost his mask, so they saw his real face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Belos's right hand man." Eda stated.

"The Golden Guard? He is a lot scrawnier than I imagined." Amity commented.

King laughed at the comment as Hunter looked at them with a scowl. Amity used some abomination goo to tie up Hunter then they ended inside the caverns. Amity kept her staff aimed at Hunter in case he tried anything while King and Eda mess around trying to use their new powers. Later now, Eda rambled on about Luz's trip to Latissa where she had met Hunter or as Eda described him, a beat-up blond with no magical powers. "She called him, and these are her words, 'a bad but sad boy.'" Eda stated as she and King both laughed.

Hunter's cheeks and ears turned bright red with embarrassment. "If I ever see that human again..."

"Watch it!" Amity cut him off.

"At least I'm not delusional enough to think I can turn into a harpy." Hunter snapped.

Eda hissed at him, but King tried to get them to quit it. Until Hunter called King a rat then King jumped in his head and started pulling his hair. Amity shushed them and they hid behind some rocks just as Kikimora and her group had entered the cavern. Kikimora was getting more and more deranged and paranoid at trying to save her job and rub her smug face in Hunters. Eda and King tried to come up with a distraction, but Amity just used a fire ball that bounced off the walls of the cavern, causing the group to take cover. Amity, Eda, King, and Hunter ran towards the path to the next cave without Kikimora seeing them.

They kept walking until they had reached a tunnel filled with Fool's Blood. Amity looked confused because the map said that Eclipse Lake was farther up ahead. Just as Eda was about to hit the Fool's Blood with her staff, Hunter shouted at them to stop. He tried to warn them, but Eda didn't listen and broke some open. The tunnel shook and a huge crack formed behind King and Eda's feet, it opened up wide and the two fell through. Amity was just about to go after them when Hunter begged her to take him with her.

They suddenly heard Kikimora's annoying voice and saw shadows of her and her troops coming their way. Against her better judgment, she released Hunter from the goo. But he betrayed Amity by knocking her to the ground then hopped in a minecart and headed for Eclipse Lake. But when he got there the lake was all dried up, there was no Titans Blood. "No, no, no, no. There has to be some here." Hunter stated in a panic, "I can't go back empty handed! Not again!"

That was when he heard Kikimora's voice and this time, she saw him. "Lookie here. The little Golden Guard disobeys his uncle's orders. I thought you would show up." Kikimora teased.

"Don't bother Kiki. There's no Titans Blood." Hunter claimed.

Kikimora smirked at him wickedly then she showed him the portal door key that she took from Amity, but it was cracked, and it was leaking Titans Blood. Kikimora then ordered her Abomaton to grab Hunter then she left the lake with him as her prisoner. They finally arrived outside and there was a freak snowstorm. But Kikimora ordered her Abomaton to release Hunter instead of bringing him back to the castle. With that, Kikimora left for the castle. Flapjack saw the whole thing, he tried to help Hunter make his way through the storm. In doing so, Hunter discovered that he understands what Flapjack was saying. Suddenly, his legs gave out and he collapsed in the snow.

Flapjack panicked then he flew all the way back to the castle. He stayed hidden until Kikimora was about to leave the room after handing Belos the key. Flapjack began to head in then told Belos everything from Eclipse Lake to Kikimora's little stunt and her blackmailing Hunter. Belos didn't speak palismen but he did know a little to understand what Flapjack was saying. He ordered one of the scouts to bring Kikimora back then ordered another one to bring Eberwolf here. Kikimora came into the throne room hoping Belos had seen her worth. But instead, he grabbed Kikimora by the neck while his curse flared up.

"You think I wouldn't know?!" Belos screamed. "You left my nephew out there to die!"

"Oh please. It's not my fault the brat was so spoiled. He's just the weak link." Kikimora spoke, not even feeling guilty.

Belos gripped Kikimora tighter in rage "Never speak about my child again! You will be dealt with once I get Hunter home. And if I ever see you blackmail or try to murder him again, I won't be so generous."

He finally released Kikimora who then ran away like a scared little bunny. Belos joined the search for his nephew with Eberwolf, they tracked Hunter down in the forest at the Knee. When Belos saw Hunter laying in the snow, he felt his heart stop for a second. He brushed off the snow then gently picked Hunter up and carried him back to the castle. Belos took Hunter to the Healers who then told Belos that Hunter had gotten very sick from being out in the cold for too long. They don't know when Hunter might wake up which worries Belos. He took Hunter back to his room then he placed Hunter in bed and covered him with thick warm blankets. Belos didn't leave Hunter's bedside, he gently ran his hand through Hunter's head.

"Please, sweetheart. Please wake up soon." Belos whispered.

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