King's Tide

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King had just woken up from a nightmare and he found himself in Willow's arms. Amity, Hunter, Willow, Gus, King, and Alador had taken an aircraft and they headed to the Titan Skull to save Luz. Amity paced back and forth; worrying about what Belos might do to Luz. Hunter was trying to help pilot the ship, but Alador told him that he knew what he was doing. They were barely halfway to the Head, and they were already picking fights with each other. But it ended soon after Willow had the palismen give the others snacks and they learned to trust each other.

Meanwhile at the Head, the Draining Spell ceremony was about to begin. Belos gave a small speech just as all of the Coven Heads walked up onto the stage. Eda used a concealment stone to disguise herself as Raine that way her curse will corrupt the Draining Spell. But Belos switched Darius and Eber's positions near Eda with Adrian and Terra which worried Eda. Belos used his staff to draw out the symbols for the Draining Spell then raised his staff so the eclipse light would catch. He activated the glyph then nine pillars of light surrounded the Coven Heads as all the sigils on the witches glowed.

Belos teleported himself back to the portal door knowing that the spell would fully work once the eclipse came. The Collector was giddy with joy that Belos was going to free him, but that joy died after Belos backed out of their deal. He was only going to use the Titan's Blood to open the portal and that made the Collector furious. Belos covered the Collector up with a cloth and right then, Kikimora walked in on her new abomaton with Luz trapped in a bubble. She spoke in a confident tone, thinking that Belos would give her back her old post.

But he just grabbed the Collector's orb and pushed Kikimora out of the way. He just dropped the Collector over the edge and closed the door behind him. He knew that Kikimora didn't capture Hunter, he released Luz from the bubble and figured that she was about to give up. But Luz wasn't backing down, she began to fight back against Belos. Philip only could watch from his shadow seeing his brother and Luz fight. But he also saw Eda being revealed and the real Raine taking her place. The Draining Spell became strong with the eclipse growing closer.

Luz was grabbed by Belos with his curse; he wanted to bring Luz home since he had enough blood for just one trip. "Please, I don't want to see another human life destroyed by this place. I am not the bad guy here." Belos stated.

"You're such a hypocrite. You talk big about protecting humanity, but after everything you've done, you're barely human yourself. Not to mention that you never let Philip ever live his life or take away the happiness that he had." Luz spoke harshly.

Belos frowned then he was about to use magic to petrify Luz but suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and he released Luz. Inside the mindscape Caleb noticed it too, so he went to see if Philip was still in the chains. But the chains were broken, and Philip was nowhere to be found. Then Philip tackled his brother to the ground, and they broke into a cat fight. "What are you doing?!" Caleb shrieked.

"Finally taking control of my life!" Philip shouted.

Philip pulled out a plant glyph that tied Caleb up then he took control of his body. Luz watched as Belos was groaning then he stopped and stood up. He helped Luz up, telling him that he was the real Philip. He asked Luz about Hunter, and she told him that Hunter was safe, but she did tell him about what happened at Hexside with Head Witch Graye. Philip was shocked that Graye tried to do something like this. When Luz asked what he meant, Philip just handed her the glove that places sigils.

He quickly told Luz that he didn't have much time before Caleb tried to take control again, so he wanted Luz to put a sigil on him. Luz didn't want to because the Draining Spell was almost ready. "Luz, you need to trust me. Please. I can't let what happened to Evelyn happen to anyone else." Philip begged.

"But how do I stop the spell?"

"Only the Collector can stop it. A child from the stars. My brother used him to get the spell and lied to the Collector. But I didn't. All I saw was a child that was alone. I promised him that I would release him and give a home. If he would stop the spell and freed me from Caleb. Luz, I need you to fulfill that promise. But first, I can't let Caleb take control."

Luz finally understood what Philip was trying to tell her. Then she put a sigil on his wrist, he groaned in pain as the eclipse was complete and the Draining Spell started drawing every witch on the Isles. Luz called out to Philip, but the curse transformed his body into the horrifying monster from the mindscape. The monster charged at Luz but that was when Willow, King, Amity, Hunter, and Gus showed up. Willow used her plant magic to tie the monster down. They fought the monster with everything they got but it wasn't enough. Gus even used his illusions to try looking through his memories but no luck.

But when the monster came face to face with Hunter, it stopped attacking. Luz told Amity and Willow to wait before the monster stepped closer to Hunter. He closed his eyes expecting the monster to kill him, but it just put a hand on his face, lovingly. The monster's glowing blue eyes turned human, then it spoke, "Hunter?"

Hunter knew the voice of his uncle; he was still in there. Until the monster saw the sigil on Hunter's arm and it knew that Hunter was being infected by the Draining Spell. The monster's eyes started glowing again and it shapeshifted its hand into a blade. "I should have killed you before!" Caleb shouted.

But just before he could attack Hunter, someone had grabbed the blade tip. A kid wearing a hooded cloak with his face half painted purple had saved Hunter. Everyone just looked confused except Caleb who was very afraid. "Collector?" he spoke.

The Collect turned to face the monster, "You're free. Just as promised."

The Collector scoffed, "Really? Because I remember someone throwing me off a bridge, Caleb. Which reminds me, I got my end of the promise to keep."

The Collector used his powers to bring the monster closer then he reached into its chest and suddenly pulled out a human body, Philip's human body. Philip gasped for breath as the collector helped him up. "What did you...?"

"I just put Caleb's mind in with the curse, freeing you from him." The Collector explained, before moving the moon from the sun and stopped the Draining Spell.

Everyone who was affected by the spell started feeling better including Hunter. However, Caleb refused to accept defeat; the curse was now more like a parasite that needed a new host. Without hesitation, The Collector sent Luz, King, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter and Philip through the portal door before Caleb had taken possession of him. The portal door exploded and now they were trapped in the human realm.

Luz took her friends to her house; she knocked on the door and her mom opened it. "Hey Mom. I'm back."

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