Chapter Eight

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     As I walk down the street I think about my older brother. I don't blame Jake for anything. I try not to anyways. Jake made many mistakes throughout high school. However, his worst mistake was getting to know Kevin.

     I keep walking until I reach the small cafe down the street. I walk inside and order a small coffee. I take a seat in a booth by myself. I pull out my phone and start reading the news. When I look up again I see that I am no longer the only one sitting in this booth.

     "Hello again." Says Blake.

     "Oh. Hi." I reply smiling.

     Blake brushes his bangs out of his eyes and smiles back at me. "I saw you Sitting by yourself over here and figured I would join you. I hope to don't mind."

     "No, I don't mind. I could use the company actually."

     "So... do you come to this cafe often?" Blake asks.

     "Um.... no... not really.... I just needed to take a walk to clear my mind and I ended up here."

     "Hm. I could actually use a walk right now.. would you like to join me?" He asks.

     I look at him. He wants to go for a walk? Well... Okay. "Yeah. Yeah, let's go." I say as I smile and grab my coffee. Blake and I stand up and head out the door.

     As we walk we come to a crossroad. If we turn left we will be heading towards Claire's house. If we turn right we will head towards my the country. If we keep walking straight we will head towards town. And if we turn around we will head back towards the cafe and towards my house. And since my main goal is to get away from  people we agree that we should turn right.

     We head out towards the country. And as we continue walking in silence I realize that I am walking in the middle of nowhere with a guy that I don't even know. Yeah... this should end well.....

A/N- Another chapter. Let me know what you think. I've been updating as much as possible. Keep reading/voting/commenting/sharing!! Love y'all!

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