Chapter Fifteen

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   The next morning I wake up and walk downstairs. I think about the information that I learned last night and I take a deep breath. I can't believe that Blake is related to Kevin. Kevin, the one that shot my little brother. Did Blake have something to do with it? Is that why he is acting like my friend? Is this all part of Kevin's plan to ruin me and my brother's life? I grab my phone from my back pocket. I must have fell asleep before I could change into my pajamas. 

     I have 10 new messages. All of them are from Blake except one. I don't recognize the number. I open the message and my stomach drops. 

How does it feel knowing that you could have prevented your brother's death?

     I close my eyes hoping that when I open them again the message will disappear. I open my eyes and it's not gone. I  forward it to Jake hoping that he will have some idea of who is harassing us. I sit my phone on the counter and start fixing breakfast for me and mom. I fix eggs and bacon. I make mom a plate and take it to her room. When I open the door she isn't there. I walk back downstairs and sit the plate down on the table. 

     I walk back to the counter, grab my phone and call my mom. It rings multiple times before she finally picks up. 

     " Mom, where are you?" I ask.

     " Oh, sorry Shay you were fast asleep and I didn't want to wake you. I had to go to work early this morning. I will be back in a couple hours or so." She replies. I can hear that she is tired. Every since Matt died she has been really quiet and distant. When I lost Matt I lost her too. 

     "Okay mom. I'll see you when you get home" I reply. I hang up, get dressed in clean clothes and walk out the door. I jump on my bike and start pedaling down the road. I go to the park where my brother and I used to play hide and seek. I sit down on one of the swings and look around. 

      I feel like this place has changed so much since Matt died. I miss him more than I can explain. I'm not one that enjoys traveling down memory lane but I knew I'd have to come back here sooner or later. Today just happened to be the day.

     I look around and see children playing. Why they're out here so early, i have no idea. As i watch the kids i remember Matt and i playing hide and seek in this park. I remember chasing him around playing tag, and I remember hiding him inside the slide the day that Kevin came to see me here.

     After about a half hour of sitting at the park, I stand up and take a deep breath. I know where I need to go next. I am going to go visit Matt. 

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