Chapter Nineteen

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      I don't know who to talk to. I don't know what to think. There is no way that this message is actually from Claire. She died, didn't she? I look back at the message.

C- This is all your fault. None of this would have happened if you had just been a little more careful about the decisions you made. First your brother and now me. Who will be next Shay? Who will be the next to die because of your horrible choices? Will it be your mom? Your dad? Or will it be the new boy? Yes, what about Blake?

     My stomach begins twisting. In my mind I begin thinking of who could have sent this. Wouldn't the police have found Claire's phone after the wreck? If they hadn't found it, wouldn't it have been consumed in the fire? How is this happening? I automatically forward the message to Jake, hoping that he might have some idea of what is going on. Afterwards I close my eyes and go to my desk, setting my phone down on top of my laptop. I get in my drawer and pull out a business card.

     On the card is the name and number of the younger officer that stopped by my house the morning that they told me that my best friend was dead. As I think about it, I realize that he was also one of the officers placed on my brothers case. His name is Officer Klein. I grab my phone, and head back to my bed, the card in my hand. I call Officer Klein.

     "Hello? Who is this?" He asks.

      "Hello Officer Klein, this is Shay Jones. I was calling to talk about the death of my friend Claire." I state.

     "Oh hello Shay, is this something that you would like to talk about in person?" he asks, sounding genuinely concerned.

     "Yes, I think that would be a good idea." I reply.

     "Okay..." He pauses. "I am actually off duty today, but if you would like to stop by my house we could talk about it here." He states. "Would that work for you?"

     "Yes." I reply simply.

     "Okay. I will text the address to the number that you are calling me from and you can head over whenever is convenient for you."

     "Okay, thank you." I say, hanging up.

     I didn't think that Officer Klein would invite me to his home. But perhaps it will be easier this way. Now I will be able to actually show him what I am talking about instead of just trying to tell him.

     Officer Klein is actually only a few years older than me. I believe that he is one year older than Jake which would make him only three years younger than me. At the thought of Jake I remember that I had an unread message from him and mom. I go to my messages and open his.

J- Shay, what is happening? Who is doing this?

S- I don't know but I plan to find out.

J- How are you going to do that?

S- I am headed to Officer Klein's house now to ask what happened to Claire's phone after the wreck. I will let you know what he says. Perhaps that will give us a hint as to who is sending messages from her number.

J- Okay but remember, do not tell Officer Klein about what happened that night. We both would be in so much trouble, and you don't want that do you?

S- No, but what if it has something to do with Claire's death? We don't want anymore things happening like this. First Matt and now Claire? Who knows who will be next Jake. If I have to I will tell him what we did. If it will save a life of someone that we care about, then I will tell him everything.

J- No Shay. No you will not. I will take care of this on my own. You find out what you can about Claire but after that, you stop. You don't say anything about Matt's death.

     I put my phone down and don't reply to him. He is too worried about what kind of trouble he will get in to even care about who might be the next to get hurt. We don't know that it's Kevin that's sending these messages, for all we know it could just be some kind of prank. For all I know, it could be Blake. 

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