Chapter Thirteen

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     I have never been on a motorcycle before so this is a first for me. We start down a back road that will lead us to Blake's house. As we fly down the road I keep my arms around Blake's stomach.

     When we start to get farther away from my house Blake nudges me. "Let it out Shay. The anger, the fear, the sadness. Just scream until it's all gone."

     When I don't make a sound Blake shrugs and starts screaming at the top of his lungs. When he stops he nudges me again with his elbow. I think about Claire and Matt and I scream the rest of the ride.

     I stop screaming when we reach Blake's house. We get of  the bike and take our helmets off. I actually feel a lot better after taking his advice.

     I look at Blake and force a smile. He doesn't smile back and that's when I realize the tears slowly trickling down my face. I look away and wipe my face with the back of my hand.

     When I look back towards where Blake was standing I realize that he has moved closer to me. He is so close that I can feel his breath on my forehead.

     He reaches towards me and wipes a tear off of my cheek with his thumb. He then pushes a strand of hair away from my face and puts it behind my ear. He smiles at me with sympathy in his eyes and puts his arms around me in a hug. I lean into him and realize how great it is to have someone that cares about me.

     When the hug ends Blake keeps his arm around my shoulder  and we walk towards his front door. We Go inside and sit on the couch while waiting for the pizza delivery guy.

A/N- Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I've been really busy lately! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vote/comment/share.

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