Chapter Twenty-One

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     After I explain the text message from "Claire" to Marcus he asks to see my phone. I agree and start to pull up the message. Before I hand him the phone though, I delete all of the messages between me and Jake. I wouldn't want Marcus.... Officer Klein... seeing those. After deleting those messages I pull up the message that I received and hand my phone over.

     "And you said that you received this today?" He asks.

     "Yes." I reply. "Did the police that went to the scene of the crash happen to find Claire's phone?" I ask.

     "No, they didn't. Perhaps the person that found her body has it... I will have to ask down at the station about that. But in the meantime, could you forward that message to me? I'd like to have it in case something comes up. This might be handy." He states.

     "How? Could this prove that Claire's "accident" wasn't really an accident?" I ask.

     "That is a possibility." He states with no surprise in his voice whatsoever. "For now Shay I wanted to ask you a few questions about your friendship with Claire."

     "Okay." I reply calmly but inside I begin to worry about what he might ask.

     "When did you and Claire first meet?" He asks, pulling a small notepad off of the coffee table at the end of the couch that he is sitting on.

     "Claire and I met during freshman year. We were in the same bio class and we hit it off right away and before I knew it, we were best friends." I reply.

     "Did you and Claire ever argue or not get along?"

     "We got along most of the time. Of course, we went through the smalls fights that every high school girl goes through with her best friend. Over the years we liked the same boy at some points, which of course caused problems. And sometimes she just didn't like the people that I hung out with." I reply. Regretting every word I just said. I know it's too late now to take them back but I'm starting to wish that I had never come over here in the first place.

     "Shay, listen to me. People at the station are starting to worry. They are thinking that it's so odd for 2 people, who were both so close to you, to have died within 6 months of each other. They're starting to think that you or your brother Jake might have something to do with it. I want to let you know right now that I don't agree with them. I think that you and Jake are just victims. I don't think that you had anything to do with these deaths but I am going to warn you right now. Be careful what you say. If someone thinks that you had some sort of motive to kill either your brother, or Claire, they will pounce on the opportunity to lock you up. They want to solve this case, and of course, they're willing to take the easy way out. I'm just asking you to be careful. I wouldn't want anything worse to happen to you." He says. I nod and he leads me to the door.

     Without another word from either of us, I begin my ride home. His words repeat in my head over and over again all the way up until I reach my house. I know that he is trying to help me. I know that he isn't trying to scare me. But at the same time, I am terrified of what he would think of me if he found out that these deaths, might just be my fault. 

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