Hospital Visit

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The next day I started to pack my stuff up and told Anne to pack her stuff up as well and that we had to be going home. Hopefully mom will be better since it's been a few days. At the door I smiled and said "thank you so much for having us"

His mother replied "It was no problem, you are always welcome here if you need to come back." I smiled and nodded, Haru came up to me and hugged me, I was getting a little sad seeing his sad face but hugged him back then let go and waved to them as I left the property. I held Anne's hand as we crossed the streets and went the 3 blocks to my house. Maybe this isn't a good idea, we didn't even tell mom where we were going.

As I walked in the house mom threw a chair at the door, dad was back probably to get his stuff, the chair hit Anne on the head and she fell down. She fainted, I crouched down on the ground to check if Anne was alright and looked at mom who didn't even seem to notice what she's done. Dad looked down at her and I picked her up and walked out of the house. Dad followed behind me and luckily he had a car so I laid Anne down in the back and got in, dad got in as well and drove the 15 minutes it took to get to the hospital.

I carried Anne, who was still unconscious into the hospital and we went into a room and asked for service right away. They didn't send it right away of course, when do they unless you have an appointment? About 30 minutes later they called us in and started asking us questions.

"What happened?"

"someone threw a chair at her"

"where were you?"

"Coming into our house"

"who did this?"

"our mother"

"where were you before going to your house"

"my friends house"

"Where is your mother?"

"Probably still at the house"

"OK, we are going to take Anne and have her stay over the night to check her out, you can see her tomorrow"

I nodded and my father and I left. I told my father that we should go to Haru's house and sleep over since we shouldn't go back to our house so I pointed the way to his house. When we got there I knocked on the door. "Hello, can we stay one night?" I asked and Haru's mom nodded and we walked in.

"Where's Anne?" she asked and I looked down to my feet.

"At the hospital" I said

"from what!?" she seemed shocked, well of course she seemed shocked.

"mother threw a chair at her" I said and she looked at me.

"Alright, your father can sleep in the same room as Anne did when she was here and you can sleep in Haru's room again" she said, I blushed and looked down so dad couldn't see, we nodded and I went upstairs to his room. I could tell he was shocked and happy to see me back so soon.

"what happened?" he asked patting the bed next to him signaling for me to sit down.

"Anne is at the hospital" I said again, hopefully for the final time. "Mother threw a chair at her" I said before he could ask what happened again. He was shocked and I just laid down on his bed and soon fell asleep. I woke up to Haru staring at me while I was sleeping, I didn't like people watching me while I sleep, I feel uncomfortable. I got up and looked at the time. It was nearly 9:30am, the hospital didn't open until 10am.

I went downstairs, my dad was already awake, breakfast was on the table so we ate then said our good byes "we'll most likely be back later" I said

"I won't but thank you for letting us stay here for the night" dad said and we left for the hospital. It was about 10:05am when we got there, and by the time we came into Anne's room she was awake and smiling, happy to see us. I sat down on a chair next to the bed and hugged her, the nurse told us she was free to go and so we left the hospital. Dad brought us back to Haru's house and left. Anne and I waved him off and the door opened as we were walking up to there door. They welcomed us back in and we smiled and went to put our stuff back down.

Thank you for reading, I feel like you expected someone else to visit the hospital though huh?

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