Chapter 16

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Tatum's POV:

What was that? He just left.
I'm so confused right now.What's wrong with me. What am I going to tell Brandon. I can't keep this from him. I can't lie to him.He has been nothing but good to me.How could I do this to him. I feel so awful.

I stop in front of my house and I see Brandon's car parked in the drive way. He can't be here. Not right now. How can I face him.

I get out of my car and take one last deep breath and release before opening the door trying to face everyone with my guilty conscious.
I open the door and speed up my pace when I see Brandon.

"Hey, I'm pretty tired so I'ma take a shower and go to bed early"i say and try to avoid eye contact with him.

"But you just got here and I was waiting for you"he says and pulls me by my wrist into his arms.

"I missed you"he says.

"I...I missed you too, but I'm pretty exhausted, so..."i pull away and shift uncomfortably then head upstairs.I feel so ashamed.

I lock my bedroom door. I head to my bathroom then run the shower. I take off my clothes and climb in just so. I can't even feel the coldness of the icy water as it drips and pours onto my skin.Why does life have to be so complicated. Why did I have to get into an accident. Why did I forget everything, everyone. Why. Why. Why.The screams go on inside my head. Over and over again. Why. Why.I step back against the cold wall and slide down,sitting on the cold shower floor and I pull my knees up to chest as the cold water still pour all over me. I can't take it. It feels as if I'm getting better and starting to remember a few things, but it's so hard, it's so damn hard. I pound on my head with the palm of my hand.
As the salty tears of my eyes mixes with the shower water. I run my hand across my face and through my hair. Can't I just remember. Maybe it would have been better if I rather just died in that accident. I can't take it anymore. I just want to disappear forever.


Brandon's POV:

"What up with her"she's acting strange.

"Idk, maybe she is just tired"Toby says and I shrug.

"Maybe I should go and check on her"I say then walk upstairs to Tatum's bedroom door. As I walk closer I here glass breaking.What the hell. I immediately run into Tatum's room and I don't see her.So I make my way to the bathroom to see Tatum in a towel sitting on the bathroom floor, crying, with shattered glass from the mirror all over the floor, her hand bleeding and tears in her eyes. I make my way to her quickly and pick her up not saying a word.She's freezing I just need to get her away from all the broken glass and get her warmed up.

I put her on the bed then take out the med kit from her closet and a big Brown wool blanket to keep her warm.I kneel in front of her as she sits on the edge of her bed and I start cleaning up the wound and wrap bandage around it carefully afraid that I'll hurt her more.

I kiss her hand and she just stares at me.

"What happened, I don't want you to get hurt"I say and kiss her hand once more.

"Tatum, what's wrong"i say and caress her cheek. She doesn't answer.

"Tatum, speak, why aren't you saying anything"Now I'm really worried. She's just staring at me and not speaking. As I open my mouth to say something,Tatum starts crying and pulls me into her arms and hugs me tightly like I'm about to disappear. I hug her back.

"Tatum, it's ok, I'm here, I'll always be here"i say and she pulls me even closer, if thats even possible.I relish her hug, but is forced to pull away. I want to know what happened. What going on. Why is she acting this way.

"Tatum, speak to me, I'm here for you"i pull away and wipe her tears.How is someone able to look so beautiful while crying.

"Is it ok, if we don't talk about it now, I just want you here, stay the night"she asks

"Of course I'll stay with you"i say then grab pj's for Tatum out of her closet.

"Here, get dressed and wrap yourself in this blanket so you can be warmed up, you're freezing,I'll fetch you a glass of warm milk"i say then kiss her on the forehead.

Tatum's POV:
After a few minutes of just sitting on the cold bathroom floor. I turn the water off and wrap the towel around me.

I climb out of the shower then lean on the basin and just stare at myself in the mirror.

If only I still looked the same,maybe it would be easier.Maybe more people would recognize me,and then I wouldn't have to tell them the horrible situation that got me here. What did I ever do to deserve this.
I hate life so much. I touch my face looking for anything that looks similar to what I used to look like before. But there's nothing. There's nothing I can do to turn back time. Nothing.

"I hate you!"I bash my fist against the mirror letting my anger out.

I fall to the ground feeling weak. I can't anymore. I look at my now bleeding hand. I can't even feel this pain. My vision gets blurry because the tears in my eyes.

I blink letting the tears roll down my eyes freely unlike me. I feel trapped. I feel someone pick me up and I see its Brandon. It's always him. He's always here. He always was.

Samuel's POV:

"Hey I just need to see you now please"i say.

"It's late Sam,we can see each other tomorrow"sabrina says.

"I can even come to you, please"

"No, no, no, Sam,umm...I'm not at home anyways,I'm with my grandmother in New York"

"Well,when will you be back"

"Tomorrow I promise " she says.

" OK then, I love you"i say

"Love you too " then she hangs up . that's strange she never mentioned going to New York.

I put my phone down on my bed,then grab my laptop.I booked us tickets to go to Charleston South Carolina.The flight leaves at 3pm tomorrow. I need this vacation to be alone Sabrina,we can spend the spring holiday together in Charleston.Just the two of us. I also book us a room at the spectator hotel.This will really make Sabrina happy.I just need to get out of Miami for a while. To get my head straight.

The spectator hotel

Tatum's POV:

"Here's your milk"Brandon enters my room and hands me the warm cup of milk.I take it and put it on my bed side table.

"Thank you"i say

"It's ok, it's just milk"

"No, thank you for everything, for always being here for me."i say and he sits on the bed facing me.

"I do it because I want to, because I love you" he says

"I love you too"I say. He hugs me and I hug him back tighter.After the best hug ever, he moves away.

"But, what happened " he asks

"Well, to be honest, I feel lost completely lost..."i take a sip from my warm milk.

"...Ever since I woke up at that hospital, couldn't remember anything, I felt like a stranger,like I couldn't trust anyone, but somehow, with you I feel that I can put my life in your hands and you'll do anything to keep me safe, I guess I'm just struggling, I'm not handling this healing process so well"i say

"But, it's ok, you can trust us all, we're your family, and I know you're struggling and I'll always be here for you no matter what"Brandon says.I put the milk down and then he takes my hands into his. Caressing my hand with his thumb.

"Brandon,today, when I went out..."i trail off."Today something happened that I'm not proud of, I don't even know how it happened,honestly, I kissed someone else, but I promise it meant nothing, please forgive me"i say. And is nervous because of his silence.

Brandon's POV:

"...I kissed someone else " she says and those words echo into my mind and my heart just drops. I should've known this would happen. That they would cross paths again and she kissed him.We shouldn't have lied to her in the first place. All I wanted was a chance with Tatum, thats all I want, just to show her that I can be someone she loves.

"Brandon, please forgive me"she says shaking me from my thoughts.

"No, it's ok" is all I can say while trying to keep the pain from showing I hug her. I know who it is, I know that it was Samuel.Honestly I don't even know how to react. I feel betrayed, yet guilty. We wouldn't be in this situation if we just told her the truth in the first place.But right now, I just need to hold her, hold her for the time that I still have with her, when she knows the truth, she probably wouldn't want anything to do with me. I can't stand lying to her anymore, it's eating at my soul.

I pull gently pull away from her. I have to tell her. I can't keep it in. I feel to guilty. This isn't fair to Tatum.

"Tatum..."i look into her eyes
"I need to tell you something"i trail off.

"Yeah"she says and just as I'm about to speak. Tatum's mother came into the room abruptly.

"Brandon, Tony asks me to call you, he says he needs you to help him with something"she says, but I have a feeling that she's lying.

"Ok then"i turn back to face Tatum.
"We can talk further later on"i say and kiss her on the cheek. I get up from the bed and walk out of Tatum's room.

"Goodnight sweety"i hear Tatum mom say.

Before I walk down the stairs Mrs Cornelius stops me.

"What were you thinking"she says and seems really angry.

"What do you mean"i ask

"You were about to tell Tatum everything, are you trying to destroy our family"she whisper yells.

"I can't keep the truth from her anymore, she doesn't deserve this"

"What do you mean, you do know what will happen when you tell her, she'll leave you for Samuel"she says.

"They kissed"

"What"she asks and It looks like she's about to faint, but I just think thats the dramatic part of her.

"Samuel and Tatum kissed, she told me herself, just now"

"Well do you think she knows"

"No, she doesn't"i reply

"Do you think Samuel knows"her eyes grow bigger with worry.

"I don't know, but I know that if he knew, he would tell her everything, so he probably doesn't"

"Thank goodness"

"But we still have to tell her tho"

"No, you can never do that ever, when all our problems are gone, you are trying to create more, Tatum started walking again, and she's in love with you, she won't be ruined by that punk Samuel"she says.

"OK, but say she just remembers somehow, then what, then what are we going tell her, it's better to tell her now, then she finding out by herself later"i say trying to make a point.

"Aren't you even worried that you'll lose her in the process"

"You can't lose something you never had"i say.

"Brandon I think that you should just leave"she says and I go. I can't take this lying to Tatum. I start my car and head home.

Tatum's POV:

I'm starting to get really tired, where's Brandon so long.
I gather up all my strength and get up out of bed.

I go out of my room and head downstairs. Nobody's here. His probably with Toby.

I head to Toby's room and when I open the door, I find Toby sleeping, but no Brandon.

I go back to the living room and look out of the front window. His car isn't here. He must've left. Maybe he didn't forgive me yet. Maybe he's still upset. I'll give him time. I just wish everything wasn't so difficult. My family seems so picture perfect, but I'm a mess.

I head back upstairs and into my bed. I turn off my lamp then try to get some sleep,but instead my mind wanders off,to one name,that one touch, Samuel.

...Next day...

Samuel's POV:

"Ok, so that's it, we're all set"Sabrina says and she zips up the last suitcase.

"OK then so let's go before we miss our flight"i say and pick up her suitcases.

"I still can't believe we're spending spring holiday together, and in Charleston, I got really lucky with you didn't i"she says then places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Hey,I love you and I'd do anything to make you happy"i reply

"And I love you and hearing those words come from your lips, but let's get going."

I pack all the suitcases into my car and Sabrina locks up then we're headed to the airport.

"So what have you been doing while I was gone"Sabrina says and it catches me completely by surprise.

"Well besides missing you, not much"i say and it puts a smile on her face.

"Well, you're going to have me all to yourself this spring"

"I can't wait"i say and put my hand on top of hers and kiss her. All I need is Sabrina. She's all I need.

Let me know what you guys think about this chapter.
How r u feeling about Brandon now?
Do you really think that Sabrina is all that Samuel needs, or is he just trying to convince himself that Sabrina is all he needs?

See what happens next in
Everything Happens For A Reason

-Shakiera Abrahams

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