Chapter 24

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Samuel's POV:

I wake up from one of my best sleeps by an abrupt loud bang on my front door and the doorbell going off continuously.I look at the time on my phone and see that it's only 8am on a fucking Sunday morning. Who the hell bangs on someone else's door this early in the god damn morning.I put my pillow over my head attempting to cover my ears and just stay quiet hoping that whoever is at the door at this ungodly hour would go away.After a few moments of silence and me drifting into sleep again, the loud noise suddenly continued and I lifted my head up from under my pillow frustrated and groaning into it,irritated by the devil outside my door. With all my strength I make my way out of my bed,stomping irritatedly while heading towards the door. The doorbell still continuing.

I pull the door open in an unrestrained manner and shout:"What?"

When I see who it is. "Sabrina?, this better be good for waking me up this early" I say trying to hold in my anger at the sight of her.

"Sam, I wanna talk please, just let me explain"she says quietly. I can't believe she woke me up for this.

"Sabrina it's way too early for this"

"Please Sam, I have a good reason"she says. How can she even look at me straight in the eyes after what she did?

"Yeah,what are you gonna say that you accidentally tripped and fell on his dick into his bed and more than once? Yeah, great story"I say harshly and shut the door.

What the hell is wrong with her coming to my house this early for this. What did she think that I'll take her back with open arms.

Just as I'm about to turn around and go back to bed the same abrupt knocking restarts. I open the door frustratedly.

"Sabrina go home"i say through clenched teeth.

What she says next was like a slap in the face.
"Samuel I love you"she said. God this woman has guts.

"Love? You don't know what love is Sabrina"I raise my voice slightly. How could she?

She looks down not knowing what to say.

"Sabrina I'll say it once again, we're over"I then close the door.Standing against it and closing my eyes breathing out a breath I didn't know I was holding.She hurt me so much, I actually fell for someone again and I trusted her. Then she went and slept with my best friend and still has the audacity to say that she loves me.God I hate Jacob with every fibre of my being, but at least he was man enough to come and tell me himself instead of lying to my face like Sabrina did.

After hearing her car pull out from my driveway I can finally get some peace and quiet. I went back upstairs and tried to sleep but I couldn't I was too bothered about something. I don't know what it is. So I decided to take a cold shower and head out to my spot,our spot actually. The one place that always seems to calm me down.


This place sure has a lot of memories.Tatum and I always used to come here just to get away for a bit.

Those were the best moments of my life. Tatum made me real happy, but I couldn't make her happy. That's why she left.

As the sun begins to set.I lay back on the grass and watch the sky as the clouds turn deep orange with a few traces of pink.It's so beautiful out here. To see the clear night sky after the sunset.We always used to come here before sunset and occasionally before sunrise. There was this one time when we came here and fell asleep watching the stars then we woke up the next morning to see the beautiful sunrise.

I let out a sigh as I reminisce the amazing times I've spent here with Tatum. I just wish that those moments would have never ended.

Brandon's POV:

So I've told Tatum everything,from the very beginning when she met Samuel to all the lies we've been feeding her up til this day.

We're now sitting in the living room just silent. I told her everything last night. Although she didn't tell me what her news is yet,I won't put pressure on her to tell me.Who knows what's going on in her head right now. I know she'll leave me,but at least I don't have to live with the guilt anymore and at least she'll be happy.

I couldn't sleep last night because Tatum couldn't either. She never said a word since I told her everything and it scares me.

I watch her intently trying to figure out whether I should say something or not.

"Umm, Tatum can you please say something"I say and she looks up at me. I can see that she was crying. The hurt in her eyes are so obvious and it pains me to see her like this.She doesn't deserve all this pain.Why did I ever lie to her in the first place. I feel ashamed for betraying her.

"Tatum I'm so sorry"I say,my voice almost cracking.

A single tear runs down her cheek and as instinct I move to sit next to her and wipe her tears away.

"Tatum I know that you won't be able to forgive me and you're right I don't deserve it, but please just say something, I can't handle seeing you this way_"she cut me off and said something but I'm not sure if I heard right.

"Brandon, I'm pregnant"

So this was the news. I can't believe it. I know I should be happy right now, but I not really. She's pregnant. I'm going to be a father. Now it was my turn to stay silent. She was so happy last night when I came home, she was excited because of this. But I don't think that it's fair. I don't want her to think that she has to stay with me because of the baby. God I can't believe it, she's pregnant. Under different circumstances this would've been great, but now. I want Tatum to stay with me because she really loves me. Now I feel guilty all over again. Everything just gets more and more complicated. Tatum breaks down crying into my chest and I can't help but hold her and try to sooth her.

"It's ok, you can let it all out"I say rubbing her back up and down.



"I love you"she says against my chest and it knocks me. She loves me. Why is her heart so sweet.

"I love you too"I say kissing her forehead.

She pulls away, wipes her tears and faces me.
"God I'm so mad at you right now, but I still love you so much"she says.

"I just, I need some time to think this over I need to sleep"she says and gets up heading upstairs.

I rub the back of neck taking a breath and breathing it out slowly.

"Brandon, I don't wanna be alone tonight"she still wants me with her despite what I did.

"Ok, but you should eat something first, please"I say. She hasn't eaten anything since last night.

Ok"she nods.

After making her something to eat we both headed up to bed. She laid in my arms throughout the night and I couldn't help but put my hand on her stomach. I still can't believe it. Who knows how tomorrow will go, but I'm going to enjoy this last moment I have left with Tatum, just holding her close is enough for me. I know that she hasn't forgiven me and she probably won't, but she needs someone right now and I'll always be here for her no matter what and for our baby.

As soon as Tatum fell asleep I made my way out of the bed. I couldn't sleep so I went out back and sat in one of the patio chairs just breathing in fresh air.

Damn she must be so stressed out right now and on top of that we're having a baby too. Maybe it was the wrong time to tell her.
But she deserved to know the truth and I couldn't keep it in anymore. I just hope that she doesn't stress too much because that won't be good for the baby, our baby. I really just wish our circumstances were different and now our baby is going to come into this world where there is complete tension surrounding our family. I just hope that everything turns out well, but what if Tatum still goes back to Samuel. Dammit we got ourselves into a great deal of mess. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair frustratedly. What am I going to do? What will Tatum do? I just really hope that our baby won't be the one to suffer the consequences.

My head starts spinning as I think of all the possible outcomes this could have. So I take a pain killer and head back upstairs. I open the bedroom door and see that the bed is empty. I look around and see that my glass balcony door is open and Tatum standing outside by the balcony. The moonlight enchantingly glistening off her figure.

Debating on what to do, I hesitantly walk towards her and lean against the door frame.

She acknowledges my presence but does not say anything.She just promptly glances at me and gives a small smile before looking back into the distance.

I can see that she is tense and by knowing her for so long she's trying to keep it in. Trying to hide it.

"Tatum, I know that you're confused now, but you should take your time to think about everything, don't stress yourself out. It's not good for you or the baby"I say in approach to reassure her. I just wish I knew what's going on in that head of hers,but I don't want to pressurize her into telling me.

She let out a breath before she spoke:"Brandon I've made up my mind."

I clear my throat out of nervousness before asking her what it is.

"W_What's your decision?"I stutter.

She turns around facing me.

"Let's elope"she says with all seriousness. I don't know what to say to that. She still wants to be with me after everything. I don't understand. She has the chance to go back to him. To be happy again.

"Run away?"Is all I can ask just to make sure that I didn't hear her wrong. Then she nods. Running away. I never thought of that, but we can't it wouldn't be right. Leaving everyone else behind.

"But what about your family and my dad?"

"What about them?"she questions.

"They lied to me Brandon and doesn't even feel guilty about it, you're the only one I can trust"she says and now I feel even more guilty. God I don't deserve her.

"I understand how you must be feeling right now, but we can't just leave everyone behind. They'll be worried sick"I say trying to change her mind.

"Worried? Were they worried when they found out I lost my memory?No they weren't, they were too busy making plans about my life while I didn't even know who I was."she shouted. I can see the rage building up in her eyes.

"Ok I know just calm dow_"I tried to pacify her but she cut me off too quick.

"No Brandon, you don't know. You have no idea."she shouts her voice cracking and tears streaming down her cheeks. She's right. I don't know. I don't know how she's feeling. I don't know what she's been through and I don't know what to do.

I rush to her side and pull her closer leading us back inside our room. I sit her down on the bed. Then close and lock the balcony door,pulling the long maroon curtains closed.

I turn on the lights then sit down next to Tatum.I put my hand on her knee and let out a deep breath before speaking.

"I know everything seems like it's falling apart right now and I know that you're angry, but please just think about it."

She opens her mouth to say something but I quickly cut in saying:"_and by tomorrow morning if you still want to elope then we will, okay?"

She nods in response and agrees to my suggestion. I wipe her tears away and take both of her hands into mine. We look at each other and I kiss her hands and then her cheeks just to let her know that I'm here for her and that I will always support her.

She smiles at me lightly and then yawns before speaking.

"I'm pretty beat, it's been a long day and I'm tired"she says and gets into bed and I follow afterwards. Pulling the covers over us and I pull her closer.She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my chest.



"Don't get out of bed and leave me here alone again"she says looking up at me through her eye lashes.

"I won't"I say and plant a kiss on the top of her head.



"I love you"she says and I can't help but to grin.

"I can sense the grin on your face"she mutters against my chest and I chuckle at her superior observation skills.

"I Iove you too Tatum"


Things are getting real interesting now aren't they? 😉
Here's a quick question:what would you do if you were Tatum?

Don't forget to vote 🌟

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