Chapter 37

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Tatum's POV:

Brandon put me down and this time, on a wooden pathway. The perpetual twinkling of the lights on both sides of the pathway are eye catching. It's absolutely beautiful.

"Wow."I say unintentionally, letting my eyes wander around us.

"We're almost there."Brandon says and takes my hand into his. I smile at him brightly.

We follow the path hand in hand and once we reach the end of the pathway I let out a involuntary gasp at what I have discovered.

I am rendered speechless. There is a foliage arch with white flowers and gold lights wrapped around the arch, the light reflecting on flowers. There's a red carpet with white petals scattered along it leading up to the foliage. There's a table at the end clothed with a white fabric.It also looks like there's some sort of beverages set on the table. The trees surrounding us are draped with golden lights as well. This moment is pure bliss with the sea lapping against the shore and the moonlight illuminating the beach.I feel calm. I take in a deep breath of fresh air.

"Brandon what is this?It's beautiful."I ask facing him, not being able to contain the smile on my face.

"This Tatum is our Miami commitment ceremony."He says and my smile becomes wider.

"Like the love island commitment ceremony?"I ask and he nods.I giggle at he's sweetness. He knows how much I love 'Love Island' and so he did this.

I hug him tightly and can't stop smiling.

"It's amazing, better than the love island one."I say and we both laugh. Heat floods my cheeks as we make our way towards the foliage.

"You're really something aren't you."I say as we stand underneath the arch.

"You don't even like love island."I say.

"True, but that doesn't mean that I don't pay attention to what you say."He says and plants a kiss on my cheek.

He takes a piece of paper out of his blazer and unfolds it.

I can't help but giggle:"You really wrote vows?"

He looks up at me smiling brightly.

"Of course I did."He says and winks at me.

He let's out a breath before speaking.He's trying to play it cool but he's nervous and it's adorable.

"Tatum you are an astonishing person.I admire you earnestly. You always manage to stay positive no matter what happens.Both of us aren't the same people we used to be and even though we've changed we still captured one another. You're a strong person and can easily make everyone else around you happy with nothing but that bright smile of yours. We've been friends for so long, but everyday I still learn something new about you. We grow like that together and I wouldn't want it any other way. You have a brilliant personality, although you can be stubborn sometimes, but I love you because of who you are. You always put other peoples needs before yours.You are selfless, kind, you make me laugh more than anyone else ever has and you also incredibly beautiful. Score for me.Tatum you're the most beautiful person the earth has ever seen.Inside and out.You are truly amazing. I've never met anyone else like you before and I never will. You are one in a million Tatum Cornelius and the only one for me. I don't know where I would've been without you. You've help me so much when I went through rough times, but you were always there with me in my best moments too. I'm incredibly lucky to have you in my life.I sometimes think I don't deserve you, but I promise I'll do everything I can do to keep you happy. I'll always be here to support you when you need me and when you don't, I'll support your independence. You might be tantalising sometimes, but I'll wait for you no matter what. I can't imagine myself with anybody else. You are the only one that can make me feel this way. I feel truly loved when I'm with you.Even though I've betrayed you once, you decided to forgive me and I will forever be grateful. Sometimes I feel like this is just dream, because you are so majestic Tatum. With everything you do and the way you are. You mean everything to me.When everything else in the world is going wrong at least I know that you'll always be here by my side.Soon we're going to bring a new life into this world and I hope that our kid will be exactly like you.You're going to be a great mother Tatum.It took a while and a lot of heart ache, but we've made it out on the other side together.I love you so so so much.I am completely consumed by you.You are my angel, my queen, the mother of my child and the best girlfriend I've ever had and I don't ever want to lose you so_"He stops abruptly to take something else out of his pocket.

He takes out a small red velvet box and goes down on one knee. Oh my god. My heart rate just went from 100 to 1000 in a second. A smile crawls onto my face. I'm probably red as a tomato right now.

"_I'd like to add one more thing to that list..."He says sincerely and opens the red box revealing a gorgeous diamond ring.

"...My wife.Will you marry me Tatum?"He asks,looking up at me and I immediately pull him up towards me and crash my lips on his.

"Yes I will.I will be your wife."I say and he starts kissing me all over my face. He then takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto my finger and it fits perfectly. I look at it admirably. It's so beautiful, hypnotising with how the moon light bounces off of it.

Brandon pulls me into a hug lifting me off the ground and spinning me around.

"I love you so much."I say and kiss his lips.

"I love you more."

"I love you the most."I say and he starts wiping my tears. I didn't even know I was crying until he touched my face.

This feeling, this whole thing, today, I never thought that I would feel this way about marriage. I was always indifferent about it,but it's honestly not that bad.It's probably the best feeling I've ever felt in my life. Listening to Brandon speak, opening his heart, then proposing. I never thought I'd feel so happy about it. It's more than happiness it's something I can't quite describe. I don't know what it is, but what I do know is that it's an amazing feeling.

I kiss his lips over and over again.

"Tatum there is something else."He says and gestures to look behind me.

I turn around and tears stream down my face immediately. Mom, Dad, Toby, Benjamin and Sapphire and Stacey.
It's been so long since I've seen them, I'm not even angry anymore. I've just missed my family so much and I need them. Life is too short to push them away when I know that they still truly care for me.

I run to them and jump into their arms. We all have a group hug,everyone surrounding me.

"I missed you so much."I cry into my father's chest.

"We missed you tremendously."He says and I can hear that he's crying as well.

"Don't you ever leave us again okay."Toby says and they hold me in their warm embrace. What they did to me wasn't right at all, but this time being away from them made me realise how much I still need them. They are still my family and I love them no matter what. I can't just stop loving them. They're the reason I'm in this world. Brandon is giving us a moment, but I gesture for him to join in on the hug.

"Come here."I say and wrap my arms around him.

After a long hug, a lot of happy tears shed and everybody congratulating Brandon and I,I turn to Stacey and Sapphire.

"Stacey, Sapphire!"I screech and we all hug.

"I thought we had plans for tomorrow, but here you are. It's such a nice surprise."I say gleefully.

"It was all Brandon's idea. He's a keeper."Sapphire says and winks at me. I blush and smile sweetly then look at him and caress his cheek.

"Yes he is."I say while gazing into his sparkling eyes.

He moves my hand from his cheek to his lips and kisses my palm.

"I knew how much you missed your family, even though you were keeping this cold mask on your face whenever we would speak about them.Malcolm asked about you everyday at work so I thought that I had to do something about it."He says.

"Thank you."I say and kiss him softly.

"How are you and the baby?"My mom asks.

"We're doing well, but I think that I really need my mom."I say and hug her once more.

"I love you so much sweety."She says and runs her fingers through my hair.

"I love you too mom."

We spoke for a while and instead of champagne, Brandon bought me a chocolate milkshake and he let everyone else including himself drink milkshakes because I couldn't have anything acidic or with alcohol in. He's so thoughtful and sweet.

We spoke and caught up on everything that has happened.
After a few hours my family and friends went home. It was really lovely seeing them.

Brandon got us a room in this hotel for the night. We're staying in the hotels penthouse. It's one of my dad's hotels.

Brandon said he got the penthouse so that I can scream his name as loud as I want tonight.


When we went up to the penthouse we decided to relax in the indoor jacuzzi.

"Remind me why our room at the other hotel does not have a jacuzzi?"I ask Brandon as I take a bite out of my strawberry savouring the juicy taste.

"Because you didn't want to take the penthouse.You said that it was unnecessary because we wouldn't be staying for long."

"What was I thinking?!"I put my palm against my forehead dramatically getting a small laugh out of Brandon.

"Although I've made up with my parents, I still want to move somewhere else to raise our child."I say in all seriousness.

"I knew you would. I just didn't want you to leave things behind while they were still unsolved."He says and I nod.

"Thank you. I still can't believe you did all of this."I say.

"With all pleasure your highness, now come here and cuddle."He says and lends his hand out.

He takes my hand into his and gently pulls me closer onto his lap with me now straddling him.

His hand was traveling up and down my arm sending shivers through my spine and the other was holding me close, around my waist.

My hands are flat against his chest with us just staring at each other. Gazing into one another's souls.

"You're so beautiful."He says and I brush my nose on his.

"You're amazing."

"If I am it's because of you."He says.

I started tracing the lines on his stomach with my fingertips.

"Just kiss me."I say and close the distance between us by crashing my lips onto his. He opens his mouth eagerly allowing our tongues to dance passionately.

As our situation gets more and more heated I can feel his need for me pressing hard against me making me moan into his mouth.

By natural impulse my body starts grinding against him.

"Tatum."He moaned my name in his low, throaty voice, biting my bottom lip and running his fingers through my wet hair.

He picked me up by my thighs with his strong arms as I held onto him not breaking our kiss.

He moved out of the jacuzzi towards the bed.

"Brandon we'll get the sheets wet."I say pulling away.

"I don't care.We'll get the sheets wet either way."He says and attaches his lips back to mine,causing the heat to crawl up my neck.

He gently lays me down onto the bed.

I sit up and climb onto his lap kissing him with all I've got. Caressing his neck, while his hands make their way up to the string of my bikini top, loosening it. I catch it in my hands as it falls between us and I throw it to the floor.

He's sweet kisses move down to my neck and my collarbone. He nibbles on my skin playfully and takes my nipple licking over it gently then breathing with warm breath on the wet area, causing me to shudder.

I slide my hand down his chest and he's firm abs, down further and I touch his hardness caressing him teasingly.

He brings his lips back to mine.I push him back onto the bed straddling his lap then removing the pieces of clothing keeping us both from satisfaction.

"Let me take control."I whisper into his ear and crash my lips to his laying flat on him skin to skin.

He grabs the back of my thigh and knowing that he wants to turn us around I stop and sit up on him.

"Brandon!"I exclaim.

"What?"He asks.

"You were about to turn us around.I wanna be on top."I say in frustration.

"Tatum I should be on top."He says.

"And why is that?"I ask quirking up my eyebrow waiting for his answer.

"Because you are my wild fire and don't know how to be gentle,need I remind you that you're pregnant."He says and I roll my eyes.

"Of course I can be gentle."I say pointedly.

"Really?"He asks and I think back to our past sexual encounters.

"Okay maybe not, but I won't hurt the baby."I say and he looks at me inspecting my face.

"Just shut up and kiss me."I say and crash my lips to his.

"But I didn't say anything."He says pulling away.

"Shut up."I say and crash my lips to his.


The weekend went by fast. I spent Saturday with Brandon and then on Sunday we went to visit our parents.

Today's Monday, Brandon is back at work and I'm going shopping with Sapphire and Stacey today.

"You know I think that I could actually shopping right here in your closet."Sapphire says while tying her fiery ginger hair into a high ponytail.

"Yeah for free."Stacey adds and I roll my eyes.

"Take your pick."I say while looking for something to wear.

"Seriously?"Stacey asks, her green eyes widening.

"Yeah, most of these stuff aren't even gonna fit me in a few months."I say.

"Aww babe, you're not going to be pregnant forever."Sapphire says.

"I know and by then I'll buy new clothes,so you can take what you want."

"Yay."Stacey screeches excitedly.

"Thank you, but let's go shopping first and then when we're all done we can come up and pick up this lot."Sapphire says.

"Yeah good idea. Hey Tatum do you think that I can wear this for the day?"Stacey asks holding up a strapless floral dress.

"Yeah, the colours would definitely suit you too."I say and soon after we got dressed and left to go shopping.All colours look great on her dusky skin. She's really beautiful. She could be a model, honestly.


"Let's go to Victoria's Secret."Sapphire suggests.

"For who do you wanna wear lingerie for?"I ask smirking.

"Yeah I thought that you and Bryan broke things off."Stacey says.

"Who was talking about Bryan?"She says biting her lip to keep her smile in.

"Are we missing something here?"Stacey asks and Sapphire blushes.

"Oh my god, there's someone else isn't there?"I ask. It's obvious that there's a new guy in the picture.

"Maybe, maybe not."She says.

"Tell us, who is he?"Stacey questions eagerly.

"Yeah, how, when, where?"

"Okay okay, I'll tell you, but let's go put these in the car. My arms are hurting."She says and we took our bags to my car, then made our way back and into Victoria's secret.

"We're waiting."I say as we walk into the store.

"Okay so he's name is Richard."She starts and I nod for her to continue.

"He's British too and he's so gorgeous."

"Nice.How coincidental."Stacey says and laughs. It is coincidental, she's British, lives in Miami and meets a British guy.

"Where'd you meet?"

"He's a doctor.We met at his work place."

"Ooh this sounds interesting."

"He's my nan's doctor."She says.

"Really?"Stacey asks amused.

"She was the one that introduced me to him. She says that I should stop with boys and go for real men like Richard."She says.

"She's right you know."I say.

"Yeah. He's amazing."She says.

"When did this start, how long?"I ask.

"We've been dating for three weeks now."She says.

"And you're in love already."Stacey says.

"What? No I'm not."She says, but her face betrays her.

"You are!"I exclaim excitedly.

"Anyways moving on from me, Tatum I thought you'd never get married."Sapphire says changing the subject to me.

"Yeah I thought so too, but things change."

"I'm glad that you are though, you deserve to be happy."Stacey says.

"Thank you babe."

"You should get something."Sapphire says.

"No I'm good."

"Come on, we can meet up the guys for lunch and you can give Brandon a little surprise when you go to his office."

"Oh god no, this isn't the movies. Are you insane! In his office?!"I react to Stacey's suggestion.

"Here take this."Sapphire says handing me a red lingerie set.

"Why are you backing her up?"I ask Sapphire dumbfounded.

"Because you need to loosen up and go for it."

"We could get caught!"I say shoving it back into her hands.

"There's locks on doors for a reason."Stacey says and Sapphire hands the clothes back to me.

"I'm not gonna do it."I say firmly.

"You should really think about your choices, because Brandon is a hunk and their are many beautiful woman working at their company."Sapphire says looking through more lingerie.

"What are you implying?"I ask confused.

"Nothing. What Sapphire means is that their are many woman that would go after Brandon.You should just make it known that he's yours and off-limits."

"I trust Brandon, he only has eyes for me."I say and they are actually starting to put doubt in my head.

"He does, but that won't stop thirsty woman."Stacey says.

"Stop talking you're making me worried."I say and shake my head. Brandon wouldn't cheat on me, he would never.

"Okay suit yourself. I'd make good use of this."She says and tries no take the lingerie out of my hands,but I pull away.

"No I'm taking it."I say and they both smile at each other in accomplishment.

"That's our girl."Sapphire says and I roll my eyes.

"You should buy something else, a dress that you can easily put on and take off."Stacey says.

"You've done this before haven't you."I say smirking at Stacey's kinkiness

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't...maybe I'm going to."She says and we all laugh.


I got dressed at the mall wearing the new clothes I bought.

The red lace lingerie hiding underneath the purple - blue wrap around dress.

Soon after we left we were on our way to Brandon. I don't know why they wanted to come with me.

"Why couldn't I just come alone?"I asked.

"We know how you are, if we're not around you'll back down."Sapphire says.

"No I won't, but you do realise that my dad works in the same building right?"I point out.

"That's why we're here. While you're doing the devil's dance with Brandon we'll we on guard. Nobody will interrupt you."Stacey says and I shake my head in amusement.

"I don't think that's really necessary."I oppose.

"Just shut up Tatum, you wouldn't want to be interrupted. That would be really annoying."Sapphire says.

"You would know,wouldn't you."I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes.

Soon we arrive at Brandon's office we head up in the elevator to his floor.

The elevator comes to a stop and we head to his office.

I stop in my tracks seeing a woman that looks about the same age as I. She's all over Brandon. Fiddling with his tie, brushing her fingers down his blazer,laughing her annoying laugh.Playing with her hair.Completely disgusting.

"I think I'm gonna throw up."Stacey exaggerates.

"She's completely disgusting and has no shame.I'm flabbergasted "Sapphire says.

"Who the hell is she?"I feel a wave of anger and jealousy come over me as we watch them in the distance.

"That isn't even proper work attire."Sapphire says. No shit. I can practically see her ass hanging out from her short shirt.

"She's a twat, that's what she is."Sapphire says in her South-side British accent.

"Thirsty whore!"Stacey spats angrily.

I grab her by her wrist:"Lower your voice."I whisper.

She hands him a file and Brandon walks into his office and she goes back to her desk.

"Let's go kick her ass."Stacey says, but we hold her back.

"No no, let me handle this.There's no need to be violent...yet.I'll do this with class, unlike that short skirt of hers."I say and brush a lock of my hair over my shoulder.

I stand tall and walk over to the bitch.

"Yesss,boss bitch!"Stacey shouts cheering me on, unfazed by all the eyes on her. God I love my best friends.


Let's see how this goes down in the next chapter...😉

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