Chapter 40

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Samuel's POV:

"Why don't you come over?"

"Nah,I don't feel like it."I say plainly.

"So you're choosing a girl that doesn't want you over your home boy?"Joe asks questioning my loyalty.

"Come on you know it's not like that."I say securely.

"All I get is a video call, when you're not busy at all and can come over."Joe says looking at me pointedly through my laptop screen.

"You can't avoid her forever."

"I know I can't it's just complicated. I want to give her space."I say.

"So you're not completely over her?"He asks and I turn my gaze away from my laptop screen to the window and sigh.

"Man, how can I ever be."I say yearningly.

"Look I know it's tough, but you won't be able to move on by avoiding her. You have to face your problems."He says and I roll my eyes.

"What if I can't move on? I've tried for years, but I can't."

"Bro you're exaggerating you don't even know Grace for that long_Oh You must be talking about Tatum. Wait I'm confused, who are we talking about?"Joe asks confused.

I chuckle in disappointment of my own mind.

"I don't know.Both, Tatum and Grace.The more I think about Grace the more I think about Tatum. The more I see Grace the more I see Tatum in her and I don't know why."I try to explain, a bit more to myself.

"So that's why you're trying to avoid her. I understand, but you can't just stay at home everyday you need to be more proactive."

"Yeah. I guess you're right. It just hurts you know. I try to hide it, but it hurts more and more everyday.Not knowing what happened to Tatum. Where she is now? Is she happy?It's killing me not knowing."I confide in Joe.

"I'm sorry bro. That you're having a tough time and that you never got answers, but things will get better for you. I know it will."He says and I lightly smile at my friends support.

"When did you become a psychologist?"I ask grinning.

"Ah, you know I'm a man of many talents."He says brushing his shoulder in a boastful manner.

"All right, all right man of many talents. I'll be there in a few. See you later."I say and we greet then end the video call.

I close my laptop and place it on my desk at the opposite side of my bed. For a moment I just stand by the window and gaze at the vast skyline. Taking in the beautiful sunset. Orange and yellow shades dancing across the horizon as the suns tip says goodnight to the day.
I let out a breath of hope. Maybe things will get better.

Joe's right. I have to face my problems head on.Even if it means that I have to forget them. I don't know what's going on in my head. Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe my problems aren't as staggering as I make it. I'm just over thinking everything. I need to leave. So that I could get my head straight. I can't be here alone with my thoughts attacking heart.

I grab my black leather jacket off the back of the desk chair and head out the door.

As I throw on the jacket I make my way quickly downstairs and out the front door. The heat from the outside catching me unexpectedly.

I get into my car and make my way to Josephs.

Tatum's POV:

"Aren't you tired yet?"I ask looking down at Cassie.

"Nope."She giggles.

"Fine, fine."I say and look back up as we walk down the toys aisles. After we had our little karaoke,Cassie basically dragged us to the stores. Okay maybe, Cassie and I dragged Brandon to the stores.What can I say? Cassie's a kid and I have cravings. We can't help ourselves. We came here to buy candy, but then Cassie wanted to come to the toy aisle and it's really hard to say no to her when she's so sweet.

Cassie walks a bit ahead of us as she wanders around the toys,"Wow."

"Pick anything you want Cassie."Brandon says and she looks back at him smiling brightly.

"I could get used to this."I sigh in complete awe.

"Me too."Brandon says, snaking his arm around my waist, pulling me closer as we follow Cassie.

"Do you think we should stay?"

"What do you want?"He answers my question with a question.

"I don't know that's why I'm asking you Brandon."I say a bit frustratedly.

"You know my answer Tatum."He says pointedly.

"Do you really think we should?"I ask and he nods.

"Fine. We'll stay...for now."I say and nod approvingly.

"Really?"He asks surprised.


"You were so determined on leaving. I never thought you'd want to stay."He says.

"I know but things changed."

"For the better."Brandon adds.

Cassie comes running back to us with a box in her hands that's almost her length.

"Hey, do you need help with that?"Brandon asks her,aiming to take the pink and purple coloured box out of her hands.

"No I've got it."She says and throws it into our shopping cart. The box flips over and I look through the plastic film to see a cute baby doll inside.

"What a strong girl."I say, smiling at her brightly and she giggles.

"I'm ready to go now."She says and rubs her eyes. She's tired.

"Okay we can go."Brandon says. He picks her up and I place a kiss on her cheek.

We made our way to the cashier then packaged and paid for everything.

We walk out of the store.Brandon took the shopping bags and I'm carrying Cassie as we make our way to the car.

"Look."Cassie says pointing up at the night sky.

Brandon and I look up in the direction she's pointing.

"What is it?"I ask and then I see. A shooting star. Beautifully passing the night sky in a quick glance.

"Two shooting stars."Cassie says joyfully.

"It's a beautiful night isn't it."Brandon says.

"It is."I agree feeling completely relaxed.

I feel a slight breeze waft past us.

"Let's go."I say and we head to the car.

Brandon puts everything into the trunk as I get Cassie settled in the back seat.

"Are you warm enough?"I ask Cassie and she nods.

"We'll be right in okay."I say and pull myself out of the car.

"Wait!"She says and I poke my head back in the car.

"What is it?"

"Can I have my baby dolly, please."She asks making my heart melt.

"Of course."I say and close the car door.

"Brandon can you bring Cassie's doll?"I ask and he shuts the trunk.

"Way ahead of you."He says with the box in his hands.

"You know her so well."I say smiling at him.

"Of course.She's my daughter."Brandon says proudly. It's the first time he called her his daughter. Hearing that come from him makes we feel this warm feeling inside.

He opens the door for me and I roll my eyes at him.

"As if I couldn't open the door for myself."I say crossing my arms over one another.

"Come on get in. It's chilly out here."Brandon says.

I sigh in defeat and get into the passenger seat.

He closes the door as well. I put my seatbelt on and rest comfortably into the seat.

Brandon soon gets in and hands Cassie the box. She insisted on opening it herself.

He put on his seatbelt and faced me.

"Should I turn on your seat warmer?"He asks.

"Is that even a question?"

He lightly chuckles and I feel the warmth slowly making its way against the length of my back.

"Umm.Help."Cassie says hesitantly.

We both turn to face her.She's struggling to open the box. I take it from her hands and open it.I barely slide the doll out when Cassie screeches excitedly.


Brandon laughs.

"Okay here."I say and hand her the toys.

"Thank you."She says and is immediately distracted by it.

Brandon starts the car and we make our way home.

Samuel's POV:

I soon arrived and parked my car in the underground parking lot.

I make my way to the elevator.

As the doors muster a voice echoes,a beautiful voice."Hold the lift!"

It's Grace.Who sounds like Tatum. It's messing with my head.

I stop the doors from completely closing and Grace appears with Cassie in her arms.

"Oh Hi."She plainly says.

"Hey."I reply with a quick smile.

Brandon soon follows with bags in his hands.Our greeting is nothing but a simple nod.

Just before the doors could close. A man in a hooded coat quickly slips in. I can't quite see his face, but I'm getting this weird feeling from him.

Cassie suddenly starts crying in her sleep.

Grace rubs her back gently, quietly shushing her back to sleep.

"Shh.It's okay. It's okay.We're here."Brandon spoke to Cassie in a soothing manner. He strokes her hair,lulling her back to sleep.

I can't help the slight bit of jealousy that washes over me. Grace seems happy and I'm happy that she is. I just wish that I could've been the one to light up her life. It hurts. It really does. I still miss Tatum's presence. Whenever I'm with Grace. Tatum always crosses my mind. I just think it's because they are a lot alike and they have a mutual friend. Brandon or in Grace's case, a lot more than friends. I run my fingers through my hair,trying to ease myself from the discomfort of seeing them together as a family.

"Babe are you cold?"Brandon asks Grace and I can't help but to feel annoyed.

"No I'm okay."She says.I hate her tone when she speaks to him. She's so fond of him and it makes me cringe.

I never thought I would be so happy for elevator doors pinging open.

I make my way out immediately. As we walk in opposite directions. I have this feeling of anxiousness as the guy in the coat walks in their direction. Something seems really dodgy about him. Maybe I'm just over thinking it.

I heave a long sigh as I try to shake negative thoughts from my head.

I walk onward to Joe's room.

Once I got there, all the guys were there.

Tatum's POV:

Once we got into our room Brandon puts the bags on the kitchen table and I set Cassie down in the Bedroom.

I put a blanket over her and made sure that she was comfortable. She looks even more cute sleeping. I place a soft kiss on her forehead and head back out and into the kitchen where Brandon is unpacking everything we bought.

I took the seal off and opened the plastic container holding the fresh strawberries.

I took a bite out of one and started helping Brandon pack away.

"Here."I say and hold a strawberry to Brandon's lips.

He holds my hand, moving the strawberry closer to his mouth then takes an extremely slow bite. A mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He runs his tongue over his lips seductively. He's lips rest in a wicked smirk as he continues to stare at me avidly.He pulls my hand to his lips and places a lingering kiss on my wrist.The proximity making me drop the left over piece of strawberry I had in my hand.

"Brandon."I whisper feeling my knees going weak.

He chuckles and inches closer to my face.

"You know what they say about strawberries."He says lowly.

"Brandon."I shove him away and roll my eyes,making him laugh. He knows what he's doing.

"Cassie's in the other room!"I exclaim.

"What?I didn't say anything."He says innocently trying to keep in his smile, but a corner of his lips betray him.

"But you were suggesting it."I say.

"Suggesting what?"He asks playing dumb.

"The mile high club."I say raising my brow.

He slips his arms around my waist pulling me against him.

"Tatum.Do you kiss your fiancé with that dirty mouth?"He asks and I roll my eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe he should find out."I play along.

He crashes his lips into mine. Kissing me passionately.

We pull away and he rests his forehead on mine.

"I would take you on this table right now..."He says lustfully.

"Mmm.Look who has a dirty mouth now."I say.

"You love this dirty mouth."He says.

"You should go wash that dirty mouth out with soap."I say and move away from him, but he pulls me back to him.Running the tips of his fingers over my hips.

"I know of something else I can wash my mouth out with."He says implicatively.

"Ew Brandon that's disgusting."I say, shoving him and he laughs.

A knock on the door pulls us away from our predicament.

"I'll get it."I say and head for the door.

I open the door to something I never thought I would face.

The same guy with the black hooded coat pointing a gun at me. Instinctively I try to shut the door, but he's too fast and kicks the door open making me shout. I'm in complete shock. My heart rate is sky rocketing.

Brandon comes running in, but stops in he's tracks when he sees the person pointing the gun at me. My own tears stained on my cheeks feeling as if it's burning me.

"Hey!Hey!Look at me!What do you want?!"Brandon shouts trying to get the strangers attention.

I can't quite see his face. He kicks the door closed with his heel and steps closer to me still pointing the gun directly at my face. I feel like I could pass out at any moment.

"Hey what do you want!?"Brandon's voice becoming angrier. Brandon tries to move closer.

"Hey! Stay where you are or I'll shoot her!"The strangers murderous voice booms around sending chills through me.

"Brandon stay where you please."I beg,my voice cracking.He looks at me with complete concern.

"What do you want!"I shout at him as I back away and the stranger steps closer.

"We have money. We'll give you everything you want just please don't hurt her!"Brandon shouts.

"We have money just-"

"I told you not to move!"The stranger demands pointing the gun at Brandon then back to me. I don't recognise his voice at all.

"Why is everyone shouting?"I hear a small sweet voice.

I whip my head around to see Cassie walking out of the bedroom door.

"Cassie stop!"I shout at her and she stops in her tracks out of shock. I never screamed at her. It's unpleasant to do so but her safety is the most important thing right now.

"Cassie go back to the room please baby."I say.

"Who's that?"She asks oblivious to the deadly situation we're in.

"Cassie go back to bed!"Brandon yelled.

"Why are you angry?"She asks curiously.

"Cassie for God's sake, go back to bed!"I shout and she jumps in fear.I think that she's starting to realise what's going on and freezes in place.

"Cassie! Cassie please!"I shout, but it's as if she cannot hear me as she stairs at the stranger.

I look at him and he took he's hood off.

"I've come to get my daughter."The stranger is no longer a stranger. From the photos Katherine has shown me from news articles online.I recognise his disgusting face. The man that tortured a baby. The man who was supposed to love her as a father. The heartless man who does not deserve to live. The ruthless man who found amusement in the battering of his own daughter.

Suddenly all I can see is red. Rage fills my being completely.All the fear vanishes away replaced with anger and resentment towards him.
Brandon is just as shocked as I am to see who it is.He too is filled with rage. I'm just afraid that he'll do something stupid out of anger. I'm more worried about Cassie who isn't responding. She's in shock.

"You're not taking her anywhere!"Brandon snarled.

"She's my daughter! You can't stop me! I'll be taking Cassie and your pretty lady."He says grinning at me. I feel completely disgusted with him.

"Get out!"I shout at him.

"Leave us alone!"I continue.

I can see Brandon.He wants to do something and I gesture for him not to. Please God, please. Brandon don't do anything. Just stay there.

"I won't let you take either of them!"Brandon says firmly.

"I will, I'll shoot you and take all three of them."He says ruthlessly.


"You're pregnant,I know, but don't think that it will make me change my mind.I don't care!I'll just happily take the girls and go."He says.

"You fucking bastard! You won't get away with this!"I shout.

Before I know it. Brandon tackled him to the ground the gun going off. My ears zing from the passing bullet. I run to Cassie, grabbing her to safety. I run into the bedroom, grab my phone then quickly make my way into the bathroom.God please keep Brandon safe. I can hear their struggle from here.

I place Cassie on the table,next to the bathroom sink. She's still in shock looking off into the distance.

"Cassie please!Cassie it's me!"She still doesn't respond to my voice.

I call the security and police. Once I've done that I focus back on her. I take cold water and splash it onto her face.

"Please Cassie."I'm feeling helpless at this point.

I hold her against me and tears stream down my face. Please Cassie.

I suddenly hear light sniffles in my ear. She's coming by.

"Cassie. Cassie it's okay."I say and she starts crying,pulling her from a trance. Thank god.

"You're okay."I say hugging her tightly.

"Cassie listen to me."I say and pull away so that she can look at me. I wipe her tears.

"I'm gonna go out there and help Brandon okay. You stay right here and don't come out unless it's Brandon or me okay?"I ask and she nods. Her weeping subsiding.

"I promise I'll be back okay.I love you Cassie. So much.You're a strong girl."I say and kiss her on the forehead.

I set her down on the floor and bring blankets into the bathroom and lay it on the floor. So that she can feel a sense of safety.I hand her doll to her as well and then leave. I lock the bathroom door and place my hand against it for a moment. I won't let him take you.

I head back out. A horrible sight. Brandon and that evil man still struggling with the gun.

Brandon has him pinned against the wall, but struggles to retrieve the gun from him. I quickly grab a knife from the kitchen and a vase that was on a console table nearby. Without fear and nothing but rage I approach them. I don't know what's gonna happen next,but I know that he won't take her away. I won't let that happen.

Samuel's POV:

"Haha funny."Reece says sarcastically.

"Don't you think-"I'm cut off by disquieting sounds of nearby gun fire.

We all are caught by complete shock.

And that's when I realised. It's coming from Grace's side of the building.

I abruptly stood up.

"I have to go. Grace is in danger!"I shout and make my to the door.

"Wait! Sam you can't just go out there."Jacob says pulling my arm.

"Let go!There was a suspicious guy in the elevator and I didn't realise it then, but he was following them!"

"Grace?"Joe asks.

"Yes and Brandon. The kid is with them too!"I say and run out.

I run out into the hallway and hear another shuddering gunshot.

Please, please, please be safe. Don't let anything happen to them please.

Time seems to slow down as I arrive at Grace's room door. The door is slightly opened.

I push the door open and my fears become true.I hear a few of the guys approaching behind me. The sight before me is horrifying. Something no one should ever experience. It's a living nightmare.


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