Chapter 9

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Samuel's POV:

(Sitting at the island while drinking coffee)

This morning I woke up feeling good, great actually.

When Sabrina left, I started thinking of ways to get Tatum back, but first I had to Google the first few places that Tatum's dance group is going to,I found that they are going to Italy first, I heard her talking about Germany but they probably changed it.I booked me a flight ticket to Italy for 8am tomorrow morning, that was the earliest flight I could get last minute.

I can't wait to see her. I even found out at what hotel they're staying at.
I'm happy that I'll see her, but I feel bad too, imagine how Tatum must be feeling.She probably feels lonely,with her parents not supporting her and me too. What was I thinking.I should have been there for her when she had nobody else.I was being selfish, and I should have supported her. I'm not letting her go, not now, not ever.

Tatum's POV:

This morning I woke up feeling down, well not just down, but depressed.Look at me, laying here, can do nothing for myself with broken bones, a lost memory and a different identity. *Sigh*
I just wish, I could've known what life was like before this.

I try to sit up a little and I see my doctor Roberts and nurse Julie having what looks like a serious conversation,right outside my door.
When they finished talking, I call my nurse and she comes in.I get a bad feeling all of the sudden,by how uncomfortable nurse Julie looks.

"Good morning Tatum" Julie says and puts on a fake smile.

"Good morning "i greet her back.

" So how are you feeling today? "

" I'm ok and you"

"I'm good " she says, but sounds like she's trying to convince me that she is.

" Julie,what's wrong?"i say eager to find out what's up.

"What do you mean Tatum?"she asks. Something is definitely up, because she's playing dumb.

"Come on, you know that I can read people, I know that something is wrong"i say.

"Tatum please"

"No, just tell me what's wrong"i silence her. Starting to get impatient.

"I can't, it's not my place.The doctor said that he'll have to tell you and your parents at the same time"she says and walks out.Leaving with what sounds like sobs.

" Oh come on, what is this about"i mumble to myself.


Later on that day my parents, along with Brandon and Tony came in with the doctor and said that there was something important that we needed to know.

And my lucky ass found out that after I regain all my memory I'll still suffer from short term memory loss. And I thought things were getting better, but actually they became even worse. The doctor said that,by the way my brain activity is going now, that is what they predict to happen in the future. So it might or might not be true,but something makes me think that he just said that to make me feel better. I'm an unlucky person anyways,so it'll probably happen.

The doctor also said that my bones aren't healing at the pace that it should be. And that it might take longer for me to recover, so look how lucky I am. What a wonderful life.

Next day

Samuel's POV:

I'm on the plane right now to Italy and I really can't wait to see Tatum.I just want her to be happy and I know that she will be when I show up and support her. I think about memories with Tatum, while playing with the promise ring I gave her a few years ago.I can't let her go, she's too special,only a complete idiot would leave her. I see myself in the future with her.

Tatum's POV:

I wake up in tears.I don't know why I'm feeling this way.I just feel sad and down, like I'm longing for something, but I don't know what it is. Dammit now I'll have to explain why I'm crying.Toby walks into my hospital room.

"Tatum,what's wrong, why are you crying " he comes rushing over by my side and wipes off my tears softly.

"Its just overwhelming, everything that's happening" I say sobbing.

"But you don't have to be worried, you're going to be ok, it's just going to take some more time and I'll always be here by your side"my brothers words comfort me.

"Thanks"i say giving him a small smile.

"Can you call mom and dad in, there are a few other questions that I'd like to ask them "I say.

"Sure, do you want me to call them now?" Toby asks and I nod.

20 minutes later, my parents arrive.

"Good morning sweety"My mom says.

"Good morning love " my dad says and kisses me on my forehead.

" Good morning"i greet them both back.

"Toby said that you wanted to speak to us, is anything wrong, how are you feeling today, should I go and get the doctor " my mom had a worried expression on her face.

" No, no mom, I'm okay, there's just a few things that I'll like to ask "I say.

" OK then, what is it? "dad asks.

"Well I wanted to know, since I'm 18 turning 19 later on this year, so if I wasn't here right now, I'd be in University, so what University did I plan for, before all this" I ask looking at them both curiously waiting for their answer.

They look at each other before answering.Wait tell me that I at least finished high school.Oh no.Am I a drop out?Oh God,I think I'm going to pass out.

"Well you applied for many Universities, and got into all of them, but you wanted to go to UCLA, you always set your heart on it"my father says. Calming me down from my demented thoughts.

"Mmm nice"i say.

While my parents mumble on about what my hopes and dreams were for the future. They say that I planned to take over the family business, and that when I was little, I wanted to be just like my dad.

Next Day:Wednesday

Samuel's POV:

Finally our plane landed this morning, it's 5am right now. And I'm on my way to the Hotel, I'll be staying in, from there I'll settle in and go to find Tatum. Wow Rome is a beautiful site.To think I come to Italy this way, seeking for the only one who makes my heart go wild.

We finally arrive at the hotel, I get my room number and my key.

"No, that's OK, I can carry my own bag"i say. I'm in a rush. I need to find her as soon as possible.

"OK sir " the man walks away.

I head up to my room and get settled in, I booked a big apartment so that me and Tatum can come and relax here afterwards.

It's 7:30a.m now so they have to be awake by now.
I get a taxi and make my way to the hotel where Tatum is at...

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