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Callies pov

Its been two days since we went to the mall and me and sam spent most of it together just like old times we dont need no guy. Speaking of guys me and Ryder have become really close we spent nights watchung movies or just talking. He makes me happy and in a wired way i am glad that this has happened but i still want my old life back. But with ryder in it.

"Hey callie come on we are going to the packs Campfire" sam said

I look up grom the book i am reading and set it down and follow her. She looks at my outfit and nods i am in ryders sweater and some shorts and  i slipped on my converse. We were walking in the woods to get to the fire  when we heard wolves howling i stopped walking completely.

"Hey dont worry its just patrol they are telling the alpha its safe" she said

I let out a breath of relif i cant sleep well cause of my dear brother. As we continue i can smell the fire and sam takes off runnibg and i soon follow and when we get there she runs into Alexs arms. Of course i soon feel Ryders hands around my waist. I look up to see him looking at me i smile.

"Hey" i whisper

"Hi princess" i look down thw blush forming on my face.

"So can you explain more about how the howling tells you that we are ok" i ask

"Well when they howl that means that the place they cheaked is safe"

I nodded my head still confused hey im new at this.

"Hey Ryder"


"If i dont have the power my dad has why do they still want me" i am scared

"They think you do your just saying you dont"

"Thats stu-" i was cut of by a loud scream that sounded alot like "ONG SAM" i start running to where the scream came from. I see her being held by a vampire with a silver knife in her stomach.

"Let her go.......please" i wimper out

"Only if you come with me and i will let her go" he said i look around and see Alex being held by three vampires

"I will go" i go to walk up but Ryders arm goes around my waist and stops me

I try to get out but he wont let go of my arm.

"Ryder please" i say but nothing i look over at sam and the guy holding her.

"Ah to late well what should it be shoudl i jsut kill you are make you get so much pain" he says

"I love you  alex and i love you callie" sam says

"Please...please dont do this...Ryder let me go..... I will go with you....RYDER LET GO" i scream out
He smirks and he losings his hold on her and pulls the knife out and i let put a breath of relif but he looks at me and winks and stabs the knife in her heart.

"NO....PLEASE....NO......SAM....Please" i scream while falling to the ground.

Alex is yelling in pain his mate just died. Sams dead shes gone. I just got her back i dont know what to do.

"This is all your fault sam is dead bacuse of you i hate you" i yell at Ryder once i say that i feel my heart shatter and Ryder looks so broken i.look away fast i cant look at him he killed my best friend.

I run up to sams lifeless body and slide beside her.

"Im so sorry sam i.... Am so sorry" i wipser to her i place my head on her sholder and finally let the tears fall. And they wont stop.

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