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Callies pov
So update the guy hes gone and we are in  a code blue how fun but we were put in a diffrent class room cause you know the window was kinda shattered. Ya so i was sitting alone i only have one friend really i was close to the group but the loner guy was on the otherside of the room and could clearly be seen if the dude looked in the window. How smart. I pulled out my phone and see no texts from sam this is really wkred but i have one from a unknown number. Probley a sale thing so i ignored it and went on to instagram and stalked people. After i was done i started looking threw my pictures cause i wanted to post one but i could not decide so i tuened my phone off and leaned my head back. I heard the loner guy i really need to learn his name. Well he made a loud sound when he moved and scared some girls and they screamed. Great we are dead. Thanks. Seconds later the door knob rattled meaning someone was trying to get in. No shit. I looked at the door in fright everyone looked scared but can you giess it loner guy. Why is he not scared of anything.  The door flew open like it flew acrossed the room. Ok so someone has a temper. Someone walks in oh god dammit its the creepy guy. His eyes searched everyones but when they landed on mine he smirked and started walking to me. I made a small wimpering sound  and tried to back up to the wall. Can this wall suck me up please. I bent down to my height.

"Your coming with me sweetheart" he wispered

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the class room and down the hall. Hold on a second no one stood up for me. How rude.

"Hey brody i would stop if i were you" a mysterious voice said

The guy grabbing my arm stopped walking oh so creepy guy has a name. Brody. I look in the direction that the voice came from to see the loner dude. Are you kiding me that guy hes going to save me. Out of all people him. Ok so i really and going to die. Please let me leave i am to yound to die. When i put mt attention back on brody and loner guy. I see brody turn to look at me with fands and his eyes brighg red. Holy mother of fuck hes a vampire. Yes i watch movies and read books.

"OMG OMG YOU ARE NO I.....YOU CANT.....THATS NOT....NO" i yelled out

Brody looked at me amused and then went to attack loner guy can i please just know your name. But loner guy grabbed his neak and threw him at the lockers leaving a big dent. Loner guy pulled his hood down holy mother of fuck. No way. Loner guy is hot. New name hottie. Hotties eyes turned a purpley i think and he also got fangs but they looked diffrent.

"YOU NO I....I AM .....WHAT?????" i am so confused

Brody ran really fast up to me and grabbed my arm and pushed me into the lockers and almost bit my neak when hottie pulled him off. Hottie steped infront of me like a shield i was squshed between him and the lockers fun. Brody ran off and the tears started coming.

"Hey are you ok" hottie asked

"GET...THE...HELL...AWAY...FROM...ME" i screamed

"Ok hey its ok im Ryder" he said

Hot name no i am not thinking about this


His hand covered my mouth i starred at him with wide eyes ok then.

"Listen i will explain everything but you cant scream." he said

I nodded my head and he slowly pulled his hand off my face and took a couple steps back. Once he was far enough i ran i took of down the hall i was running to thr front doors so i could get to dylans car and leave sorry dylan. But before when i turned the corner Ryder was there i went to screamed but we ran like really fats and ckver my mouth. I tried to get him off of mt but he was 100% stonger then me he pulled me into a closet.

"Are you going to listen to me this time" he asked

I nodded my head and he glared at me ya i would not trust me ethier.

"Im gonna keep my hand on you mouth, well ok im going to tell you everything. Im not a vampire  that guy who took you was a vampire. But i am a werewolf we are the nice ones. The vampire are after you cause of who your dad was we was a healer and they think you take after him but clearly you dont cause you dont know anything about supernatural well lets just say you are under alot of danger. I am here to protect you callie." he said

He took his hand off omg this cant be real but i seen it vampires are trying to kill me cause of my dad and a werewolf is my protecter. Nope not wired at all.

" so confused" i stuttered out

"We have to go they know where you are follow me" he said then walled out of the closet and i follow him trying not to cry causw i really dont wanna die.

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