Ch-7 police station

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Third person pov;

Rahul was moving towards his car with a cold expression on his face until his eyes fall on the same street, where he met that little girl.

Now his mood wasn't sour anymore, while recalling their previous incident. He smiled and looked at the same direction where he had met that little girl first time.

She had surely some magic, that's why he was not able to forget her innocent face. Which was new to him as he hardly remembers any girls face, with whom he has spent his nights.

I shouldn't think about her.... She is just a child...

After convincing himself. He left from there without having any idea that someone was watching him with her big doe type of eyes.




Ritu came out from her hiding place and went to her father, who was busy with some neighbors.

"Papa.... "

She called in low tone like she was going to cry anytime.

"Ritu.... What are you doing here...?"

Her father asked while hiding the fact that  they will have to leave their home soon.

"I... I...  I thought to pick kunal myself as you are busy here... "

She finally spoke while giving a fake excuse to her father. Her father believed on it and took a relief break.

" No... You don't need as I'm free now... "
Her father answered as it was good idea to go outside, so he could start looking a home for his family as there wasn't any option left for them rather than to do as Rahul told him.

"One more thing beta... ( daughter ) I would be not present on dinner, so you'll inform your mom... "

Her dad spoke without showing any tension.

Ritu although knew everything but didn't want to make her dad sad, so she just nodded her dad with a encouraging smile on her face. Which makes her dad strong always.


"Rahul... What have you done?"

Ajay spoke as soon he entered inside Veer's farm house, which was the main  meeting place of their gang.

"What have I done...? You said they are not leaving the colony, so I made them leave it... "
Rahul shrugged his shoulders as it wasn't big deal for him to do something like this. But now why this Ajay is making it a big  deal.

"You threatened the whole colony openly Rahul.... Do you think what if they'll  open their mouth in front of police...?"

Ajay spoke worriedly as this matter was going out of their hand.

"Do you really think someone will open his mouth in front of me? You're warring for nothing... "

" Do you forget that old man already did complaint against us, if court will get to know... "

But Rahul cut him in middle with his chuckle.

"You're thinking it's funny Rahul.... I'm serious. "

Ajay spoke while making a serious face as he didn't find anything funny in their talk.

"I know... As I'm also. That's why I did it. We can't let our reputation down in front of that middle class people. So I let my men do this work. They will handle them very well and tomorrow we'll get whole colony on our name. "

"And what about that old man...? He has stolen our flats papers! What if he sale them... "

Ajay spoke worriedly as they were hiding the whole matter to Veer but now he didn't know till when he can hid it as the whole matter was going out of their hand.

"Atleast we should discuss this matter to Veer Rahul....?"

But Rahul didn't like his idea. He already made Veer's head down in this project, now he wants to deal it himself and he's ready to do anything for it.

"You don't worry if anything goes wrong. I'll take responsibility and about that old man... My men already have  started searching for him. "

Ajay nodded as he didn't want to interrupt Rahul in his matter.

Although they are friends and give eachother advice when it need, but still they didn't interfere in each other's  matter as they know, they are enough capable to handle any problem.

After discussing some matter, they went to bar and started drinking to give themselves a break to their work.

But God didn't want to give them any peace because soon their peace was broken by a phone call.

"Yes... "

Ajay answered while taking a sip of his drink but soon he stood up from his place as he got big shock of his life.

"What....? Yes, I'm coming "

Ajay answered in hurry and cut the call. Then he informed Rahul.

"We have to go to police station. There is a  death body, which they got and they thought... It is Mr Sinha's... Body. "
Now Rahul was in more shock than him ad he knows how much this matter would be serious if it would be true as they will be the first person who  would be suspect in Mr Sonja's murder case.

"We should hurry... "

Rahul cut by Ajay.

"Not only us but Veer also  they went our statement, so they can find the culprit. "

Ajay's words took his breath away as he went to end this matter himself but now they have to drag Very into this mess as well with them.

He took a deep breath before nodding and dialed Veer's number. Which he picked in two rings.

"Veer... We need to meet... "

Veer could feel seriousness in Rahul tone, so he didn't ask further questions and asked directly.

" Where.... "

Veer asked directly, made Rahul relief as he didn't ask to him any question, whom answer he didn't know himself.

"In police station.... "

Rahul spoke and then told him address. Veer nodded and went there to find answer of his question without wasting any minute.


Sorry for boring update but soon I'm planning to make a interesting one update.... Till then keep voting.

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