Chapter 1

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I stared out the window of our old Ford, watching the clouds roll by while we drove to the new house. I am Allison Davis, the youngest daughter of my three older siblings. I have my oldest brother, Michael, who is 19. Kristina is 19, too. Her and Michael are twins. They've both got blond, wavy hair. Next is my other brother Logan, he's 17. Logan has jet black hair like my dad. He looks just like him too. Then there's me. I'm 14 years old, the baby of the family. I have straight black hair, and it falls down to my shoulders. I listened to the twins argue about something, while mom and dad tried to shut them up. "You should've stopped at two kids!" Michael yelled. Kristina slapped him, grabbing her brother by his shirt collar and hitting his head on the window. "No need to be violent!!" Dad yelled. He made Logan break them up. I pulled the hood on my jacket closer to my face, looking out the window again. Mom looked back at me, "Allison, sweetheart. You need to be more social. Where we're going there's not a lot of people and you need to make friends while you can." I rolled my eyes, "Id be more social if I wasn't an outcast in my own family, to make that obvious." Logan slugged my shoulder. I winced, grabbing where he hit me and glaring at him. I was always quick to tears, and I felt them fall. Michael and Kristina laughed, congratulating Logan. I wiped my tears, looking back out the window where I saw a sign that said "Welcome to Tulsa!" Dad said something happily, and I ignored him.
When we reached our new house, I studied it quietly. It was a two story house, with a small front porch and a nice, fenced in yard. It was a bit run down, but livable. Dad and mom got the older kids to start unpacking, while she sent Logan and I to walk around. I was considerably tall compared to other people, but Logan was about 5 inches taller than me. He stood at 6'2'' (or whatever) and I was at 5'9''. I felt short compared to all my siblings, since Michael and Kristina were both 6'1''.
We walked towards the part of our neighborhood that didn't seem so busy. A small white house on the corner was really loud, you could hear boys yelling from across the street. One in a short jean jacket and a grey tank top ran out, doing a flip off the porch. A broad shouldered man followed him, doing a handstand on the fence and landing across it. The other boys were yelling happily. Logan walked over, leaving me on the street corner. "Cmon Allie!" He yelled after a few minutes. I walked over, looking at the seven boys. Me being observant, I began to study the boys individually. One of them had tan skin and black hair. He was kind of set back from the others, and had a scared look on his face. I smiled at him when he caught my gaze, but he just looked away with wide eyes. Typical. I wasn't exactly pretty. I had a roundish face, big brown eyes, and a small nose. I had freckles, but they looked off against the rest of my face. Anyways, I looked at the rest of the group. There was a set of three brothers, the oldest being the young man who did the handstand. His name was Darry. His younger brother was a looker. He was 17, and worked at the local gas station. His name was Sodapop. Logan thought it was odd, but it was unique to me. Then there was the youngest brother. He was smart, and very quiet. He ran track at the school, and had skipped a grade because he was smart enough. His name was Ponyboy. I personally thought he would make a great friend. Then there was Dallas. He looked like an elf to me. He had brown hair and brown eyes, like my mother. He was cold, and didn't smile. No wonder the tan kid, Johnny, distanced himself. Then there was Steve. He was.. Steve. He wasn't very smart, but he was street smart. He worked at the gas station with Sodapop. Finally, there was Two-bit. He was the wise cracker. He made a joke to Logan, earning a hard smack to the back of the head from Steve. We talked for a little bit longer before Michael and Kristina walked by. They all went off somewhere, leaving Ponyboy, Johnny, and I alone on the street corner. Pony smiled at me, and I could feel my heart melt. I always caught feelings for someone fast, the exact opposite of my siblings. Johnny opened his mouth to speak when Pony stopped him. "I'm Ponyboy Curtis, if you didn't already know. This is Johnny Cade. You are?"
His voice killed me. It was soft, yet sort of demanding at the same time. He looked me dead in the eyes when I didn't reply instantly. "Uhh.. I'm Allison. Allison Davis. Logan, Michael, and Kristina are my older siblings. We just moved here."
The two boys smirked. "We know already. You wouldn't have since you were admiring Ponyboy." Johnny began to laugh quietly. I felt my cheeks get red. Ponyboy smiled widely, playfully punching Johnny's shoulder. I grinned half heartedly, crossing my arms. "I'm very observant, Johnny. I can look at someone for a few minutes and find a personality, characteristics, and attitude towards others. Just by first impression." Johnny narrowed his eyes. "So you're sayin that just by looking at me and Ponyboy, you could tell all that about us?" I nodded, now it was my turn to grin. "Let's take her down to the park, she'll need to know all the main hangouts."
We walked to the park where my siblings and the rest of the gang were. Steve was wrestling with Michael, Kristina was flirting with Dallas, Soda was talking quietly with Logan, and Two-bit was laying on the ground. Johnny walked over to the bench, sitting down. He looked up at the sky, closing his eyes. I sat down, and Ponyboy took his seat on the other side of me. We were on the ground, but it wasn't that bad. I glanced over at Ponyboy, smiling to myself. His greenish grey eyes were sparkling, and they looked like the ocean. The ocean is blue most of the time, but when you catch it looking green, it's perfect. That's what I thought about Ponyboy. He was perfect in every way. We both loved sunsets, we were both smart, we loved to run, and we both were kind of shy. We were also the youngest in our families. I leaned against an old oak tree, looking at the sunset. Ponyboy smiled warmly, leaning back as well and watching along with me. We sat in silence while the rest of his gang were laughing and talking. I looked over at him, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He grinned, looking back at the sunset. There wasn't much to describe, it looked like any other sunset I'd seen before. Gold, red, pink, and a bit of blue were streaked around the sun. The oak trees in front of the sky, from our view, made it look perfect. It was perfect since I actually had someone to watch them with.
We sat in silence until the sky grew dark. I started to hum my favorite song, closing my eyes.
"You only know you love her when you let her go... And you let her go." I murmured, not realizing at the time I was actually singing. Kristina started laughing, which made me realize what I was doing. Michael joined in on laughing at me, while Logan slapped them both. I looked over at Ponyboy, seeing his wide eyes. I felt hot tears fall down my cheeks, so I got up and ran. I ran towards the road, crossing it quickly and making my way towards my house. I heard Ponyboy following me, but I didn't care. Kristina and Michael had taken it too far this time. I threw open our screen door, but something stopped my hand. I turned around seeing Ponyboy standing on my porch. "Allison, don't listen to them.." He said quietly. "You have a beautiful voice, don't let them laughing get to you. Kristina is a bully anyway, I can tell. Be strong." He smiled, grabbing my hand. I threw my arms around him, and he put his arms around my waist. We stood there in silence until he pulled back, wiping the tears from my eyes. I laughed quietly, putting my head on his shoulder. "I'll be right down the road if you need me," Ponyboy whispered, kissing my forehead and walking away.
He just.. Kissed my forehead. We just met. I felt my heart jump. Walking into the quiet house, I found my supposed room and sat down against the wall, grinning widely.

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