Chapter 43: Internet

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My internet is being super glitchy right now. It was off, then it turned on for 5 minutes and now it's off again. I don't understand, because the router says it's on, and I tried turning it off and then back on. This makes me want to throw my iPod at a wall! I did everything I could, so know what am I supposed to do?! And this is already our like third router in less than five years. GRRRRRRRRR!!!! _HufflepuffPride_ sorry if I don't get on our story, I have evil internet.

Edit: it just turned back on again, I hope it lasts!

Edit: Well it lasted an hour and then turned back off. (Obviously now it's back on because your seeing this edit)

Edit: (this is the next day btw) So now my internet has decided it will only work of the tv is on. What does it think it's doing?!

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