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Here's our dear Lostface that to be honest I didn't really like her as a character. First she goes with Swiftpaw that idiot to go fight a dog JUST BECAUSE SWIFTPAW DID IT which totally means it's a good idea! The reason why I didn't really like her to much is mostly that being a follower of a idiot, and she just didn't add much as a whole. Yeah she was there from time to time cool and yeah she did help the clans fight in caves but why does ThunderClan have all the cats either missing an eye, blind or deaf? Seriously I haven't heard of any other apprentices or kits having their life ruined by that. And no I'm not counting warriors, elders, queens, leaders, and deputies, just apprentices and kits (okay besides Crookedstar). Maybe it connects to my StarClan favoring theory which I may make a theory book eventually but not now. Also I felt like she was just kinda I don't know dull? It's hard to explain but I didn't like her to much just too of something that's hard to explain. Anyway comment down below the next cat I should do!

Okay here's a bonus for the chapter I am going to list the clans I have the most to the clans I hate the least and why that clan deserved that spot on my list.

1) StarClan
Okay so StarClan really did screw up a lot of cats lives and they didn't exactly help anyone, just said 'Hey here's a prophecy go figure it out!' And just sit back and watch

2) ShadowClan
Now you may be thinking 'BUT DUSKY!!! YOU SAID THAT HATING THEM IS WRONG' no no I didn't. I hate them for a totally different reason then most I hate them because EVERY CAT THERE IS SUCH AN ANNOYING STUPID PRICK RUINED THE BOOKS. Like for example, Nettlepaw, Dawnpelt, Tigerheart, Flametail, gender changing leader, and the list goes on.

3) SkyClan
Now ThunderClan was promoted to number 4 on this list because I felt like this clan was irrelevant, even if Firestar hadn't gone to find them things would have been the same! No difference what so ever! And in the end the Hunters decided to just trash them entirely and make them disband again! And their books (not mangas) were horrible!

4) ThunderClan
Well starting off its the main clan! Full of kittypets, rouges, loners, idiots (not as many as ShadowClan thank gosh) and three medicine cats! Seriously three! Like I don't blame the other clans for calling ThunderClan weak, their not like they used to be, almost no outsiders but NOOO Firestar had to ruin that and make ThunderClan unbearable.

5) BloodClan
Okay I didn't like this clan to much, I mean how did all those cats see through that kit?! I thought they were smarter then that. Also Scourge and his group were thriving just fine in the city why come to the clans and meet the cat who hurt him just to kill him? It would have been better if they stayed allies but whatever.

6) RiverClan
RiverClan just has so much incest in it! It's practically the fandom's favorite clan as a whole, now I personally love RiverClan don't get me wrong but the constant battle over a pile of stupid rocks was ridicules. Also MOST forbidden loves have to do with RiverClan.

7) WindClan
So I love WindClan personally but they have their faults to. Now I'm not going to rant about how 'Onestar ruined it' because he didn't! He made his clan stronger again and brought them back to the top doing what was best for it. Now Tallstar on the other hand was just way to nice seriously and overreactive in her super edition. Then we have Heatherstar, I know her species was a new one and it actually exist but still just no, don't say she's pink use a different color.


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